If you could eliminate anyone associated with our program...

Not that clever. The Cord is just one of 3-4 favorite cars. Along with the Cobra, the Nash Metropolitan, and the Morgan. When the word popped up, it was like dinner time around my parent's table: if you thought of something silly, you said it.
You're not giving yourself enough credit. It was well done.
I doubt more than 2-3 even got it. Again [thumb2]
Am I the only one who thinks the OP's question is well, not nice? I mean, as much as I love to call him Benerick, he still deserves the banner at UK because he did save our program in the 90s and that can never be taken away. And other than him, to the best of our knowledge, I don't know of anyone associated with UK who has in anyway flagrantly disgraced our program in such a way that we really need to shun them. My motto is, once a Cat, always a Cat.
Who would you choose?
My answer is clear...Dave "Radar" Baker.
If there is a know-nothing, know-it-all, worse than him then I don't want to know about them. He literally makes me physically perspire with anger when he speaks. Ive not seen anyone who is worse at their job and keep it for an extended time. Very, very condescending and dorky. A terrible combination that deserves a good smack to the head, if you could get by the slabs of beef hanging from the spots where normal people have ears.

His statement that nobody on this team could start on the 2012 team is wrong (as usual) and his faulty illogical (as usual) reasoning is that Teague has a championship!!! No sh1t, dumbass. So does that also mean Wall couldn't start over Teague. What about Knight and Rondo? He's such an idiot, and the worst kind of that thinks he's right and everyone that thinks otherwise is below him.

So there's that.
Tie for me ...Jerry Tipton and Oscar "can't renovate CWS stadium because in 10 yrs it îs going to have to be torn down" Combs...time to ride into the sunset together
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Bake is like Vitale, he gets worse every year. I would much rather have Matt Jones! I don't hate Dave just tired of how his condescending attitude towards fans seems to get more prominent every year! But if I had to pick one to go it would be J.T.
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How is it not Michael Porter?????????????????????????????????????????????????

This is the right answer followed by Davender and Miller for conning fans

And let me get this straight: there are some that would still choose Teague over Ullis. Are you crazy? If Ullis averages 7 assists now, imagine him on 2012
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This is the right answer followed by Davender and Miller for conning fans

And let me get this straight: there are some that would still choose Teague over Ullis. Are you crazy? If Ullis averages 7 assists now, imagine him on 2012
Well Teague has a Ring! What else is there? Jk
I am going with Bromley. Something about his voice and cadence that I can't take. Nice guy otherwise.


I would love to hear Bromley do a game with Bill Walton.
Am I the only one who thinks the OP's question is well, not nice? I mean, as much as I love to call him Benerick, he still deserves the banner at UK because he did save our program in the 90s and that can never be taken away. And other than him, to the best of our knowledge, I don't know of anyone associated with UK who has in anyway flagrantly disgraced our program in such a way that we really need to shun them. My motto is, once a Cat, always a Cat.
I could disagree more with this if I called find anything in it I agree with.
Skipping three pages of posts here, but I have to agree with the OP. Not saying I hate him as much, but I don't listen to the TRCD to tip off show when he does it. I really can't stand him either. If I don't hear Matt with Oscar I turn it off.
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Richie Farmer for stealing from the people of Kentucky

Tipton is obvious, but I don't consider him associated with UK like Leach, Pratt, Baker, Jones and Combs. He's paid by a company to write about them.
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Zipp!! Even though he does give us more attention than anyone else, his delusional world is becoming a bit much.

But on a serious note probably Jerry, he has so much hate in his heart it could be better served else where. Like reporting on ISIS
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The place for any such nonsense or response from a "supposed" UK fan.:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
I see you follow the same logic as he does. Im a ""supposed" UK fan" because Dave Baker is the most annoying person associated with UK basketball in my opinion. That's a strong line of reasoning you've got there! Lol