Originally posted by Dennis Reynolds:
-Anyone else's wife fell he need to'justify' whatever the hell they did all day on a consistent basis? Not talking about stay at home moms, they don't have to justify shit, but childless wives who either don't work at all, or only part time.
My wife works about 3 days a week on average, and it seems like every day she isn't at work, I have to hear some manufactured horror story about HOW AWFUL her day was. It's always some weak bullshit like it took FOREVER to get through Trader Joe's, or SOMEONE WAS ON HER FAVORITE TREADMILL at or SHE COULDN'T GET A CAB to her appointment, or I HAD TO WAIT FOR THE DELIVERY/CABLE/ConEd GUY!, etc. Always complaining about how hard her day was.
What's that about? I don't care that you have a few days off each week. How bout you spend that time taking it easy instead of finding things to bitch about so I don't think you were taking it easy.