Happy End of the American Experiment!!
As If Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Plenty of other holidays with which to remember and thank active duty and veterans.

As for me, I tend to remember and think about the founders on this day.

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
John Hancock
James Madison
Benjamin Franklin
Samuel Adams
John Jay
Thomas Paine
Patrick Henry
Alexander Hamilton

And many others...

Go big red, white and blue!
Plenty of other holidays with which to remember and thank active duty and veterans.

As for me, I tend to remember and think about the founders on this day.

George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
John Hancock
James Madison
Benjamin Franklin
Samuel Adams
John Jay
Thomas Paine
Patrick Henry
Alexander Hamilton

And many others...

Go big red, white and blue!
what are those plenty other holidays besides veterans day?
And our country would not exist if not for the Marquis Lafayette which Fayette county is named for. His money helped supply our troops and he was the one, not Franklin, that was able to convince the French king to lend their navy and troops for a short time to ultimately win at Yorktown.
And our country would not exist if not for the Marquis Lafayette which Fayette county is named for. His money helped supply our troops and he was the one, not Franklin, that was able to convince the French king to lend their navy and troops for a short time to ultimately win at Yorktown.
Let's be real, the French didn't need much of an excuse. They hated the British; the real argument was how much help would they give us.

Also, while true that Lafayette (Gilbert du Motier) was a tremendous help, Franklin and Jefferson had key ties that also allowed for the securement of the French armaments. Without them, securing their support would be much trickier.

Lafayette was a huge hero for a while until he sided with the French monarchy in the unrest in France following the American Revolution (which we pretty much caused in inspiration and depleting their national budget.....and not paying them back I might add lol). He was actually exiled and jailed for a bit too. That's not criticizing him per se, more just a nod he was complicated. He was an ardent believer in constitutional monarchy, so ironic really he helped over throw our king to then stick by his own.

American and French history are closely intertwined and we should stand with them most of the time, they were our first major ally.
Just being able to take a breath and move's something that is so simple yet so important. Add that to the freedom's our country has had to fight for and you realize its more than fireworks and great bbq food. I just hope we remain calm, progress as much as possible and try our best as a country to not digress say 200-300 years of hard work.
This is anti woke day and a thorn in the side of the U SA haters and these young people who were never taught about freedom earned. and not given.
I have no idea how opposing dictatorial powers is supposed to be "woke". Sorry, but people who say things like you did baffle me. Our president should have the power to kill his political opponents? take bribes? I presume you imagine your favored politicians believe as you do, but dictators are just gangsters. Writ large.

I like a USA where presidents are held to the same law as everyone else.
I have no idea how opposing dictatorial powers is supposed to be "woke". Sorry, but people who say things like you did baffle me. Our president should have the power to kill his political opponents? take bribes? I presume you imagine your favored politicians believe as you do, but dictators are just gangsters. Writ large.

I like a USA where presidents are held to the same law as everyone else.
Presidents have never been held to the standard you speak. But when the DOJ use unlimited powers to watch what every us citizen does or thinks with authority gived to them for no other reason than politics by both parties it hits close to home. Every President under the war crimes act would be a criminal by getting into undeclared wars without congress declaring war which they only can.
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Lol the economy was sure better and we didn't have people rubbing it in the open in California when we had a different president. Happy 4th, hopefully most people snap out of being manipulated by main stream media and local news...
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Presidents have never been held to the standard you speak. But when the DOJ use unlimited powers to watch what every us citizen does or thinks with authority gived to them for no other reason than politics by both parties it hits close to home. Every President under the war crimes act would be a criminal by getting into undeclared wars without congress declaring war which they only can.
Of course they have. Ford pardoned Nixon. As recently as Trump's 2nd impeachment trial, McConnel opposed the impeachment because Trump could be held liable in the courts later. Not to mention that 5 of the 6 justices who voted to expand criminal immunity had testified at their confirmation hearings that they believed the president was subject to criminal prosecution.
is this real? You know that is not true. Good lord.
Take bribes, who would do that?
You don't make an argument, but the emotional thrust seems to be you would like some presidents liable. Not me. I want all presidents liable.
You don't make an argument, but the emotional thrust seems to be you would like some presidents liable. Not me. I want all presidents liable.
Emotional thrust is creepy.
If you don't fire the prosecutor, you're not getting the billion.
quid pro Joe.
You want them all prosecuted?
I think not.
Emotional thrust is creepy.
If you don't fire the prosecutor, you're not getting the billion.
quid pro Joe.
You want them all prosecuted?
I think not.
2 things

He was VP
The evidence was the opposite of a crime

But sure. Where there’s a crime, prosecute.
How does that internet comment compare to those who took an oath to that Constitution😅
I’m stunned by the claims of patriotism by the ones who support the One Who Shall Not Be Named who tried to undermine the Constitution. That old Vietnam War line about having to destroy the village to save it comes to mind.

It isn’t what was considered patriotism when I was a kid.
I’m stunned by the claims of patriotism by the ones who support the One Who Shall Not Be Named who tried to undermine the Constitution. That old Vietnam War line about having to destroy the village to save it comes to mind.

It isn’t what was considered patriotism when I was a kid.
Completely misunderstood here, I don't support either of these old men, blame it on my dad being a Vietnam Green Beret veteran who lost his whole unit in Pleiku then had to go up the Mekong twice during its most unfriendly times. These politicians are the same to me, puppets of the real power players that unite against all common people and are loyal to no flag often it seems.
All enemies, foreign AND domestic. We can play attack the politicians all day. Your convoluted message indicates an agenda you seem to not want to be clear about, and that's already enough information. Wrong tree to bark up, were proud here, and an oath IS more than an internet comment.
Foreign AND domestic, so happy end of American experiment day huh. First rule of survival, don't give away your position as you already have, in the real world not made of words you'd already be dead, first, because you assumed MY position( fun to funnel enemies into your traps), and second, because you gave yours away.
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Completely misunderstood here, I don't support either of these old men, blame it on my dad being a Vietnam Green Beret veteran who lost his whole unit in Pleiku then had to go up the Mekong twice during its most unfriendly times. These politicians are the same to me, puppets of the real power players that unite against all common people and are loyal to no flag often it seems.
All enemies, foreign AND domestic. We can play attack the politicians all day. Your convoluted message indicates an agenda you seem to not want to be clear about, and that's already enough information. Wrong tree to bark up, were proud here, and an oath IS more than an internet comment.
Foreign AND domestic, so happy end of American experiment day huh. First rule of survival, don't give away your position as you already have, in the real world not made of words you'd already be dead, first, because you assumed MY position( fun to funnel enemies into your traps), and second, because you gave yours away.
I think you misunderstood me. I, too, am baffled by people who support those who ignore their oath of office. Baffled and depressed as hell.

A friend of mine from high school did 2 terms in Vietnam operating one of those boats featured in Apocalypse Now.

What "trap"? What do imagine was the trap?
I think you misunderstood me. I, too, am baffled by people who support those who ignore their oath of office. Baffled and depressed as hell.

A friend of mine from high school did 2 terms in Vietnam operating one of those boats featured in Apocalypse Now.

What "trap"? What do imagine was the trap?
Damn that's the terrible thing about typing and texting the subtle nuance of conversation can't be perceived by either party at times lol. I so miss the old days where it was less digital, glad your buddy is still around too.