If money were no object ...

Maybe a helicopter to get to a secluded off the grid home that's not easily accessible by land.
NetJets membership
Floor seats to Rupp and best seats at CWS
Multiple golf memberships around the country
Huge donation to Humane Society and other animal shelters and ear mark it to facilities so they can expand, I don't want the Executive Director taking my money and pocketing a lot for themselves.
A friend of mine, who started a VC company with his former boss at Monomoy recently bought this: A Cessna Citation Longitude. To be fair, it's not a fractional ownership, he owns it outright, BUT he formed an aviation provider corporation, to charter it when he's not using it.

I've not had the privilege of flying on it yet, but my wife has. His wife (my wife went to HS with her) flew my wife and 4 other friends to New England, for my wife's birthday last Summer on it.

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1000 pounds of the most potent weed available
Largest TV with the best picture available
Best recliner on the market
Best grill on the market
Large deep freezer
Several butchered whole hogs and cows

I’d never leave.
Grow your own if you are in an area that can. Get a weber kettle or weber smokey mountain. Doesn't get any better unless you want gas. Go to a butcher shop and purchase some cows and pigs for meat. Messing with you but you don't need all the money in the world for those things.
As for MY answer: A modest house, on a private beach, with consistent waves (2 to 4 footers. I'm way too old at this point to go bigger than that) , in a warm climate, high end reefer, and a vast array of custom shaped longboards.

I told my wife that she is MORE than welcome to drop in anytime.*

*(with sufficient/24 hours notice)
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Huge donation to Humane Society and other animal shelters and ear mark it to facilities so they can expand, I don't want the Executive Director taking my money and pocketing a lot for themselves.
Good answer! I donate annually to an animal shelter, Rescue Ranch and would definitely donate huge sums of money directed towards animal care if money were no object.
If money was no object, a plane. Or be in one of those rent a private jet for anywhere anytime.
I want more free time, so I would hire people.

First I would hire a cook, someone that goes to the grocery, prepares and cooks all of our meals and cleans up afterwards.. They would also do laundry and clean the house. So probably a fulltime maid
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I’d hire the actress who played Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones and parade her naked through my town as we all chucked shit at her chanting, “Shame!!!”.

I think it would be a good Lenten experience.
A Beach condo in Cozumel , north side . I'd build a huge hospital /orphanage / school in Uganda . I'd travel Europe and if they ever stabilize ( fat chance) go see the Holy Land / Jerusalem and surrounding areas . I'd bring my friend and his family to the US from extreme poverty . I'd buy a few fish camps spread across Canada . I'd guy a few congressmen and senators , their cheap . Maybe a president .
I would purchase a NASCAR Charter(s),hire the best crew in the pits and back in the engine shop that money can buy.
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