Gym Routines

Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
One problem I have seen with squats is people often tend to focus too much on their quads (a somewhat aesthetic "showy" muscle) and neglect their hamstrings (probably the last muscle anyone looks at). A muscle imbalance will occur if you strongly favor one over the other. And with your legs, being the foundation of all lifting, you don't want this at all. Joint and structural issues can occur, along with affecting many other lifts. You wouldn't want ripped biceps with zero triceps muscle, right? Same things applies as the hamstring is used as a "curl" and quads as an "extension"

If you are going to squats on a regular basis, you should be hitting your hammys in equal fashion. Stiff-legged dead-lifts are my favorite. If your form is right (bringing the weight straight down to your shoelaces) you really feel the stretch in the hamstring. Then, barbell lunges are a great transitional move before moving onto your hamstrings, as the lunge hits BOTH the quad and hammy fairly equally.
Box squats are a great alternative to regular squats, and breaking up the eccentric/concentric chain and not having any bounce at the bottom helps to make it less of a quad dominate lift and gets more glutes, hips, and lower back development. Another first move is the trap bar deadlift which takes the stress off the lower back versus the deadlift, and is safer on the biceps because there is no over under grip. Builds great traps, lower back, and quads as well.

Wendlers 5/3/1 is a great programs and he does a great job of making lifting simpler for the every day person and uses basic lifts and principles and get out of the gym. Beat the log book, one deload week a month, basic nutrition tenets, and condition with a prowler, weighted vest, or hills. One of the rare big lifters who can articulate points in a simple manner, but when you get your degree in lit at Arizona that would explain why he can do it.
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

You guys are morons. Yes, everyone on Catspause should start doing squats because you saw a pretty girl standing under a bar on instagram.

Not like there's other ways to work certain muscle groups.
Squat isn't working a group of muscles. It's working groups of muscles, tendons, tissues, nerves, brain, hormones, etc. It's a movement, not a lift.