Gym Routines

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.
-- unless, of course, they want to do the single best exercise for building overall, functional strength.
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
Wow, wish I had the kind of stress free responsibility free life where I could spend 2 hours a day at the gym. For most people with work or school, spouses, kids that is a pretty unreasonable use of 8.3% of your 24 hours. But if it makes you happy, go for it.
I'm 28 and my only responsibility is a full-time job. You sound bitter for not having free time. Maybe put one of your kids up for adoption?

Or maybe don't spend your nights on the couch watching prime time for 8 hours a week.
Perfectly happy with my life, friend. Glad I don't need to invest 12 hours a week to be in tip top healthy shape in my late 30's, as you have found necessary to do in your 20's.

middle age is gonna be a bitch for you son
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.
-- unless, of course, they want to do the single best exercise for building overall, functional strength.
Yes, because a bunch of late 20's to 50 year old men should be loading up weight on their back and shoulders while putting shitloads of stress on all their lower joints to build "overall functional strenght."
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
Wow, wish I had the kind of stress free responsibility free life where I could spend 2 hours a day at the gym. For most people with work or school, spouses, kids that is a pretty unreasonable use of 8.3% of your 24 hours. But if it makes you happy, go for it.
I'm 28 and my only responsibility is a full-time job. You sound bitter for not having free time. Maybe put one of your kids up for adoption?

Or maybe don't spend your nights on the couch watching prime time for 8 hours a week.
Perfectly happy with my life, friend. Glad I don't need to invest 12 hours a week to be in tip top healthy shape in my late 30's, as you have found necessary to do in your 20's.

middle age is gonna be a bitch for you son
Sounds like middle age will be great for him considering he's probably in great shape. Dat logic doh...
Originally posted by bbonds:
@LineSkiCat - Just curious, are you trying to build muscle, maintain or get lean?
Build muscle. I could drop 10lbs. But lifting, with proper eating of course, will get me to the weight I want. You burn an incredible amount of calories from lifting. And many articles would argue that lifting is better for weight loss and "toning" better than cardio is.
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.
-- unless, of course, they want to do the single best exercise for building overall, functional strength.
Yes, because a bunch of late 20's to 50 year old men should be loading up weight on their back and shoulders while putting shitloads of stress on all their lower joints to build "overall functional strenght."
You're absolutely right, they should. But, hey, to each their own brother.
Okay. So you're trying to build muscle.

Let me make sure I understand your routine correctly...

6 days/week
6-8 different exercises per body part
6-8 sets
10 reps or until failure per set

You're not going to build much muscle doing it that way.

You have to also keep in mind that since you're doing back/biceps, chest/triceps on the same days, that you are also working your triceps during your chest exercises and the same for biceps with back. So when you add on an additional 6 exercises of 6 sets to your biceps, you're actually doubling up when combined with back....for a very minor muscle group.

Legs, back, chest. Those are your major muscle groups
Shoulders - not major, but not minor either
Biceps, triceps, abs, calves - minor muscle groups, but also worked during major muscle groups.

Any longer than an hour in the gym, is a waste. You seem to have read a lot about lifting. Surely you would have seen that mentioned, over and over and over and over again. But if you're looking at workout plans from Ahhhnold, then you likely would have never seen that phrase.

Just trying to help man. I was once on your plan and look back now and realize how stupid it was.
Originally posted by bbonds:
Okay. So you're trying to build muscle.

Let me make sure I understand your routine correctly...

6 days/week
6-8 different exercises per body part
6-8 sets
10 reps or until failure per set

You're not going to build much muscle doing it that way.

You have to also keep in mind that since you're doing back/biceps, chest/triceps on the same days, that you are also working your triceps during your chest exercises and the same for biceps with back. So when you add on an additional 6 exercises of 6 sets to your biceps, you're actually doubling up when combined with back....for a very minor muscle group.

Legs, back, chest. Those are your major muscle groups
Shoulders - not major, but not minor either
Biceps, triceps, abs, calves - minor muscle groups, but also worked during major muscle groups.

Any longer than an hour in the gym, is a waste. You seem to have read a lot about lifting. Surely you would have seen that mentioned, over and over and over and over again. But if you're looking at workout plans from Ahhhnold, then you likely would have never seen that phrase.

Just trying to help man. I was once on your plan and look back now and realize how stupid it was.
Wow. Never realized that. Thanks man.
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

LOL Lineski, why don't you just go crossfit, bro.
Never. The hipsters of gym going. I talk about lifting when other people *want* to talk about lifting. Crossfiters can't go 3 minutes into a social gathering without talking about their WODs
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Originally posted by bbonds:

Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Lift 6 days a week for 1.5 - 2 hours a session. ...
You're doing WAY too much.
Not to be a dick, but this couldn't be any more wrong. If you lift entire body during every session, sure that isn't giving you any recovery time. But there is no reason you can't lift 7 days a week for 2 hours at a time and maybe even do doubles, IF you split it up accordingly. You ask any professional power lifter or body builder how much time he spends (or even lifting "enthusiasts) and it could be 10+ hours a week. I see it from dozens of people, every day that I'm at the gym.

Day1 - Chest/Tris
Day2 - Legs/Abs
Day3 - Back and Bis
Day4 - Shoulders/Abs
Day5 - Chest/Tris
Day6 - Legs/Abs (Keep cycling evenly)
Day7 - Rest

Remember, 2 hours of lifting doesn't mean you are "literally" lifting that entire time. It's not like cardio or a sport. You spend maybe 1/3rd of that time under duress... maybe even less.
I agree with you..I lift five days a week for about the same. day 1 legs, day 2 chest, day 3 bi/tri, day 4 back, day 5 shoulders. I'm in pretty amazing shape, so the new yr new me crowd makes me laugh.
Originally posted by bbonds:

5 days/week
6-8 different exercises per body part
6-8 sets
10 reps or until failure per set

This is exactly what I do and have done for like 6-7 years. I have not had any problems, I'm in a lot better shape than before, and I've moved up substantially in weight on every exercise. I don't feel like I've done anything if I'm only there for an hour and do a few exercises then leave. 2 hours really isn't that long if you're lifting and doing cardio too..
Originally posted by JHB4UK:
Wow, wish I had the kind
of stress free responsibility free life where I could spend 2 hours a
day at the gym. For most people with work or school, spouses, kids that
is a pretty unreasonable use of 8.3% of your 24 hours. But if it makes
you happy, go for it.

I wish I had the kind of stress free, responsibility free life to have 25,000 posts on a Kentucky website!!!

This post was edited on 2/3 9:58 PM by CKELLY322000
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Originally posted by bbonds:
Okay. So you're trying to build muscle.

Let me make sure I understand your routine correctly...

6 days/week
6-8 different exercises per body part
6-8 sets
10 reps or until failure per set

You're not going to build much muscle doing it that way.

You have to also keep in mind that since you're doing back/biceps, chest/triceps on the same days, that you are also working your triceps during your chest exercises and the same for biceps with back. So when you add on an additional 6 exercises of 6 sets to your biceps, you're actually doubling up when combined with back....for a very minor muscle group.

Legs, back, chest. Those are your major muscle groups
Shoulders - not major, but not minor either
Biceps, triceps, abs, calves - minor muscle groups, but also worked during major muscle groups.

Any longer than an hour in the gym, is a waste. You seem to have read a lot about lifting. Surely you would have seen that mentioned, over and over and over and over again. But if you're looking at workout plans from Ahhhnold, then you likely would have never seen that phrase.

Just trying to help man. I was once on your plan and look back now and realize how stupid it was.
Wow. Never realized that. Thanks man.

There is saying that all programs work, but only for so long until your body plateaus and you need to find a new stimulus. That is the primary reason a muscle grows - because it is a response by the body to counter the stress placed on it. The stress can be via load or the amount of weight lifted, intensity, TUT(time under tension), shorter recovery between sets like 15-20 seconds... The basic premise is to get in the gym and stimulate the muscle so that the adaptation or response is to try and grow bigger and stronger to counter the increased stress placed on it the next time - providing that rest, nutrition, recovery takes place between workouts.

Everyone is different but with the stress you are doing with 6 days a week and 2 hours a day I would say it is a very likely chance that you are overstrained unless receiving some very strong "Flintstones" to help out. While you may do chest on Monday and say Thursday you are putting stress on your kidneys and central nervous system every day with different bodyparts. Also, your body's growth hormone response is done after about 45 minutes so get in, get it done, and get out. Different set of rules if you have "assistance" :) Try cutting back to 3 days for a few weeks and see what happens in regards to strength, sleep patterns, resting heart rate, and gains. Worst case scenario is you can go back to your old program.
Lots of good information that I appreciate. One last question. If you primarily could only do say 10-15 different exercises using machines for your weight training, what would be on your list? Exclude squat types of workouts due to me having a bad lower back and not wanting to risk injury. The primary goal will be definition overall with some added mass in the chest and arms.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by KyCatFan:
Lots of good information that I appreciate. One last question. If you primarily could only do say 10-15 different exercises using machines for your weight training, what would be on your list? Exclude squat types of workouts due to me having a bad lower back and not wanting to risk injury. The primary goal will be definition overall with some added mass in the chest and arms.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Are you opposed to any and all free weights, or just squat/deadlifts?
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.

I do know that I advocate that all women should do them cause I'm pro-booty.
Originally posted by ThePhoenix :
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.

I do know that I advocate that all women should do them cause I'm pro-booty.
Please... last thing I want is some chick with bad joints loading up all that heavy weight and lifting it from the ground.

Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

There's no reason anyone on this message board should be doing squats. No reason at all.
-- unless, of course, they want to do the single best exercise for building overall, functional strength.
Yeah. Dumb post by Bill. Squats are king. Everyone else just competing to stay in the palace.

Now, had Bill said something to the effect of "no one who hasn't been properly coached should do squats", I'd agree. I've seen some horrible squats done by people who should know better. Sad part is, most of the coaches teaching or doing personal training don't know jack shit about proper movement patterns.

This post was edited on 2/5 10:31 AM by wildcatadam6
I don't mind using free weights for arms, but I workout by myself and don't want to do anything that I need a spotter for. Did that once with bench pressing and barely got the last rep up. I'm not going to risk injury working out.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Case in point in the picture above. That is terrible top position, and anything resembling that will lead to injury over time.
Originally posted by wildcatadam6:
Starting Stength by Mark Rippetoe is a great resource for those wanting a manual.
Yep, Rippetoe is great. No nonsense, no bullshit.
You guys are morons. Yes, everyone on Catspause should start doing squats because you saw a pretty girl standing under a bar on instagram.

Not like there's other ways to work certain muscle groups.
Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

You guys are morons. Yes, everyone on Catspause should start doing squats because you saw a pretty girl standing under a bar on instagram.

Not like there's other ways to work certain muscle groups.
I was a joke. A little kybobcat'esque, but a joke nonetheless. Let's drop it; OP doesn't want to do em' anyway, and that's fine.

Anyway, OP, have you considered using a rowing machine? Great mix of cardio and upper body workout.
Be sure to do 18 sets of 100 reps, 8x per week.

And if that doesn't take you 2 hours, keep going.
This post was edited on 2/5 9:32 AM by bbonds
And be sure to get super offended anytime someone's gym routine makes yours look like recess on the playground.
Originally posted by UK till Death:
Testosterone is flowing ITT.
Some studies suggest SQUATS [/B]increase testosterone!!!

i don't actually believe that shit...
The squat is a basic human movement, along with a push, a pull, a hinge at the hip, and a plank.

Properly executed squats should be a part of almost every weight training program.
Originally posted by wildcatadam6:
The squat is a basic human movement, along with a push, a pull, a hinge at the hip, and a plank.

Properly executed squats should be a part of almost every weight training program.

You just have to be careful with squats. Form is important, probably more so than 90% of other lifts because you can damage your lower back and knees quite easily. There's also the chance that you could, you know, fall over doing them. Another aspect of squats that's different than say, Barbell Curls.

This is the first time I've seen someone advocate AGAINST squats. Not sure why. They are probably a top5 exercise, not only in terms of muscle building, but fat loss, creating athletic ability, hitting your core, hitting ALL of your leg muscles, etc.

Paired with lunges, box jumps, and some stairmaster, you have one of the best training regimes for skiers.
One problem I have seen with squats is people often tend to focus too much on their quads (a somewhat aesthetic "showy" muscle) and neglect their hamstrings (probably the last muscle anyone looks at). A muscle imbalance will occur if you strongly favor one over the other. And with your legs, being the foundation of all lifting, you don't want this at all. Joint and structural issues can occur, along with affecting many other lifts. You wouldn't want ripped biceps with zero triceps muscle, right? Same things applies as the hamstring is used as a "curl" and quads as an "extension"

If you are going to squats on a regular basis, you should be hitting your hammys in equal fashion. Stiff-legged dead-lifts are my favorite. If your form is right (bringing the weight straight down to your shoelaces) you really feel the stretch in the hamstring. Then, barbell lunges are a great transitional move before moving onto your hamstrings, as the lunge hits BOTH the quad and hammy fairly equally.
Wow.. Ive been doing it all wrong according to some. I spend around 1 to 1 1/2 hours a day in the gym and basically work out by myself with free weights and cable machines. I do NO cardio at all and have dropped 35 pounds in weight in that time period. From 225 to 190

-Chest on sunday
-Triceps on Monday
-Biceps on Tuesday
-Back on Wednesday
-Shoulders on Thursday
-Legs on Friday

I will hit Biceps twice a week, will mix it in on leg day at times. I'll admit that I need to do Abs and Cardio because I could afford to lose my belly and around 15 more pounds. Its 90% diet and 10% physical activity. I know people that spend 3-4 hours in the gym, and are monsters at it.