When RP was hired at UofL - like most, I was upset. I was also worried. We knew what kind of coach he was when he left UK. And, by the time Pitino was hired at Louisville, we knew what kind of coach WE had. I was expecting domination from OTIS - and that did not sit well at all. Then, it kinda didn't really turn out that way - and Pitino had the scandals, and other things going on with their program. It got to the point where Card fans wanted to get rid of him in the worst way. He simply did not deliver what they thought he would. He is too rigid (no puns intended) in his philosophies, refuses to play freshmen much, refuses to adapt to the game the same way he did in the late 80s/early 90s. I also think he was just on cruise control. I honestly think he was out the door there when Cal was hired here. I truly believe that Pitino the coach was reawakened when the best recruiter in the nation, and a pretty good coach himself, came to UK - there WOULD be domination of Lil Bro if he didn't do anything; and there has been anyway. That burns his butt.
But back to topic - I really ceased caring what Pitino had to say when he started making nasty jibes at UK and our fans. He had this idea, when he came back to the state that he would be beloved by all, even if he were at UofL. When that did not turn out to be true - he reacted like a two year old who missed his nap and started blaming the BBN. After that - I might laugh at some comments, but I really don't give a flying fig what that man has to say.