If you could change the outcome of one UK loss what game would it be

The obvious answer is Georgetown’84. However, many current fans have proven they lack the mental fortitude to deal with a loss like ‘15 Whisky. Given that, I guess you’d reverse ‘15. One of the most heart breaking was ‘14. That was a gutsy crew that finally learned team basketball.
Winston Bennett, is that you?
2015. Nothing else is close. That broke some of our fans. That wound will never heal unless we go 40-0.
It’s this 1000%
first off winning the title in 97 doesn’t mean you win in 98. Totally changes the dynamics in f the 98 team and 3 praying probably would have been nearly impossible. People on here think 97 means we still win in 98 which is nit true. And winning that Wisconsin game also doesn’t give us the title in 15 but it does give us the chance to go 40-0 with one more win(which I think we get) and go down as one of the top 5 teams ever no argument from any media person, fan base, or anyone. That one hurt bad. Had a chance at immorality
There is only one logical answer. Change one game -1975 Finals - and Kentucky is one season from tying the only significant achievement held by another program, and increasing the gap between U.K. and any other program as the greatest in history.

But logic isn’t everything. My father would say 1966. My son 2015. Hell, the Elite Eight loss in 2017 wouldn’t be a terrible answer. That likely cost the Cats a title and gave one to the worst cheaters in the sport.
1992 is close but not the same impact as 2015. Different point of view about life after that one. 1984 is up there too
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It’s this 1000%
first off winning the title in 97 doesn’t mean you win in 98. Totally changes the dynamics in f the 98 team and 3 praying probably would have been nearly impossible. People on here think 97 means we still win in 98 which is nit true. And winning that Wisconsin game also doesn’t give us the title in 15 but it does give us the chance to go 40-0 with one more win(which I think we get) and go down as one of the top 5 teams ever no argument from any media person, fan base, or anyone. That one hurt bad. Had a chance at immorality
The question was which ONE game would you change. How do you change the next year’s result by simply changing one random game? You’d have to use that fallacy in every game you select and change results of following games and/or seasons.

I could say, if we win that game in ‘97 Pitino doesn’t leave ‘98 and we win five more titles in a row and take over UCLA’s historic run and we have the most titles in history. See how that sounds lmfao.
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2014 title game. That run to the title was the funnest stretch of games I've watched. Would've been amazing to cap it off with #9.
I wonder about this one. Cal wins, he’s probably gone. That’s two titles in 5 years, he’d be a legend. We’d probably get the hottest coach at the time. We might be better off.

that being said I’m very happy with the off-season adjustments this year
March the 14th 1970 in Columbus Ohio UK was playing Jacksonville in the elite 8. I was a sophomore in high school at Millersburg Military Institute in Millersburg just a few miles from Lexington. Dan Issel was the best ball player I had ever seen. He could score from anywhere or on anybody. Issel was a senior playing for a chance to go to the final four. This was his last chance to make a final four in his career at UK. I really wanted that win for Issel as much as i did for Uk. I was crushed when they lost. Issel scored 28 and had 10 rebounds when he fouled out with 10 minutes left in the game. Jacksonville had a really tall team starting 2 seven foot tall players. Three other UK players also fouled out in the game, they just has a difficult time guarding Gilmore and a guard they had (I can't remember his name but he scored a lot of points). Tom Parker kept the cats in the game but they lost 106 to 100. That team was ranked number one most of the season and were reall fun to watch. They scored 100 points or more in half of their games. Issel was just a warrior in his career at UK. If I could change the outcome and give UK and Issel that win I would. Just wondered what game loss really bothered you.
Duke game hands down
What about the 75 final game. Could have taken one away from UCLA and added one to our total.
My 1st choice also. Individual years are great, but all-time victories and championships are more valuable to me. To win ANY championship game we lost (e.g. vs Texas Western, vs Connecticut, vs. Arizona, etc) would be another banner in the rafters but ONLY the 75 game adds one AND subtracts one from UCLA.
Or that much easier. Law of Averages isn’t real but the advantage of winning tournament experience is real.

(I’ll give you there would be more pressure to handle too)

You are talking to a Statistician about Law of Averages)
If you change one thing, it can change a lot more things after that. Maybe even Pitino doesn’t leave, who knows!
Yes there would have been a whole lot more pressure.
We made it to the final game, how does 1 Nazi made FT give us significantly more winning tournament experience (we had still won 11 of our last 12 tournament games). No!
We nearly lost to Notre Dame before the Wisconsin game.

It's entirely possible we could have lost to Duke, who was also a good team that year.

The pressure of going undefeated would have been enormous.

We matched up very well with Duke. Wisc would have beat us 2 maybe 3 times out of 10 we played them. Duke more like 1 out of 10. So yeah they could have, but probably wouldn’t have.
Even with the wisky win. It doesn’t guarantee us a title.
The easy picks are 97 Arizona and 14 UConn.
that’s two championships added to us
There is only one answer...2015 FF loss to Wisconsin. Zero doubt they go on to win the National Title in the CC game. 40-0 still hurts.
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92' Duke would be my first choice.

97' Zona game would be choice 1A

-The "Wat Shot" vs. IU would be 1B.

The biggest thing that program did in 35 years was beat a bunch of young pups on their home court in a meaningless game the year we won a championship and that's all I hear about is the "Wat Shot". Its funny, and I feel sorry for them, but unbelievably annoying. :)
You are talking to a Statistician about Law of Averages)
If you change one thing, it can change a lot more things after that. Maybe even Pitino doesn’t leave, who knows!
Yes there would have been a whole lot more pressure.
We made it to the final game, how does 1 Nazi made FT give us significantly more winning tournament experience (we had still won 11 of our last 12 tournament games). No!
So I’m glad you know Law of Averages isn’t a thing. The made FT settles nerves the next season and builds into the returners’ minds the idea they’ve already been a part of what it takes to win this whole thing. Maybe the coach is feeling threepeat is gonna be harder than repeat but the players are feeling “winning it all is what we do here—now it’s my turn.”
92 UK-Duke.

We’d be on the *winning* side of the greatest game ever played. Probably have another title. Mash would probably have a title. The Unforgettables would probably have a title. Cawood probably would have retired calling a Cats title. Never would have had to watch that shot replayed even once.
And Duke would have 4 instead of 5.
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The obvious answer is Georgetown’84. However, many current fans have proven they lack the mental fortitude to deal with a loss like ‘15 Whisky. Given that, I guess you’d reverse ‘15. One of the most heart breaking was ‘14. That was a gutsy crew that finally learned team basketball.
Just because that’s your choice does not make it the “obvious answer.” Your wording there yet again displays the obnoxiousness that’s made you notorious on this board.

And 84 would not be my choice. Frankly, I think that team gets a bit overrated in our lore. They started out looking incredible, but increasingly struggled as the season went along. Truthfully, they were damn lucky to escape Illinois in the Elite 8 on our own Rupp Arena home floor, and then completely collapsed the next game against Georgetown. I’d flip 75, 97, 2015 and perhaps others before 84.
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2015 Wisconsin broke our hearts.
2017 UNC made us angry.
1997 would have been awesome.

Crazy that ONE particular ref was on the whistle in both 2015 and 2017, and another with the same last name (no relation) called 1997. ALL games had their controversies.

Oh! What might have been... Go ‘Cats!
Definitely. I was at the 1997 game so I’d change that one.
I will make a caveat to my own answer. Psychologically, the 2015 Wisconsin game has left a scar on this fanbase that is different from all the other games. And I understand that, we lost a chance at history AND a national championship that we all believe we should have had. And I think that scar is sometimes distorting the way that we view everything else that goes on with the program. We just can’t move on from this one the way we move on from other losses. And until we get another banner, we probably never will.
2015 Wisconsin broke our hearts.
2017 UNC made us angry.
1997 would have been awesome.

Crazy that ONE particular ref was on the whistle in both 2015 and 2017, and another with the same last name (no relation) called 1997. ALL games had their controversies.

Oh! What might have been... Go ‘Cats!

Am I wrong, or wasn’t he the ref in 14 too?