Happy Independence Day BBN!


Jun 25, 2018
Happy 4th of July to everyone in our BBN!

In an age when traditional civics are no longer taught in most public schools, it is more important than ever to understand how our free nation came into existence, how our system of governance works, and what the proper responsibilities of US citizenship are.

Every US citizen has the right to pursue happiness. Those words were chosen carefully and thoughtfully by our founders, and I hope all of you are successful in pursuing happiness on this hallowed day.
I always like to read the text of the Declaration of Independence on this holiday; link copied below. Among the many things I could say, I’ll just say how I admire our Founding Fathers for literally laying it all on the line with this document.

Terrific. This is an excellent habit for the day. I often wonder if most US citizens are unaware of the content of this document in the era of deteriorating public education.
Happy 4th of July to everyone in our BBN!

In an age when traditional civics are no longer taught in most public schools, it is more important than ever to understand how our free nation came into existence, how our system of governance works, and what the proper responsibilities of US citizenship are.

Every US citizen has the right to pursue happiness. Those words were chosen carefully and thoughtfully by our founders, and I hope all of you are successful in pursuing happiness on this hallowed day.
GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! With all the evil and debauchery going on in this country right now, we need Him and His blessings more now than ever.