If Cal shows up tonight for his radio show, will they even take calls or just let Cal give a monologue ?

Uncle Adolph

Aug 9, 2019
I'm guessing if they take calls they will be heavily screened with somebody with a finger on the Kill button.
And do you think Tom will ask any tough awkward questions ? Cawood Ledford would have.
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Oh, the dude from Henderson will be the first one on.
They will give him a whole segment to slurp on Cal.
Read that he would be on the show tonight. I suspect we will hear the same thing we have always heard. So nothing new.
We are going to hear the same pity party just like every year. IF there are any calls, they will be scripted. Don't expect any real substance. Cal is just going to regurgitate his regular BS and try to make everyone feel sorry for the team this year. Next, he will switch over to the classic "Blame me, not the players" crap that he has done for years now. Its his way of making him FEEL like he is taking accountability without doing anything about it. I for one will not be listening in. He needs to get the H*** out.
Smh. We've reached the part of the year where Cal pretends like he cares and pretends like he is trying to hard for a couple days to trick Mitch and the Cal-apologist morons into thinking he's "changed." Then back to lazy ass status quo for another 363 days.
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I'm guessing if they take calls they will be heavily screened with somebody with a finger on the Kill button.
And do you think Tom will ask any tough awkward questions ? Cawood Ledford would have.
Wait and see. Save yourself the stress of guessing.
"You can't believe anything he says."

Really? Why listen?

"The endorphin rush of getting really angry"

[Just joking. Nobody would ever admit that.]