I went to the Caitlin Clark show today


Jan 26, 2007
Washington metro
She’s a legitimately good basketball player.

I watched two games and no one on any of the 4 teams was anywhere close to her talent level.

She had 16 assists. She is a great passer. Assists require someone else to make the basket. The fact that she did that 16 times is impressive given how many layups women’s college basketball players tend to miss.

Something else: there are a lot of big, slow women with D1 scholarships. No wonder so many men have decided to pretend they are women.
She’s a legitimately good basketball player.

I watched two games and no one on any of the 4 teams was anywhere close to her talent level.

She had 16 assists. She is a great passer. Assists require someone else to make the basket. The fact that she did that 16 times is impressive given how many layups women’s college basketball players tend to miss.

Something else: there are a lot of big, slow women with D1 scholarships. No wonder so many men have decided to pretend they are women.
I wonder when it will happen in basketball and how it will be handled.
Her ball skills indeed do look dazzling …especially comparative to her competition. But I can’t help but wonder if they would still look so with a normal sized basketball.
Her ball skills indeed do look dazzling …especially comparative to her competition. But I can’t help but wonder if they would still look so with a normal sized basketball.

Excellent question about the ball.

I’ve been coaching girls for years and it definitely makes a difference for me when I pick up a full-sized ball. It feels like going from a balloon to a bowling ball.
Is there anywhere someone can get away from these trans obsessed goofs? Dude goes to multiple women’s games where zero trans people are participating, so why wouldn’t that make him happy if it’s apparently such a big issue? Nope, he still has to shoehorn it into a topic that isn’t relevant. What a moron.
Excellent question about the ball.

I’ve been coaching girls for years and it definitely makes a difference for me when I pick up a full-sized ball. It feels like going from a balloon to a bowling ball.

I've watched some of the women's tournament and even noticed that the ball seems to even bounce differently. Being smaller I would think scoring is a bit easier. But, I really don't know. Has there ever been any research on how the size of the ball affects the game??
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She’s a legitimately good basketball player.

I watched two games and no one on any of the 4 teams was anywhere close to her talent level.

She had 16 assists. She is a great passer. Assists require someone else to make the basket. The fact that she did that 16 times is impressive given how many layups women’s college basketball players tend to miss.

Something else: there are a lot of big, slow women with D1 scholarships. No wonder so many men have decided to pretend they are women.
For every Clark there are a dozen Mark Bryants in the women’s game.
I've watched some of the women's tournament and even noticed that the ball seems to even bounce differently. Being smaller I would think scoring is a bit easier. But, I really don't know. Has there ever been any research on how the size of the ball affects the game??

I don’t know about any actual research.

But, all the court dimensions are the same - only the ball is different. At a minimum, it’s easier to put the smaller ball through the rim.
I'm just glad she's having success because the women's game does need someone like her to step up and own the game every few years. It's a cool story and it's not a bad thing if the women's game gets a little attention as well.

Something else: if the topic is Clark and how good she is, I do find it odd to sneakily slide in a jab at trans people as well. That was something that was clearly on the OP's mind as he was creating a topic about Clark but whatever. Just odd is all. And also because of that, you've got posters in this thread (about Clark) wanting to argue with each other about trans athletes, which has nothing to do with Clark and her talents. Go figure.
I don’t give a shoot about ball size, lol. But that Girl can play ! lol I hate to say today was the first game I’ve ever watched her play, and damn. She has great vision and is just head and shoulders above everyone on the court. Most girls games are missing wide open layups all game long and turnovers and bad hard to watch basketball, but man she was fun to watch play the game if only once. Would’ve loved having someone like her at Kentucky. Caught some of the USC Baylor game as well and JuJu Watkins is pretty smooth too. Too bad we were soo close to getting that kid but Elzy flat out flopped with her.
She’s a legitimately good basketball player.

I watched two games and no one on any of the 4 teams was anywhere close to her talent level.

She had 16 assists. She is a great passer. Assists require someone else to make the basket. The fact that she did that 16 times is impressive given how many layups women’s college basketball players tend to miss.

Something else: there are a lot of big, slow women with D1 scholarships. No wonder so many men have decided to pretend they are women.
They grow boobs to play college basketball? How many are we talking here?
Excellent question about the ball.

I’ve been coaching girls for years and it definitely makes a difference for me when I pick up a full-sized ball. It feels like going from a balloon to a bowling ball.
Fwiw, I used to LOVE playing with the women’s basketball on the occasions we used it back in my pickup days. Just that seemingly small difference in size and weight seemed to make SUCH a difference in how well I could grip, control and shoot the ball.

I don’t mind that women use a different ball …although it does seem a bit odd that basketball is the ONLY sport that does that. But it does sorta gnaw at ne that whenever you now see media people comparing men’s and women’s shooting none of them ever bother to mention that they’re using different balls.
I know for a fact it’s easier to dunk a Womens basketball, lol
It’s easier to to do virtually anything with a women’s ball …control it, palm it, grip it, dunk it, shoot it …whatever.

That’s the whole reason they created a separate women’s ball. It was too hard for women to play the way the fans wanted to see the game played with a standard basketball. So they created a new ball that would make the women’s game look more like the men’s game.
She’s a legitimately good basketball player.

I watched two games and no one on any of the 4 teams was anywhere close to her talent level.

She had 16 assists. She is a great passer. Assists require someone else to make the basket. The fact that she did that 16 times is impressive given how many layups women’s college basketball players tend to miss.

Something else: there are a lot of big, slow women with D1 scholarships. No wonder so many men have decided to pretend they are women.
Johnson for LSU Is pretty dang good.
Fwiw, I used to LOVE playing with the women’s basketball on the occasions we used it back in my pickup days. Just that seemingly small difference in size and weight seemed to make SUCH a difference in how well I could grip, control and shoot the ball.

I don’t mind that women use a different ball …although it does seem a bit odd that basketball is the ONLY sport that does that. But it does sorta gnaw at ne that whenever you now see media people comparing men’s and women’s shooting none of them ever bother to mention that they’re using different balls.
In defense of the women, their hands are smaller, so a smaller ball is IK with me. That is an advantage though with a normal rim.
Fwiw, I used to LOVE playing with the women’s basketball on the occasions we used it back in my pickup days. Just that seemingly small difference in size and weight seemed to make SUCH a difference in how well I could grip, control and shoot the ball.

I don’t mind that women use a different ball …although it does seem a bit odd that basketball is the ONLY sport that does that. But it does sorta gnaw at ne that whenever you now see media people comparing men’s and women’s shooting none of them ever bother to mention that they’re using different balls.
Actually grade school boys play with that same ball so its more than just a "girls" ball.
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Fwiw, I used to LOVE playing with the women’s basketball on the occasions we used it back in my pickup days. Just that seemingly small difference in size and weight seemed to make SUCH a difference in how well I could grip, control and shoot the ball.

I don’t mind that women use a different ball …although it does seem a bit odd that basketball is the ONLY sport that does that. But it does sorta gnaw at ne that whenever you now see media people comparing men’s and women’s shooting none of them ever bother to mention that they’re using different balls.
They use a smaller ball but they have smaller hands. It’s pretty relative and the ball is literally about 1 inch in diameter smaller. What other sport do women use the same ball? They don’t play football, they don’t play baseball, in fact they play softball which is a different ball as men don’t have college softball teams.
It's been booming for Albany. ticket prices got into the thousands and those weren't even for the best seats. Glad to see it.

The women's game has certainly seen an uptick recently. I still just can't get into that level of basketball, which to me, is actually a lesser level than watching mens HS games. It's just too clunky for me. I hope they find success, doesn't bother me. But I do wish they'd stop trying to tie the thing to the mens game. Just let women's basketball be women's basketball.

But there's no doubt it's been growing a ton, and I think a big difference is the great players sticking around for 4 years. When you tune into the womens game, it's likely to see some of the familar faces like Clarke, Reese, Von Lith, and others. And then you got some great players on the rise, who you will get to watch for several more years, like JuJu Watkins.

I do wonder though.. what happens when CC (and Reese) leaves the game? How big of a hit does it take?
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Idk. I’d say a man in good shape who has as much experience playing ball as Clark would do well against her. We had lots of high level D-I girls come to open runs with us in NY. It was always the same result. The guy guarding her was half-hearted and let the girls get of shots, which many girls can shoot the rock, but when the game was on the line the guys would start playing and it was no contest.

I never played that way. You step on the court across from me, I’m shutting you down.

Clark is good in her competitive arena.
Like 15 years ago there was a girl playing in a rec league I was playing in. I’m sure she was a decent high school player, but the defense on her was as you described.

So happened that we played her team in round one of the playoffs. We were coasting late in the 4th quarter, and I had a breakaway.

This girl decides she’s going to set up and take a charge, down like 30 with a couple minutes left.

The league had a no dunk rule, but I could not resist. Jumped over her, two hand dunk. Honestly one of the best in game dunks I ever had. The ref just called the game right there.

So I am totally in favor of girls playing ball with boys.
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Fwiw, I used to LOVE playing with the women’s basketball on the occasions we used it back in my pickup days. Just that seemingly small difference in size and weight seemed to make SUCH a difference in how well I could grip, control and shoot the ball.

I don’t mind that women use a different ball …although it does seem a bit odd that basketball is the ONLY sport that does that. But it does sorta gnaw at ne that whenever you now see media people comparing men’s and women’s shooting none of them ever bother to mention that they’re using different balls.

Playing pickup ball as a kid we would always lower the goals to 7 feet and use the mini ball, so much fun with those balls. ?

I will never understand one thing here, if women use a smaller ball (which changes the game completely), why do they not lower the goals? It is literally the answer to making their game a lot more fun and exciting. Why the smaller ball but not a shorter goal?
Like 15 years ago there was a girl playing in a rec league I was playing in. I’m sure she was a decent high school player, but the defense on her was as you described.

So happened that we played her team in round one of the playoffs. We were coasting late in the 4th quarter, and I had a breakaway.

This girl decides she’s going to set up and take a charge, down like 30 with a couple minutes left.

The league had a no dunk rule, but I could not resist. Jumped over her, two hand dunk. Honestly one of the best in game dunks I ever had. The ref just called the game right there.

So I am totally in favor of girls playing ball with boys.

I always loved dunking on lowered 7 foot goals too man. I like how you worded it.
You knew good and well what I was referring to. Your tact and professionalism needs work.
I really don’t. I think I spelled out the scenario pretty clearly. I’m not sure which part you think makes the OP a loser.
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People putting her down don't know basketball. She is great in so many aspects including her passing skills to where her teammate will be not where they are. That is a lost art that Kyle Macy was so good at. She rarely turns the ball over and can drive or hit from the outside. The last two games she has not really shot the ball well as she has most of the season yet still ends up with 25 plus points per game. Those thinking the average guy is going to do well against these teams are living in an alternate universe. She's 6' and not close to being the tallest on the team.

I wish Cal had given Reed the green light to keep shooting and running offense like Clark. You will never convince me until someone on the team states it otherwise, that Cal's instructions were pass the ball to the paint. That has been a Cal move in the tournaments every year and exactly what was wrong with our offense.
Only seen her a few times and sure she's good. Honestly think that freshman from USC is better.
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I know it’s all relative…Clarke is really good in the women’s game. But if she was playing against guys, I would say she might play at the NAIA level. The athleticism and size of the guys would limit a lot of what she can do.

Just my guess women guards/forwards are in the 5-8” to 6-0” range. Men are going to average 6-2” to 6-6”.

I enjoy watching her play but I also take it for what it’s worth. Now in a three point contest she’d have a shot against any guy.
Fwiw, I used to LOVE playing with the women’s basketball on the occasions we used it back in my pickup days. Just that seemingly small difference in size and weight seemed to make SUCH a difference in how well I could grip, control and shoot the ball.

I don’t mind that women use a different ball …although it does seem a bit odd that basketball is the ONLY sport that does that. But it does sorta gnaw at ne that whenever you now see media people comparing men’s and women’s shooting none of them ever bother to mention that they’re using different balls.

It's not the only sort that uses a small ball. Women use a smaller softball.

But to the point here, I don't particularly care to watch women's BB but why is it so hard to give this girl the credit she deserves for working hard to get to the point she is. She Excells at shooting, passing, ball handling, but people want to compare her to a male. As far as I know she is female and the most complete player in the college game, why not give her the credit for that.

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