Hello World

flacat22 snitched and reported. Good grief he’s awful. And a Cowboi too.
My screen name isn’t some backward code bullshytte. That’s a leadbelly tell. So are you from Tennessee or do you just like smoking the long pipe?
My name is something you should probably keep out of your mouth. I'm not Leadbelly or whoever. Stop attacking me or it's on. Ok?
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I'm beginning to think you're this alt mod. You accuse everyone else of it. How would you know "flacat22" "snitched"?

Same emojis and writing style as Leadbelly.
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I'm beginning to think you're this alt mod. You accuse everyone else of it. How would you know "flacat22" "snitched"?

Because LedBelly, he complained that it should be moved to the paddock and bam, here we are. He also is one of those cult guys that’s always complaining about how things should be ran.

Obvious. You didn’t delete this one. You should be glad I have your back this time.
flacat22 snitched and reported. Good grief he’s awful. And a Cowboi too.
Hold on mfer, this is the second time you’ve called me out for no reason. Last time you didn’t respond so let’s make it clear morg/grom what’s your freaking problem with me son? Hardly a “cowboi” and the use of “boi” at your age Memphis fan is beyond “the worst.” What are you a 15 year old girl?
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Because LedBelly, he complained that it should be moved to the paddock and bam, here we are. He also is one of those cult guys that’s always complaining about how things should be ran.

Obvious. You didn’t delete this one. You should be glad I have your back this time.
You CLEARLY have me confused for another poster. IT OBVIOUSLY got moved because from the jump this idiocy had ZERO to do will basketball and belongs in the paddock. Fool.
Surely people aren’t brain dead enough not to see that BBNWildcat, Gromcat and Tronscrub are the same person, trying to get over on whoever is dumb enough to play. All hate Calipari, .all write the same way, all showed up to and left this thread at the drop of the hat, etc. No telling how many screen names this nerd has. Acussing others of doing what they, themselves, are doing is wretched.
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Surely people aren’t brain dead enough not to see that BBNWildcat, Gromcat and Tronscrub are the same person, trying to get over on whoever is dumb enough to play. All hate Calipari, .all write the same way, all showed up to and left this thread at the drop of the hat, etc. No telling how many screen names this nerd has. Acussing others of doing what they, themselves, are doing is wretched.

I’ll say it for all of those accounts.


LeadBelly get laid man. Or should I say Jed?
I’ll say it for all of those accounts.


LeadBelly get laid man. Or should I say Jed?

@jedwar thrown under the bus multiple times in this thread, wow.

Morgousky/Gromcat gets banned for a full month, decides he has no use for Jedwar anymore and turns on him like he did John Blue and many more.

On the flip side, maybe Jedwar got sick of cleaning up the mess he brings to this board 24x7 and has distanced himself from him???
As in taking screen names and hoarding them in an effort to prevent others from using them?

What is this "alt mod" term that's been floating around lately, anyway?

I'd never be able to tie this to jedwar given jedwar doesn't post as much as the old days. I can't even recall what his/her style is like.
I have no style. In anything.
@jedwar thrown under the bus multiple times in this thread, wow.

Morgousky/Gromcat gets banned for a full month, decides he has no use for Jedwar anymore and turns on him like he did John Blue and many more.

On the flip side, maybe Jedwar got sick of cleaning up the mess he brings to this board 24x7 and has distanced himself from him???
I just simply haven't been active as much lately. And people can think what they want.
Yep all is good. Just been somewhat distracted with life. Mother passed away in November, so that has been taxing with losing her, cleaning our her house, legal stuff etc.
Very sorry to hear that. Condolences to you. Both my mom and dad are in their mid 80’s so it’s coming for me as well and I’m not sure I’ll handle it well.
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Very sorry to hear that. Condolences to you. Both my mom and dad are in their mid 80’s so it’s coming for me as well and I’m not sure I’ll handle it well.
I appreciate it. It was time. She lived a long and good life. It was a welcomed passing.
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