How obnoxious of a fan are you?


Apr 13, 2011
Are you one of those in your face, finger poking in the chest, veins bulging in the neck hardasses? Are you Mr. Milquetoast, wouldn't say sh*t if you had a mouthful, avoid confrontation at all costs guy? Somewhere in between?

I tend to be pretty tame until someone starts talking chit, then I can get like guy #1 above. Short temper I guess. But usually, I try to keep an even keel and temperament. If rivals are reasonable, I am reasonable.

When alone watching UK though, I can get pretty animated...and salty. Largely depends on how much Woodford I've consumed.

Just last night, In a lengthy conversation between a friend and I, she said "The only problem I've ever seen you have with other people is you get really mean over sports.. Like REALLY mean, kind of an asshole".

I've never understood the people that become total a-holes over sports teams. I have teams I love. Other people have teams that they love. So what!?! It's just a personal preference. It'd be like being obnoxious with someone because they like the color blue while I like green. WTF does it really matter?
I've never understood the people that become total a-holes over sports teams. I have teams I love. Other people have teams that they love. So what!?! It's just a personal preference. It'd be like being obnoxious with someone because they like the color blue while I like green. WTF does it really matter?

I know the answer to this. Did your dad go nuts during games?

My father would lose his mind until his 40's. As for me, I'm not 40 yet.

I think that's the mystery as to why some do and some don't.

I can make someone visibly upset over sports or politics. Especially St. Louis Cardinals baseball or Kentucky anything.

It took me a decade to fully get out of college because I set everything up around games. Night class during night game? Nope.

So I'm invested, and it will show.
I'm 47 - I'm a diehard fan but I don't talk crap or act like a jerk to someone because they're wearing an IU or UL ball cap. I scream at the TV and get irate at perceived slights against the Cats, but I don't argue with or taunt other fans. It's pretty bush league.
I'm 47 - I'm a diehard fan but I don't talk crap or act like a jerk to someone because they're wearing an IU or UL ball cap. I scream at the TV and get irate at perceived slights against the Cats, but I don't argue with or taunt other fans. It's pretty bush league.

There's a Difference in going nuts watching games and being a weird ass in public to others.
When I was 21 (2006ish)I ran down after a loss and screamed directly at tubby "There's a bus for Georgia leaving in 10." And everyone on the lower section cheered. It was pretty amazing. Of course, he heard it and never replied. Total opposite of that soft wuss in chapel hill.

I was that kind of fan........

I'm slightly more grown now so I have to refrain.
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I've never understood the people that become total a-holes over sports teams. I have teams I love. Other people have teams that they love. So what!?! It's just a personal preference. It'd be like being obnoxious with someone because they like the color blue while I like green. WTF does it really matter?

It's not black and white like that. On one end, you have a fan who can sit around 10 rival fans and not have a problem. And on the other end, you have a fan who looks for a fight with the first rival fan he can find... and then you have everything in between. I can, and have, sat with plenty of rival fans, in public and at my own house, and been fine... I've also had altercations with people who take it too far.

The dilemma is how you react to the latter. Some people can ignore it, some can't.
I'm not very obnoxious.

It's not black and white like that. On one end, you have a fan who can sit around 10 rival fans and not have a problem. And on the other end, you have a fan who looks for a fight with the first rival fan he can find... and then you have everything in between. I can, and have, sat with plenty of rival fans, in public and at my own house, and been fine... I've also had altercations with people who take it too far.

The dilemma is how you react to the latter. Some people can ignore it, some can't.

It seems like Vandy is always a problem for me. Their fans and students are idiots. Something happened to me one night in downtown Nashville after a game during gillispies time. Bad night for someone. I'll stop there for fear of, well, an open cold case.:D

Most of the time there's no problem until you mix alcohol with students. F'in jackasses.
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At casinos tonight for wife's bday. My UK shirt says "why so jealous". The back. "That's right....the banners" Might need to watch the game in the room tonight
At casinos tonight for wife's bday. My UK shirt says "why so jealous". The back. "That's right....the banners" Might need to watch the game in the room tonight

I got ur back I'm only an hour away. They know what's up in Mtown when coach Skutt indabut......:D
I'm pretty mild mannered in all aspects of my life. But I get pretty fired up during games so I NEVER watch with rival fans. I want to be able to cheer for my team without coming off like an a$$. As far as trash talking goes - I'm not into that and I don't care to listen to people who are. Even UK fans. But make no mistake - I love my Cats. And I HATE Duke, UNC, Tennessee and Louisville and nothing would make me happier than for them to lose every game for the rest of my life.
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I don't get to go to SEC games much, so haven't had a problem with fans. Maryland, a team I freaking root for due to family ties, has been the problem for me. The Barclays game had two incidents. Nothing too bad.

In a story that was actually my own fault, almost had an altercation with a Duke fan the other night. After we beat them, a Duke fan behind said a few things about Duke losing, and being a little drunk I said, louder than I normally am, "Who the hell isn't a Duke fan these days!?". Looked at him, and he sort of rolled his eyes like "Wow what a D-bag". Felt like a dick, So I complimented his team, made a lighthearted joke how all my friends, two of them with me, were Duke fans.. and we talked about our teams for the next 10 minutes.

That was my bad, so I fixed it.

I did get a shot in about Grayson being a real turd, but he agreed.
I don't get to go to SEC games much, so haven't had a problem with fans. Maryland, a team I freaking root for due to family ties, has been the problem for me. The Barclays game had two incidents. Nothing too bad.

In a story that was actually my own fault, almost had an altercation with a Duke fan the other night. After we beat them, a Duke fan behind said a few things about Duke losing, and being a little drunk I said, louder than I normally am, "Who the hell isn't a Duke fan these days!?". Looked at him, and he sort of rolled his eyes like "Wow what a D-bag". Felt like a dick, So I complimented his team, made a lighthearted joke how all my friends, two of them with me, were Duke fans.. and we talked about our teams for the next 10 minutes.

That was my bad, so I fixed it.

I did get a shot in about Grayson being a real turd, but he agreed.

Duke fans today. Lol.

I give them the test each time.

Where are you from? Not North Carolina.
Ever been to Cameron? Nope.
Ever seen Duke play? Nope.
Parents go to Duke? Nope.
You went to Duke? Nope.
You been to North Carolina? Nope.

So, what made you like Duke? ........Just everything ya know......

And I just shake my head. Theres not much enjoyable about watching Duke other than some good shooting most years. The flops, coach K, the calls man...... I hate watchin'em. I'd almost rather watch women's sports. ESPN is another reason for people wanting to jump on. It used to be UNC. These are not coincidences.

I guess it's a good thing Duke exist. They keep some of the fair weather bandwagon fans away from us.
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If it's general fanhood, I'm not at all obnoxious, though I'd wager some fans of other programs who know me would tell you there's an arrogance there, and they'd be right. After all, I'm a fan of the greatest college basketball program in the game, and you're...not.

If it's game-day behavior, I prefer to be alone or w/ immediate family only, because I tend toward...boisterous; level dependent on opponent.
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For the most part humble. However, now that I live in Tally I still jog and walk the dog with my UK gear.
If that is obnoxious then so be it.
I represent where I was born and raised and who my Mom and Grandpa tought me to pull for.
If they dont like it down here (which I sense they dont) too bad.
Cant wait to retire back to Ky.
Depends on how much I've had to drink, unfortunately.

I went to the Kansas game last year in Indy, and despite having no ill opinions of Kansas basketball in general, and them being one of the only other bluebloods that I respect, I ended up drunkenly shouting through the streets of Indy at Kansas fans after the game.

Do I regret it? Hell no, that was one of the greatest games of all time.
I'm definitely an unapologetic homer, but I'm only as much a jerk as the people around me. I prefer talking about how great UK is over talking about how much your team sucks. As long as I'm not talking to the kind of Louisville fan who thinks I'm inbred for being a UK hilljack (never mind the fact that I'm from Washington, D.C.) I'm good natured. I like some friendly ribbing before the game starts but I let the opposing fan talk first after games, especially when we win.

I guess I could also say that while I'll never start a fight, I have no problem winning one if forced to participate.
To answer the OP's question. Yes I'm that hardcore, asshole UK fan. I'm that screaming at the TV being all loud and redneck fan. And I'm that break shit fan too. I'm that kind of fan that would participate in burning a car or some shit after we won the championship LMAO. But na man. I take my teams very seriously. I have a lot of friends who love UL and we give each other hell. I invited them to my house in 2012 when we played UL in the FF because I knew we were going to win and I knew they were going to be so pissed. LOL. It was epic.
To answer the OP's question. Yes I'm that hardcore, asshole UK fan. I'm that screaming at the TV being all loud and redneck fan. And I'm that break shit fan too. I'm that kind of fan that would participate in burning a car or some shit after we won the championship LMAO. But na man. I take my teams very seriously. I have a lot of friends who love UL and we give each other hell. I invited them to my house in 2012 when we played UL in the FF because I knew we were going to win and I knew they were going to be so pissed. LOL. It was epic.
I tend to be the person that is quiet until messed with about UK. If you attack my school I will get pretty upset, but I have a close friend who is a Duke fan and I watched the National Title game with him last year ... he doesn't give me chit, he knows better lol. At home though every foul is BS, the other team is lucky as hell, and the volume on my voice is at about 10.
I am a sensitive guy, I have the utmost concern for the feelings of fans, duke fans and North Carolina fans and Louisville fans In particular and don't forget about ucla and Connecticut and Arizona fans, I feel much concern for them.

On a less tongue in cheek note, I sincerely do sometimes feel sorry for Indiana fans, no explanation necessary.
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If I'm ever obnoxious, it's only to Louisville fans, and people from Louisville in general. I try to be mostly good natured about it but I like to remind them that they're actually from Indiana. Most don't like that.
I'm admittedly obnoxious to the LilBrothels.....I try to be cordial but they are sooooooo damn stupid how am I not going to punch them rhetorically or verbally in the puss.
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Yeah it's good they don't exist, I don't need to see a belligerent cocky flamboyant knucklehead icon fan in my neck of the woods, I'd rather not have to deal wit that