I really want to give Brock and Bush a pass because the offensive line was so abysmal but I just can't. Not incorporating more screens or shifting pockets was maddening. Not giving Brock simple pass plays to set him up in the game was maddening. Bringing in Wimsatt on the first drive was such a bad idea. The jet sweep on 2 and 1 that killed that drive was so unnecessary and obvious.

Richy Scang had some pretty rough games too but today just felt like we were completely incapable of doing anything and there aren't two more tuneup games to get it figured out. UGA might beat us by 40 next week.
Buddy, I hope it’s only 40.
Pulled a hammy rushing out of the stadium after pick 6.

My sausage and peppers, onions, mushrooms, provolone with tomato sauce served on Jersey Mikes rolls were a hit at tailgate.

Wish I played golf today instead.
So, my daughter watching the game today with me, I say, “ It’s like they don’t recognize the football.” And the smart ass that she can be says…..

Well, you know why, IT’S NOT ROUND AND ORANGE !!
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Welp, at least there’s fall fishing 🎣 to look forward to until basketball season starts.
There’s no righting this ship. 💀 That sucker went down like the Titanic.
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I mean at least you know when the end game arrived. Could have been worse. It's over. Build the statue, 2-10 win seasons should absolutely be immortalized, but the end game is here. Thank you Mark: you took us to heights most of us had never seen or experienced and you should be absolutely accommodated.
What a perfect day in Lexington to be at an afternoon kickoff at Kroger Field. And then a team of Amber Heards dressed head to toe in blue showed up to ruin the day, likely the season, and possibly get Stoops to find a job elsewhere where the fans won't revolt before his can sign the contract.

That was the single worst performance of a UK football team i have personally witnessed since a Bill Curry-led '96 team went north and lost to Cincinnati by 3 touchdowns in Week 2 of that season. THAT team somehow beat a historically bad Georgia team later that year, but that ain't happening this year.

The o-line was a disaster from the start, and Vandergriff was shook. Deer in the headlights shook. He either had no time in the pocket at all, or he 2nd guessed himself and his protection the whole game he played. His best throw and catch might have not really have even been a catch had a review of the play happened. Lots of sloppy, undisciplined, lost on what to do/where to go/lost on coverages bullshit we've been seeing for years.

So, yeah. The end of the Stoops Era is probably this season. 6-6 and a bowl bid seems to be the absolute ceiling at this point, if not already out of reach. Would be hilarious if he ended up at Arkansas with Cal. Florida won't want him no matter what the rumor mongers tell you. Best scenario for him is Ferentz finally retires (gets forced out especially after losing today to Iowa St) and takes over at his alma mater.

Dude tried to bounce to College Station, had it not only blow up in his face, but then Matt Jones gave the full play by play scoop to the whole state of said blowup. He lost a lot of equity there on top of the bad looks and criticisms for his pony up comments on the call in show and his "woe is me" talk about NIL.
anxiety dancing GIF

P.S.- When we're down 25 points in the 4th quarter and the mass exodus to the parking lot ensues, no one wants to hear the blast of music every other play stoppage. That effort today deserved complete and utter silence from the P.A./DJ from the pick-6 on. And they sure as shit don't deserve Grove St Party played again until they have earned that right with better results.
Thank you Mark: you took us to heights most of us had never seen or experienced and you should be absolutely accommodated.

Yep...2 seasons out of 11 worth a damn, routine collapses in the second half of seasons, lack of team discipline each year, dismal SEC record, off the field ignorance in public......definite gold star on the fridge worthy!!!
Yep...2 seasons out of 11 worth a damn, routine collapses in the second half of seasons, lack of team discipline each year, dismal SEC record, off the field ignorance in public......definite gold star on the fridge worthy!!!

Not to mention the probation and vacated wins.

All that said his coaching wins record probably won’t be broken in my lifetime. I hope I’m wrong.
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I’m disgusted by what I saw yday. In this day and age, every other team seems to have no issue running a competent offense and here we are burning thru OCs year after year unable to develop any sort of QB play. At some pt, it’s on the HC.

We were a 10 pt fav at home and got smoked by 25. That can’t happen too many times in the whole damn season across all teams.

I have no idea what our offensive philosophy is AGAIN. TE usage, no. Quick passing game, no. Downhill running game appears to work. 12 makes questionable decisions on top of questionable play calls. OL can’t block a 3 man rush. 2 games in and I don’t know what the fundamentals of our offense are.

Stoops can get the hell out as far as I’m concerned and I’m a huge stoops fan. You can’t have 2-3 stinkers every year when you make $9mm. That kind of salary should at least ensure competent preparation and coaching.
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just cant stop my outright anger.

Unfollowed any/all feeds from the athletic dept and coaches. All of them should be fired. Mitch does not have the right to hire the next football coach either. Get pumped.

In the stages of loss/grief, ‘acceptance’ shall not be broached. Burn it down.

Also, grats UCL
How stupid are we to run that sweep play early? Says it all really.

Beating reminded me of the couple we took against MSU but even then we got out offensed and we were coming off actual SEC games. This was simply malpractice all systems failure.

South Carolina takes Gameday. Lol

Ohio and Vandy games will be free tickets.

Stoops is cooked. Find a way to get him to Iowa and keep Marrow.
I warned you f'ers what would happen if you legalized sports gambling. Y'all didn't listen. Now, everywhere you go on a Saturday or Sunday and say to a guy, "how are you?", this is their response.

"Not good man; I hit on Texas, but damn Kentucky and especially Notre Dame really let me down so I'm like 1-5 today."

I went to three parties yesterday and I'm not exaggerating when I say I heard that line or something similar to it 7 times.

I mean wtf... this is 50x worse than people talking about Fantasy Football and about as bad as all the tattoos.

America is cooked.
You should have just told them about your runs, or your bread baking, or any of the other boring shit you talk about.
