- From a distance, it sure seems like Schlarman and Sumrall were the heart and soul of those teams. There's just not been any real life to this program for a couple of years. Ho-hum, go through the motions, get your NIL, and put yourself on the market in December.

- Stoops took this job thinking he could make it a stepping stone for him. I guarantee he thought he'd be at a major powerhouse by now. Instead, he's sleepwalking/going through the motions of another SEC season in the Bluegrass and he seems depressed as hell about it.

- Good to see the Louisville fan base start chirping again. Fun stuff.

- Tennessee fans are so desperate to be recognized right now. They think that football program is on the Mt. Rushmore of football program powerhouses (a Blueblood, if you will). The only sport they have that might be considered a blueblood is their women's basketball program. When you point that out to them, they become unhinged.
I would consider taking Georgia giving 24, but 5 decades of UK Football have taught me this: no matter what I do, they will find a way to make me miserable/f*** it up.

The vast majority of the time, they are going to put a big plate of "worst case scenario" down in front of me, and forget to bring me a fork.
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* Fire Stoops

* I watched a total of 4 plays. Got home right about the time we got the pick at the 20 before half, watched a couple plays, didn't even try to score, kicked FG, turned the game and never watched another play. I Knew, They knew.

* Southern Miss must be really, really bad. 31-0 in 2 quarters and 5 minutes ?

* Hope we beat Vandy, feel good about Murray State, Ohio U. Louisville will boat race us and try to run it up. Ole Miss will drop 50+ on us.

* Both of the UT's, LOL. Ugly losses, at Least 4 to come. 30+ point losses to Georgia, Ole Miss, Texas, Tenn.

* UL will win by 2 TD's minimum.

* 4-8 probably, hoping for 5-7.

* We not like them. can't have nothing. Shitty first round loss to Oakland, and football team shitting the bed. Baseball school, maybe ?

* Fire Stoops,,,, and Handy. Better luck next year.
I'm all for firing Stoops after this year, if we CAN get Sumrall (I've expressed doubts about that, but I'd love to be wrong) I just don't think Mitch will do it. Actually, make that, I KNOW Mitch won't do it.
I got Auburn tix, Keeneland tix. Reevaluating the entire adventure.

I do want to visit my son and Louisville bros.

We will see on my participation. Gnocchi Bolognese is a great dish for sure, but know that I’m not a one-trick pony. Menu item is also being reconsidered.
We are at a spot in the program where other SEC schools (Auburn) would be creating false storylines about their HC having extramarital affairs with young staffers.


Our potential winless SEC campaign has no bearing on my lone visit this fall. Certainly not letting this team cost me a trip to see friends, bet horses, Merrick Inn, etc... Grouper Fingers and having a chance to hit a pick 3 are going to win out every time.
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Mitch wasn’t gonna pay $33 mil to save the basketball program. 0% chance he’s paying $40 mil to replace a coach in the football program.