I've been thinking about starting a cigarette habit. Recs? American Spirits or Chesterfields?

Easiest answer of the day, Strokin.

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Lucky Strike used to make a fine, unfiltered stick. Now they rebranded as a discount brand with a historic name. Sad!

I don’t smoke anymore, but it was great while I did
I've been looking at Lexington AirBnB listings more than I would like the last couple weeks and it's crazy some of the places that people are coming from out of town and staying. Lots of nice pictures of a small, newly remodeled, and and neatly decorated house with 1 tight picture of the front of the renovated house.

Then you look at the street view and it's in the middle of a row of disheveled shotgun houses with cars with flat tires along the street and a trap house a block up.
My dad, a lifelong contractor, always said architects were the dramaqueen hens of the construction world. At some point I'll find something that guy was wrong about but it won't be today.
- Elevator Guys are the dramaqueen hens of the construction world. Architects are a close second.

- Kooky, I could give you some 1099 help for BIM setup / Production if you ever need it, but if you use SketchUp or AutoCAD during the design or documentation process - I’m out.
- my brother always wanted to be an architect growing up - had that angled desk in his room, a T square, always drawing house designs. Won some award for drawing a Porsche 944 in HS, etc. Then he went to the library his senior year of HS in ‘92 and researched it and found out being a successful architect was insanely difficult and competitive so he decided to go to Medical school instead. So here’s to you kooky for being successful, I’ve always admired that profession after my brothers experience

- the perfect couple on Netflix was a good watch. I don’t find Nicole Kidman particularly attractive but she’s a great actress

- Kentucky football has so much more money now then it did 15 years ago that I find it ridiculous to not have elevated standards. Being in the Big Ten or SEC right now is a massive advantage that should be taken advantage of

-10 year old me would have his head explode that September and Fall are now my favorite months. Just fantastic in every way.

-My coffee tastes are slowly growing as I now find the PSL from Starbucks mediocre at best. Maybe here in a couple years I’ll know WTF kooky is talking about
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Like my dad always said, "never get into an intellectual discussion with someone from Paducah".

According to Federal Reserve Data, the top 10% in the US has a net worth of $55.4 Trillion dollars. Federal spending was roughly $6T. So you're only wrong by a factor of at least 9X.
WOW...55.4 Trillion!!!

So, we can confiscate all their wealth and fund the government for 6* years!!!

*Based on the increase of the 2025 budget
WOW...55.4 Trillion!!!

So, we can confiscate all their wealth and fund the government for 6* years!!!

*Based on the increase of the 2025 budget
Well, the federal government is "confiscating" roughly 1/6 of annual GDP in the form of taxes. But it's technically 1/4 when you factor in deficit spending. Wealth is balance sheet while the GDP is income statement. I'm not advocating taking 10% of our people's wealth each year to cover federal spending, but I do think we need to find ways to shift it away from income.
Started off at UK as an architecture major. At some point in during the second freshman semester I realized that shit was not for me. That whole college was filled with weirdos.
Yeah it seems insane considering you can’t differentiate kids by grades anymore. Seemed insane, anyway fwiw.
Covid did a lot of dumb things. This being one of them. Glad we can finally agree on something pandemic related, wcc.

Kook, I saw that jacket at the bookstore the other day. Love it but it only comes in men’s sizes so it’s too big for me.
Lucky Strike unfiltered (it's toasted!) was the preferred smoke of my WW2 Veteran granddad. Those things smelled awesome when he would first light one up. 😎
Real funny, UCL. You know damn well WCC reads these posts and he isn’t 50 pounds yet.

Ha ha ha. Welp know this- yeah, you can measure my height, you can measure my weight, but you can’t measure the size of my heart, MFer. I have a Secretariat heart. Chew on that.

And The Simpsons is a cartoon for the kind of useless dickheads who spend their college career hanging out at Lynaughs.
I'd kill for a Sunday night at Lynaughs circa 2003 right about now. When you couldn't buy booze in Lexington on Sundays, that place was amazing one night a week.
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Like my dad always said, "never get into an intellectual discussion with someone from Paducah".


I've been thinking about starting a cigarette habit. Recs? American Spirits or Chesterfields?

I would suggest Marlboro Reds. If you are gonna do it ya gotta go with Cowboy Killers.

BTW, I know you are kidding just tossing that out there. Speaking of, next Tuesday will 2 years since I quit smoking those disgusting, yet oh so satisfying, things. Between giving up booze and nicotine one would think I’d have a large pot of spare cash lying around. I had no idea how expensive running/walking/gym stuff is.