
will smith bullshit GIF
Yes, used it years ago to quit smoking and I'm currently seeing a hypnotherapist in dealing with/seeking answers involving complex trauma. I was a tough critic, I'm a therapist, myself. It works, or does for me anyway.
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I'd say like most things, if you open your mind to it then it can work for you. I remember back in college a hypnotist would come to perform for the freshman class and would make people do a whole bunch of crazy stuff so it's definitely real to some degree.
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I'd say like most things, if you open your mind to it then it can work for you. I remember back in college a hypnotist would come to perform for the freshman class and would make people do a whole bunch of crazy stuff so it's definitely real to some degree.
So that's whats happening from Harvard to UCLA and these campus protests. All makes sense now.
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I knew six guys who all worked together. They all went to a hypnotist to quit smoking. It worked for about two weeks and then they were all smoking again.
Went to one of those stop smoking sessions about ten years ago. About 50-75 people there. After it was over 75 percent lit up once outside, me included. It's all BS in my opinion.

I used Chantix about five years ago to quit smoking, and in one month I was done. Haven't had a cigarette since.
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I'd say like most things, if you open your mind to it then it can work for you. I remember back in college a hypnotist would come to perform for the freshman class and would make people do a whole bunch of crazy stuff so it's definitely real to some degree.
I spent my freshman year at a small school so we only had a hypnosis video to watch. The whole time I was thinking it was all just crap. He finally got to the “aaaaaand SLEEP” thing and the kid beside me face planted onto the table.
I watched a friend get hypnotized at a casino. The guy told me I was not very open to "suggestion". My buddy was full blown in though. It was hilarious.
In my high school psychology class, the teacher did some hypnosis on a few students. It didn't last long, but was funny to see. Did some stuff like forgetting how to tie their shoes and not being able to get out of their desk until the teacher touched it.
Is it real? Has anyone had success stopping smoking, fighting food cravings, etc.? Or is it all quack science?

So between 1989 and about 1991 I experimented with self hypnosis audio tracks while also using PCP in order to see if the dissociative / altered state would enhance the effect of my attempts to achieve juxtaposition between the material world and the "in between" state (astral? Spiritual? Lucid REM?)

I used varying amounts of Phencyclidine and a couple of different settings tbat would maximize my physical isolation and prevent interruptions

I decided to conduct the final series of tests over a 3 day period while in Sarasota, FL vacationing with my parents and sister (i was about 17-18 maybe?)

The audio ffiles I had obtained used a guided and systematic approach to getting you into a progressively deeper state of relaxation while also intensifying your focus on The Voice (and accompanying binaural frequencies which enhanced uptake)

On night #1 i remember getting into the audio at a specific point where you visualize warm liquid filling you up - then being released fm your toes - this was maybe 10 mins into a 90 min track

But then a transition happened that I didn't see coming - normally I would be dreamy but awake throughout the program

However this time i just went black and didn't dream - morning came and i was on the kitschy couch in the living room

My sister was side eyeing me and laughing like i had done something funny - i was groggy and didn't think much of it - also didn't notice how everyone else was oddly quiet - as if something had spooked them

Update pending to discuss Night #2
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I've been hypnotized. I found it incredibly relaxing and a novel experience. I don't know that it helped me with any behavior changes but that wasn't necessarily my goal -- I just wanted to try it and see. I've done an isolation tank before and it felt similar but much more, I don't know, profound if that is a good explanation.

I've also seen it used to help someone who experienced deep violence and trauma to help them recall supposedly forgotten events of abuse. The results were eerie and I'm convinced that what she recalled was based in fact that was imbedded in her mind. Whether hypnosis actually helped her recall real memories or not, I cannot say for certain but I am convinced that it did something for her.

TL;dr: I don't buy the claims of behavior change but personally I think there is something there and I found it interesting.
I've been hypnotized. I found it incredibly relaxing and a novel experience. I don't know that it helped me with any behavior changes but that wasn't necessarily my goal -- I just wanted to try it and see. I've done an isolation tank before and it felt similar but much more, I don't know, profound if that is a good explanation.

I've also seen it used to help someone who experienced deep violence and trauma to help them recall supposedly forgotten events of abuse. The results were eerie and I'm convinced that what she recalled was based in fact that was imbedded in her mind. Whether hypnosis actually helped her recall real memories or not, I cannot say for certain but I am convinced that it did something for her.

TL;dr: I don't buy the claims of behavior change but personally I think there is something there and I found it interesting.
Afterwards, on the drive home, I felt better than I had in the past 10 years, I've had 3 sessions, all in person, and it has helped me recall trauma and abuse from the mid 70's, I had a clear picture that answered some questions that I kinda already knew but wanted to clarify.
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I saw several coworkers get hypnotized at a convention. Did not work on me since my mind is incapable of relaxing to that degree. It was hilarious what they did and had zero clue what had happened when it was over with.
Is it real? Has anyone had success stopping smoking, fighting food cravings, etc.? Or is it all quack science?

Did it once. Definitely went into a relaxed state but I never was out. At least that was what the doctor told me while I pulled my pants up.

Ok, everything is true but the last sentence 😂
Night two - I started at the beach and decided to ingest 5x the normal amount of the variable

While sinking into the perfectly balanced tones of Mr Kanikov's voice - I started drifting at some point and stopped hearing the words -

I remember realizing that i suddenly had free access to imagine something and damn near transport myself there (astral?)

So - I imagined Beverly DiAngelo. - a lot
And I managed to somehow spend part of the evening with her

then i lose consciousness for a bit - opened my eyes in the dark and - swear it - i opened my eyes to countless neatly aligned golden vortices clearly rotating in harmony somewhere between my face and where Ms DiAngelos skirt had been

Couldn't speak clearly until noon next day and had some motor function issues with my legs

Pretty sure hypnosis happened in there SOMEWHERE