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Is UK/Florida the biggest/best/most interesting game of the weekend? It's at least 2 of those.

Other contenders:

K St/Miss St
Iowa/Iowa St


...I saw an article where our game is the highest $$ ticket of the weekend.
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After what he has built, I doubt we will have to worry about a wet behind the ears assistant applying for the job and coming in with a essay on why he wants the job. Stoops pretty much came in and sold UK on hiring him. There should be some pretty well known names and a bunch of hot shot young coaches that would throw their name in the hat. So when, not if the job comes open, we will get a qualified replacement.
Speaking of dogs...had a first today.

We have an employee that is somewhere on the spectrum. Hard working A-A but is a little special. I heard he had a bad week so I asked him how things were going this morning.

He says bad. I ask bad at work or home? He tells me that his dog (a pit bull of course) was dead when he woke up this morning.

He also told me it was in the trunk of his car because nowhere was open and he didn’t know what to do.

So we wound up taking the dog out to our place this morning and burying it by the pond.
The most important question of the weekend, where is the clown watching the game? Or is he back on the deck again.
After what he has built, I doubt we will have to worry about a wet behind the ears assistant applying for the job and coming in with a essay on why he wants the job. Stoops pretty much came in and sold UK on hiring him. There should be some pretty well known names and a bunch of hot shot young coaches that would throw their name in the hat. So when, not if the job comes open, we will get a qualified replacement.

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I'll say this, Mitch ain't gonna let his boy just walk out the door without throwing A PACKAGE at him, especially if he wins another 9-10 this year. If he still decides to leave, then it is what it is.

Completely agree that this job opening would be one hell of a gig though, which is amazing. Be sorta nice to take the new facilities and administration support/patience thing out for a test spin in the open market. I do worry about the depth of the pool of candidates, however.
- I bet we get Cincinnati-kid Tom Herman on his comeback after he flames out at Texas and Stoops moves to FSU in 2021. Mark it down.

- Listened to Sicko Mode twice on the way to work this morning.

- They’re easing me into big projects at work since I’ve never done this before, so there isn’t that much actual “work” for me to do yet. I’m mostly biding my time with Webinars replays and fiddling with the various software capabilities. It’s like a Penske file, but my boss likes the results of screwing around. Win-Win.

-Been listening to a great history podcast all day at work: American History Tellers
Let’s f***ing Go!!!



Unless Neal Brown totally bombs at WVU you’re setting yourself up for disappointment is you expect anyone else.
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I have a big few days here. UF game tonight, and Titans tickets tomorrow in a suite where everything is paid for and in the A/C.

I have no doubt my wife will go back into labor at 630pm.

Enjoy this game. Frank’s is average at best with revenge on his mind, and I think he tries too hard and creates opportunities for our defense to help out.

Let’s F’ing Go!!!!
Man F ESPN too!

The bottom line doesn’t talk about us snapping the streak last year, instead it says UF hasn’t lost back to back games to UK since 76-77.

No shit? Assholes!

7pm is ALONG time from now!
Maybe I’m whipped but it seems like bad form to be 2 hours away watching football 2 days in a row if your wife is about to have a baby.
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Maybe I’m whipped but it seems like bad form to be 2 hours away watching football 2 days in a row if your wife is about to have a baby.

2 days in a row?

Only game I’m going to is in Nashville. Leave at 8am and back at 6pm. Have 2 babysitters coming over and my wife hasn’t had to get out of bed since a horrible hospital experience 2-3 days ago.

I always deserve ridicule, but maybe sometimes you try to hard?
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