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Kind of side with Vern here.
Might want to reconsider. Statistically, fatguy is 100% correct -- look at the NCAA championship game last year and the NBA for the last 5 years.

On shot selection, our shot chart last year was obscenely bad. Whether that was a result of terrible talent or not, remains to be seen but I suspect Nate Oats would have made the tournament with the same squad.

On lineups. how is it even arguable that Calipari historically favors size over shooting/skill? He trouts that shit out every year. To Cal's credit, he does usually revert to the best lineup in time for the tournament.

Remember Wenyen Gabriel bitching in the pros because he was promised he would play some two guard at UK? Cal directly said that in the preseason. Remember Nick Richards playing as a freshman when he was arguably worse than ENG? This list (like Louisville ethical violations) could go to infinity.

The problem is just as much roster composition as it is who plays. Historically, we have usually been at least one guard short and Cal tended to collect big projects that sometimes panned out (Richards, Humphries being notable) and sometimes didn't.

This year was the first time we've seen Calipari legitimately change his approach and assemble a roster full of shooters. Unlike Tubby's bullshit about pressing and playing more up-tempo every year, it seemed like Calipari was actually changing... and maybe he is. After last year, UK fans are kind of like a beaten dog and wince every time they see something that reminds them of Fat Leather Jacket Cal.

* I, too, like to think Calipari chose a shirt with the proper "UK" logo as subtle protest to the abortion Nike has made of our apparel and logos. More probably it was just what Ellen laid out.

* Back to lineups, in some sense our starting lineup this year actually is a smallball lineup -- in theory, at least. Brooks is 6'7 and lean. He's the kind of bigger small forward that people think of as a stretch 4. Unfortunately, he just doesn't do a lot out there.

For his career here, Brooks is a 24% 3 point shooter and averages 0.66 assists per game. He's just not a perimeter threat or a good passer. He's also not a good driver or rebounder. He's basically perfectly average in every attribute. As a junior, I'm hopeful that the light finally turns on and he makes a leap toward being a gritty veteran but I'm not betting on it.

With Oscar the Monster dominating the interior on both sides to such a comical degree, I would like to see Cal experiment with four guards on the court while Oscar is in the game and then use 2 big lineups with Toppin, Brooks, Collins, Hopkins, and (only if an emergency big is needed) Ware while Oscar sits.

* With Toppin out and Ware out and Cal giving the "don't know, ask them" answers, our rotation may take even longer than normal to cement.

* Is there any word on whether Sharpe will play this year or not?
My argument, Hank, is that it is dumb to be pissed about shooting 10 threes in a 25 pt victory over The Mount in Nov. If you love Oats so much, go cheer for f'n Bama. They went 7-27 from 3 last night in a 5 pt win over South Alabama. That juggernaut squad he had last year bowed out in the Sweet 16. Cal makes f'n sweet 16s in his sleep.
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He sure as shit doesn’t win championships in his sleep(or awake).

With that said, this team is going to be bad ass! They are just so unselfish and talented enough to really make noise! Final Four bound!!!!!
He sure as shit doesn’t win championships in his sleep(or awake).

With that said, this team is going to be bad ass! They are just so unselfish and talented enough to really make noise! Final Four bound!!!!!
Actually, he won a championship in 2012.
-Do I not get this at all because I’ve never zoomed or am I missing something?

-I resent that comment Geese, even I skipped over all that basketball nonsense. Lord that was a boring convo.

-Not much pisses me off more than someone not using a turn signal and delaying my turn, Jesus it’s literally the flick of a finger. You can’t get much lazier or be more rude than wasting someone else’s time because you’re a laggard.

-For some reason at the gym asking how many sets I have left is right up there too, but not sure why. Shit I don’t know sometimes, I’ll do 4 usually but sometimes I might be feeling it and do more. You’ll know when I’m done when I start re-racking the weights and wiping down the machine.

-Speaking of lifting, what’s the deal with peptides? They’re all the buzz right now and you can order them without a doctor’s prescription? Always up for new supps but idk enough about them yet but know plenty of people on them.
^^Currently experiencing that.
"Can you hear me?"
"You're going in and out?
"Still going in and out"
"Hold on let me check the settings.. ok that should do it"
"I'll just call you on the phone."

-Our experience paying off. Lackluster effort in the first half gradually stretched to a double digit lead, then bulldoze them in the 2nd half. Younger team would almost certainly let St Marys hang around the 2nd half.

-I don't know what the conversation was all about but I'd rather not see Brooks taking 18' shots. He's so good when getting to the basket. Do that, grab boards, and take open 3s.

-Also, I don't care if they're shooters but I always ALWAYS want 3 offensive threats on the court at all times. Not those dumbass under 16 timeout bullshit big defensive lineups. F*ck THAT!

-Wheeler 🤣 I love that kid. He's going to get popped a few times probing, as we've seen, but he's just relentless. Cal just has to get that 3rd shooter on the floor when teams stick with the corner shooters(like Duke)

-Only 85 more D2 schools left until out next real game. Can't effin wait.

-Tried Athens Lunchroom, which is dangerously like 2 minutes from my office, and it was really solid. Cool place in the lunch room of an old school. Think it's one of Ouita's chefs. Give it a shot if you're around.

-Vendor sent me a couple Solo Stoves as a gift. Will make a dope re-gift.
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- Have four free Loge Level tickets for 11-20 if anybody wants to go. Only requirement is I need you to apologize to the older geez next to us. I went overboard. He’s owed an apology. But F UT!
You still have these brady? I'll be out of town by my bro-in-law is taking my nephews to their first game.
Are there “important” insurance meetings? Is someone going to die if you don’t go over the new premiums policy? Is it really necessary to see the person?

And I love bartending and having a bullshit job that doesn’t require stupid things like meetings and zooming. You all complain about it all the time, but yeah wish I had to do them for shorn.
Rando shitdos:

- Spent last week in Punta Cana at Sanctuary. Awesome adult only all-inclusive. 2nd time was different because their little town is closed most days and the best restaurant they had there (Fusion) is closed indefinitely. Staff and service is top notch. Dominican beauties abound. Met the Utah Rogue that is a snowboard instructor/bartender and going to take them up on a trip to Salt Lake at some point.

- 42 today. Meh.

- May have been said before but don't care, Lexi Lana is a dead ringer for Lilly from ATT. Best not search pre-zoom.

- We have a daily PM call and it still starts out like that each and every GD day. We've told the PM's to just start, regardless of who is present or not but they just can't help themselves. My zoom demeanor has gone from fun/chatty to tell me what the f I'm supposed to go and let me get back to work.

- First time hosting Thanksgiving with my family. Adding a puppy and mom's dog to the mix too so my house will be destroyed but worth it to have everyone together and to shave more years off of the cat's lives.

- Happy to see the Cayuts play and not worry as much if they're going to lose to a shit program. Not even interested in dissecting Cal much anymore so just going to enjoy the ride.

- Freddie wants 6 yr/200 million. Love ya but don't see that happening.

- Nervous the supply chain issues will take much longer to resolve. Every manufacturer we deal with is pushing lead times further out. Very little to be optimistic about for goods.

- Neighborhood friends are getting divorced. We're 1st on the list if they have to sell the house. Super pimp setup. Offering to help them pack and will tell either one we'll still be friends to get this place.

- That's all I got.
MSM was barely helping off shooters last night. Took us a while to realize this, but we finally went to a spread offense for the first part of the second half and pick-and-rolled them to death with Wheeler/Oscar. That's what got us the big lead. Eventually they had to start helping once it became clear that was an automatic dunk/layup, which lead to some open 3s for Grady/others. This is how we should play against almost everybody with our roster. It's not rocket science. It also will not happen. Also, far be it from me to disagree with the resident college basketballs, but not sure that we are "just seeing what works" holds up when Oscar played 33 minutes in a 25 point win.

Here's our shot chart from last night, for reference:

On a positive note, the aforementioned pick-and-roll combo of Wheeler/Oscar has surprised me in how effective it is. Oscar actually has very good hands and a nice touch around the rim. He's not just a bull in a china shop out there. Next step in his evolution is passing out to open shooters when defensive help comes, because it will start to come, but I'm confident he will get there because he seems like a hard worker and a great teammate.
Are there “important” insurance meetings? Is someone going to die if you don’t go over the new premiums policy? Is it really necessary to see the person?

Certainly Not for 30/40 something adults who share rent w/ 5 roomies or own nothing whatsoever to insure, such as yourself.

I contract for a Billion Dollar company, so yes, I have meetings.
It wouldn't be my first choice but I mean that shot chart court would be an improvement. Nice stain differential for the lanes, clean logo at mid-court with proper scale. Give me a blue perimeter with KENTUCKY baselines and that would be fine.

RELATED: Seems they finally got the correct shorts length at least. I haven't noticed the kids rolling the board shorts' waistbands over or anything so we can see the black elastic band rather than the actual PATTERN OF CHAMPIONS or whatever. So that helps.

**I know this shit doesn't matter to anyone else but the laziness of it just incenses me. Have some pride FFS. How there is nobody at UK that pays attention to this shit may finally drive me insane.
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Speaking of the floor… so those Central Bank stickers weren’t just temporary eyesores put on because there just wasn’t enough time to do it right like was said last season?
We had a good shot at making a deep run with Quickley, Maxey and Richards leading us. If Hagans didn't blow it up which was a big IF.
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I mean the years of bad decisions are just piling up to the point that Rupp looks like a neighbor's backyard that has a shitty Lowe's pergola, mismatched furniture, cheap steel grill, dead plants and assorted shitty pots, all purchased in March when the owner decided to spend a weekend and $300 doing something outdoors. It's all still there, just fading and falling apart while the lazy ass ignores it but we're stuck looking at it.

The faux brick. Checkerboard. CENTRAL BANK Squares. Shitty uniforms. Cal's 2014 fleeces.

Just a GD mess.
Speaking of the floor… so those Central Bank stickers weren’t just temporary eyesores put on because there just wasn’t enough time to do it right like was said last season?

Last year's cheap ass pergola bought outside Kroger the first warm weekend of spring. Enjoy. We're stuck with it until it rusts out.
I feel like the trend of grown ass men wearing panty hose under their basketball shorts is starting to slow down a bit. And thank god.

Still see it way too often at the local gym, though. Hard to knock out those 2 miles on the treadmill without a little extra calf support, I guess.
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Mostly @ rogue but really for everyone, the only athletic "supplements" that are worth a damn are a) caffeine b) creatine and c) actual steroids. Everything else is just making your pee really expensive. Peptides are garbage.

Cal's fleece looked worn out AF but if that's a lucky one from 2014 or something, I'm not mad at it. Especially because it has the real logo instead of the bastardized Houston nonsense we have now. F Nike for that mess.

ETA and protein powder is legitimate. but you also probably don't need it if you eat a balanced diet.
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