How much longer does K stay at Dook?

The guy is older than dirt. All the hair dye in the world is not gonna change that. He's older than old man Pitino. Probably not over 2 or 3 more years at the most.
Also think he really wants one last crack at the gold medal. After that then the countdown is on.

He could retire and devote the end of his career to USA basketball.

That would actually be a smart move, even the fan bases that hate him would salute him for that.
I think K will overstay his time at duke but no one will tell him to leave.

By overstay, I believe his health, family, etc., will pressure him to retire but it's not in his makeup to do it.
Interesting perspective. A vocal minority on the Duke boards the past few years have been critical of Coach K, especially on D, where our pressure D was horrible and causing ugly 1st-round losses. The same thing was happening this year, when we had two really ugly losses to NCS and Miami, and just making it into the tourney seemed questionable. Then we came out in a zone the next game and probably saved our season.

I was part of that vocal minority and have to say I was really impressed by all the wrinkles the coaching staff came up with the past 2 months of the year. I'm curious if that was K's doing or just him finally listening to his coaching staff. I guess my point is we're all calling him a genius and the GOAT, but just 5 months ago more and more Duke fans were wondering if we faced a Bobby Bowden / Joe Paterno situation with K staying past his expiration date.
Look for Duke to make final 4 this season, next with Giles and Tatum and maybe Smith he will win another championship. Not a fan of Duke but he is the best coach ever.

He has won and won in many different ways. He adjusts his style to the type of players he has. He is not one dimensional, which makes him the best college coach since Wooden. Cal needs to step up his coaching tactics. There was NO, I repeat no way we should have not won the NT this year.
Interesting perspective. A vocal minority on the Duke boards the past few years have been critical of Coach K, especially on D, where our pressure D was horrible and causing ugly 1st-round losses. The same thing was happening this year, when we had two really ugly losses to NCS and Miami, and just making it into the tourney seemed questionable. Then we came out in a zone the next game and probably saved our season.

I was part of that vocal minority and have to say I was really impressed by all the wrinkles the coaching staff came up with the past 2 months of the year. I'm curious if that was K's doing or just him finally listening to his coaching staff. I guess my point is we're all calling him a genius and the GOAT, but just 5 months ago more and more Duke fans were wondering if we faced a Bobby Bowden / Joe Paterno situation with K staying past his expiration date.

This is really not true at all, and the few Duke fans that did think that are morons.
I could see him coaching well into his seventies. The man lives for his legacy and simply doesn't know how to do anything else. He basically is the personification of Duke basketball, and I feel he'd wither away if he stepped down.
Nailed it.
Not usually a conspiracy theorist, but this is my theory.

I think Duke was given the easiest path.

The NCAA and their sponsors were chomping at the bit at the idea of a Duke/UK final.

It's either that or the NCAA selection committee buys into the computer ranking crap so much that they couldn't tell who was for real and who was a fraud.

And it was obvious that UK was #1 and Duke and Wisconsin were 2A and 2B.

It's all about money, though, so I can't see them wanting a Wisconsin team in the title game. That doesn't scream ratings bonanza like UK/Duke would. My theory is driven by money, which is why I think it's more feasible.

actually, it DID scream ratings

so, just to be soon as you saw the bracket, you put duke/uk in the finals, right? If not, i guess you didn't think that was such an easy path after all...

the truth is, duke "won" their way to the title game, AND then, the title, by taking out the team that took UK out.
actually, it DID scream ratings

so, just to be soon as you saw the bracket, you put duke/uk in the finals, right? If not, i guess you didn't think that was such an easy path after all...

the truth is, duke "won" their way to the title game, AND then, the title, by taking out the team that took UK out.

Remember who was on the other side of the game. People watched hoping to see Duke lose to Wisconsin.

If it would have been Wisconsin/Michigan St. no one outside of Big Ten country would have watched.

And Duke/UK would have blown those numbers away.

Duke won the title fair and square, but I do think they were set up for success much more so than any of the other 1 seeds.

But it's just my opinion.