So… I came out swinging.

Big boss took me to a NYC/UGA bar (American Whiskey on 30th) and I told him to go eff himself. We went to Mustang Sally’s on 7th before the fireworks.


Looks like I can shitcan half the office. Relegate a ‘designer dickhead @$190/hr’ to doing some mundane shit that will make him quit. Later mutherfucjer.

Stagg Jr, Bookers (sucked), Russells 13 pours on a stomach that had a banana, protein bar and 4 hardboiled eggs.

I can now hire capable dudes to do some real
Resi work.

I also stated that it’s time for a commensurate raise.

I burned ATL better than Sherman. Can’t fire me, I’m the gingerbread man - ya dig?

Now to drive home🥹
If I can’t hire really good folks, I’m out. My rep in this town is everything. I gotta deliver the goods.

I’d love to go solo (poaching Wongi and Aniket) , but my wife being a non-tenured school teacher and my brother-in-law raw dogging the estate, I have ZERO cushion to start a business.
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Looks like I can shitcan half the office. Relegate a ‘designer dickhead @$190/hr’ to doing some mundane shit that will make him quit. Later mutherfucjer.

Wait a sec? You said you can fire the entire office, yet your plan is to do that by giving guys boring work to do until they just up and quit their $380K year job? 😅😅😅 Way to go scorched earth, Kooky!
I trust that offer is in writing, Kooky? And you have esigned and returned. Otherwise, in light of your attempted usurpation of company opportunities, those company lawyers are probably planning a field day for you right now.
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Wait a sec? You said you can fire the entire office, yet your plan is to do that by giving guys boring work to do until they just up and quit their $380K year job? 😅😅😅 Way to go scorched earth, Kooky!
Read the quote”-half-“the office not “entire”, junior staff.

Ya damn moron.

The guy logging 30-40 hours a week to OH is a senior dude and has seniority. These days, to avoid HR/litigation you’d prefer to have an employee leave under their own volition.

Plus, Wayne knowing that a persons billable rate at $190/hr has a multiplier of 3 only yields an annual salary of $140k/yr.

Stay in your lane.
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I trust that offer is in writing, Kooky? And you have esigned and returned. Otherwise, in light of your attempted usurpation of company opportunities, those company lawyers are probably planning a field day for you right now.
Bring it. Lawyers are pussies.
Read the quote”-half-“the office not “entire”, junior staff.

Ya damn moron.

The guy logging 30-40 hours a week to OH is a senior dude and has seniority. These days, to avoid HR/litigation you’d prefer to have an employee leave under their own volition.

Plus, Wayne knowing that a persons billable rate at $190/hr has a multiplier of 3 only yields an annual salary of $140k/yr.

Stay in your lane.
Well if you hadn't been drinking since lunch maybe you'd be clearer in what you originally wrote.
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So, high schools have multiple valedictorians now? Some schools up to 200 per class? Hmm.

I find today’s education interesting. From elementary on up to college. Stuff like grade inflation and such.
Re: Tua.

  • Are some people just more susceptible to concussions? Every running back in the league gets tackled like that in every game. It doesn't even make them miss a play. Would argue it wasn't even a hard hit. He ran at like 14 mph into a standing still and upright Hamlin.
  • Aikman had a ton of concussions too. He seems to be doing okay to this day. Would also be interested to know the expected impact long term.
  • There was a kid on my high school football team who had two concussions in football training camp so his dad made him quit. Why is this important? His dad was an NFL GM at the time - and a very famous one at that.
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So, high schools have multiple valedictorians now? Some schools up to 200 per class? Hmm.

I find today’s education interesting. From elementary on up to college. Stuff like grade inflation and such.
That's why killing off the SAT and ACT were dumb. And colleges are recognizing that.
-Tua had a couple really hard hits but the fact a couple of these head shots look pretty routine is not great. Dude needs to hang em up, granted the damage is probably already done.

-Tax the rich, Drain the Swamp, etc. All things that make great sound bites and aren't gonna happen.

-Indian Summer hanging on 😍

-It's Thursday and I'm still pissed off at UK Football.

-Gladwell has a great Revionist History on Standardized Testing. As always he makes some big leaps but it's an intersting listen.
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I have Dolphins season tix and was at game last night. What a total disaster for the organization! Anyway, Tua should strongly consider retiring. But players in that situation rarely do and I don't believe the player's association would permit a team or the league to mandate that he give it up. My guess is he will be back in a few weeks.
  • There was a kid on my high school football team who had two concussions in football training camp so his dad made him quit. Why is this important? His dad was an NFL GM at the time - and a very famous one at that.
Chris, Brian, or Dennis
  • Haha
Reactions: WayneDougan
-Tax the rich,
I am not for taxing the rich so to speak. I'm interested in shifting the tax burden from income (which made sense before globalization) to consumption and wealth (which would make the US more competitive, grow overall wealth, and reduce some of the wealth disparity which IS becoming a problem).