I'd almost forgotten about Daimion Collins

That would be nice, he’s the type of kid Cal never speaks about because he’s not a green room guy and wasn’t a major player during any of his teams of guys that stayed.

He had that one stretch of games in the Bahamas where he looked like a world beater. Kid dunked on everybody. That was it. Such a weird career even accounting for what he went through.
He had that one stretch of games in the Bahamas where he looked like a world beater. Kid dunked on everybody. That was it. Such a weird career even accounting for what he went through.
I know, it shows how much those games didn’t mean. We looked like world beaters on all those trips. Granted last year we were world beaters on offense but Cal’s inept coaching combined with him forgetting to teach defense at all resulted in the worst result possible with that group.
Hope he has a breakout season, except when playing us. He's had a rough time recently and I wish him the best.
Hope he does well, when not playing vs UK.

But honestly, he's too fragile and likely still too weak.

This. I never saw anyone so slightly built. Really skinny with the most narrow shoulders i ever saw, which means he cant really gain weight.

I don't see how he possibly makes it.
Who was it that posted on Rupp Rafters that Collins had the potential to be the next Ralph Sampson? 4.3 and 2.2…
Happy The Simpsons GIF

He's still waiting on his promised letter to the NBA.
I wish him well. Kid has had a rough go with it. Losing your dad that got you into the sport and then add onto that at young age (when you need your parents for advice and guidance) and adding on the pressures of the game/college? Sucks. Asking a lot of someone that young. Granted, you still have to step up and keep moving, but that's hard stuff man. We saw what happened to WCS when he lost some friends and his mom and he was a NBA pro with money and experience. Sometimes, life just kicks you in the stomach and it can take time to recover mentally and spiritually.

I hope he has a good year.
I wish him well. Kid has had a rough go with it. Losing your dad that got you into the sport and then add onto that at young age (when you need your parents for advice and guidance) and adding on the pressures of the game/college? Sucks. Asking a lot of someone that young. Granted, you still have to step up and keep moving, but that's hard stuff man. We saw what happened to WCS when he lost some friends and his mom and he was a NBA pro with money and experience. Sometimes, life just kicks you in the stomach and it can take time to recover mentally and spiritually.

I hope he has a good year.
I'm definitely a fan of his and rooting for him. I know losing my father the day after Kobe passed has unraveled a lot of my family. It's hard stuff to deal with when you're 14, 22 and 24 to lose your father. Then him and my mom were together since she was 14, so it's hit her hard as well. I don't wish it on my worst enemy.
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Wish him the best. He honestly should have redshirted the year his dad died. That's way too hard on a kid, which his weight loss shows.

He's uber athletic, but needs more muscle and post skills. I wish the kid the best.
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