Hello World

That's not even the real Herros, is it? His is HerrosHeroes, no?

This is why y’all should have paid attention to the 1997 Kentucky Basketball High School Yearbook thread.

No it’s not the same handle, but the person might be. All of them.

Remember Smed Moley?
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In my little time here it's all that makes sense to me. He's gotta be the OP. Who was Hereosherros or whatever his name was. I've never seen anything like this place. I thought the KSR board was bad but it's nothing like this.
Cmon leadbelly. You are on another account this time trashing Cal. It's time to log into another one and argue against this account. To give the illusion of arguments.
That's fine, you really enjoy making it clear when people are wrong.

I'd rather talk basketball than alt mods or sock accounts. Hell, I'd rather argue about Calipari and his rerun habit than talk about this stuff. :)

This is about traffic bro.
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In my little time here it's all that makes sense to me. He's gotta be the OP. Who was Hereosherros or whatever his name was. I've never seen anything like this place. I thought the KSR board was bad but it's nothing like this.

Leadbelly BlackBetty. Here here!!
That's fine, you really enjoy making it clear when people are wrong.

I'd rather talk basketball than alt mods or sock accounts. Hell, I'd rather argue about Calipari and his rerun habit than talk about this stuff. :)
Yeah well we cant really talk Bball. When this board is getting bombarded by an alt moderator who is generating traffic and stalking people.
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That's fine, you really enjoy making it clear when people are wrong.

I'd rather talk basketball than alt mods or sock accounts. Hell, I'd rather argue about Calipari and his rerun habit than talk about this stuff. :)
Look, I get that I‘ve gotten under your skin in the past. I’m making an effort not to antagonize you these days. You could meet me half way and let this thing go. We have bigger fish to fry here.
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I get that. Just seems pointless since we have enough conflict with real fans (or are they real?!?!). I mean, what more traffic % can they achieve by playing the conflict actor card?

We don’t know how many people even post here. Could be as little as 20-50. Tryna piece it together.

I call it the Alt Mod Hunters but you can call it whatever.
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Like we could create a competing product and avoid a lot of this nonsense.
Any brand new account that posts a brand new thread as its first post is almost certainly the alt mod. He’s so brazen he doesn’t even care if we know it’s him. He’s got hundreds of handles. This is truly mental.
Flip the name Tronsckub around. Also look at the join date.
Look at your join date, fellow newbie. Maybe it's you? I wouldn't be casting stones. And you obviously know more about these members than I do. I guess I shouldn't have said anything but I've noticed that Ilwildcat guy was always yucking it up with herroesheros and seemed to be around when threads got crazy. Don't be trying to tie me into more than that.
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It's also possible that they're all you... 🤣

I could see some weird sht like that but it can easily be verified that I’ve got one account and no Alts.

I’ve been a poster for too long for that bull sht.
You missed the thread where we discussed it. You’re hilariously barking up the wrong tree. I’ll give you a hint though…the alt mod plays both sides.
See, I called it months ago when I brought the "buzz lightyear" days up on rainman's old board
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Look at your join date, fellow newbie. Maybe it's you? I wouldn't be casting stones. And you obviously know more about these members than I do. I guess I shouldn't have said anything but I've noticed that Ilwildcat guy was always yucking it up with herroesheros and seemed to be around when threads got crazy. Don't be trying to tie me into more than that.
My screen name isn’t some backward code bullshytte. That’s a leadbelly tell. So are you from Tennessee or do you just like smoking the long pipe?
The guy makes up backstories for his accounts that he choose to stay around. Baller Cal was a steelers fan from NJ, Bill Withers was an old black republican who ''died.'' Weird guy.

Some serious neurosis going on there. Wish I had paid more attention to who has said what at different times. Definitely paying attention now
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No way I see you having 5-10-15 accounts. A 2nd account if you get banned, sure. I could see that for anyone including myself if I felt the need.

Hint to the alt mod methodology?

I get banned for a while if I don’t argue. Now just imagine I dont want to be banned. Think about it.

It’s irritating. This is about traffic.