I thought he would as much if not more excited about his UK visit than his MSU visit.. I was hoping that I had missed something on miles or some of you men with inside information might have more to offer than Google.. Sorry if peeps thought this post was lame and uncalled for..
It's just not realistic to think that Miles was going to have as exciting of a time at his UK visit as the perfect storm of an official visit that MSU enjoyed.
-ESPN Gameday in East Lansing
-Dozens and dozens of national media figureheads in town
-Hundreds of top football & basketball recruits in town (200 in total)
-#2 ranked football team playing top 10 Oregon in the game of the weekend in prime time on national TV
-A game that resulted in one of the biggest regular season wins in years for MSU
-The environment was beyond electric. Nike Chairman Phil Knight was on campus and said it was the most impressive sporting environment that he's experienced, college or pro
-It was the reunion weekend for MSU bball
-Close to 100 former Spartans bball players were in town
-They along with the recruits scrimmaged in Breslin before the football game
-The basketball team was celebrated on field in front of a raucous 75,000 for their most recent Final Four.
-Miles' mom (an outspoken MSU and Tom Izzo fan) spent the day with Cassius Winston's mom (they're good friends) and Nick Ward's mom, both players are current MSU commits) Cassius was still undecided at the time of the game though.
-Cassius, who is close friends and AAU teammate of Miles, said that his visit that weekend was what pushed him over the edge to committing to MSU.
-Draymond Green, who Miles has known personally since he was a kid, was being celebrated by MSU on Saturday for donating $3.1M to MSU Athletics as well as for winning an NBA title with the Warriors. He had the Championship trophy in hand off and on all weekend.
To the informed recruitnik, it should come as no surprise that his two visits (at UK and MSU) were at noticeably different excitement levels and it's absolutely nothing against UK as they are arguably the most elite college basketball program in the country.
That still doesn't mean he's going to commit to MSU though. Just that he had a better official visit in East Lansing. At the end of the day, it's still just a decision about which basketball team and coach you want to play with for a year, or two and UK's resume clearly speaks for itself.