Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill


Jan 25, 2003
Treasury announced that Harriet Tubman would replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Why?

I understand honoring her and the sacrifices she made. Her story is a great one, but why replace Jackson's image with her's on the $20 note? With the exception of Ben Franklin, who was one of the fathers of this country, no one besides a president has been featured on paper currency in the U.S.A. I don't understand why Tubman must replace Jackson. Why not honor her in the same way they honored Susan B. Anthony or Sacajawea and commission a Dollar coin with her likeness? I just don't get this at all.

If it were just about honoring an African-American, I would've been much more in support of MLK Jr. adorning the bill instead of Tubman. I feel his struggle, message, and sacrifice is much more poignant and resoundingly stronger than Tubman's.
I've tried to muster the ability to give a ish about this or to understand why others give a ish about this, but I just can't. Doesn't everyone have better stuff to concern themselves about? Like UK basketball recruiting?
I'm sad because Jackson is my favorite historical figure. But he's a hardass on the twenty or not.
I've tried to muster the ability to give a ish about this or to understand why others give a ish about this, but I just can't. Doesn't everyone have better stuff to concern themselves about? Like UK basketball recruiting?

^ This. A fair number of posters (me for sure, and some of you who don't expect it) will be dead (2030?) when the change occurs anyway.
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I don't even know who half the presidents are on what dollar bill. You hear people talk about america not being that great again, in debt, etc. etc. and then you hear this all over the news on the drive in the morning and you realize america is the 1st of 1st world countries with the 1st of 1st world problems.
Just about every bill has had a change of face at some point in time. Jackson wasn't the first on the 20. I don't care who's on it, it's 20 bucks.
Nope. Billy Bob said, like his home when those people moved in and his property value decreased, this new $20 will only be worth $15.

Agree. Put freaking Carrot Top on the 20 for all I care.
Hey did you guise know "Underground Railroad" was really just a metaphor and they didn't actually have any trains?

Also, the $20 bill is only actually worth about $14.93 so if I was Harriet Tubman I might find that a little insulting.
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I think MLK himself would've said Tubman was more badass then he was. She risked her freedom over and over again to free slaves. He made some speeches. Not to downplay his importance though.

Seriously. Pretty badass when you read about her. She escaped slavery then risked her freedom to help others. Meanwhile I won't risk my matching Tupperware pieces by lending them to friends - they can have leftovers in old Walmart plastic bags.
Hispanics are the largest minority in this country. Where is their representative on the currency? They seem to get shortchanged in terms of pandering.
Hispanics are the largest minority in this country. Where is their representative on the currency? They seem to get shortchanged in terms of pandering.
Jackson led the effort to shoot down the 2nd National Bank. I'm surprised he even made it onto a Federal Reserve note. It must have been some kind of irony they were trying to achieve. I guess now that the Fed notes are being changed, it will be deemed racist for corporations to champion a "cashless society"?