LOL - I KNOW most/all of you pulled sh*t like this at the store, back in the day. (I know me and my friends did) It never gets old, watching the geriatrics and grumpy shoppers go into cardiac arrest when it drops. This was the perfect song for it too. LOL

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* Reed Sheppard's new reddit/Twitter/online inspired nickname = "Cocaine Curry"

That's just amazing. 🤣

* Reds catcher Tyler Stephenson was suited up and ready to start the game when he got the call in St Louis that his wife went into labor. Fun clip of the dugout reaction....

* Probably not a lot of GYERO'ers tuning into the US Olympic Trials this week, but a couple gals I was rooting for.....

Gabbi Jennings -- 3,000 steeplechase, finished 4th. She won our local Turkey Trot this year, like random af.
Cory Mcgee -- 1500, moved onto the semis tonight.

Two local gals who are lookers, ifyounomsayin.

* Redlegs thoughts.......

- Andrew Abbott labored, walked 6, looked bad, and still managed to pick up the win by fighting thru some really tough spots.
- Noelvi Marte is now hitting .600 on the season, riding a 17-game hit streak.
- Will Benson FINALLY got off the proverbial schneid. Boy oh boy, did he need it.
- Spencer Steer is going to have a big 2nd half. Mark my words. Even during his awful May swoon, he was still hitting the ball hard.
- Jonathan India is hotter than a two dollar pistol. Just absolutely on fire.

* Reds don't get enough attention for their extra-base hit celebration. Player gets a double or triple, and does the little Donald Trump double jerk off two dudes dance.

* Let's all wish our good buddy, longtime TOWCHOP/GYERO contributor, hash tag girl dad, and former great head of lettuce haver wildcatc*** a happy birthday. The first time we hung out with the guy he drove down to BBdK's apartment around 2003ish, and we were checking him out in the peephole to make sure he was legit before actually allowing him in. Pretty sure we raised hell at @tmosphere that night on Baxter, and of course ended up at Labamba's. He's lucky to have us in his life.

* This thing is dead today.
Olympic talk- That men's 1500 was a great race, like they were sprinting.
Love Belichick's guys giving him grief is comedy gold. HOF career, trophy girl, bring it on boys, I already won.
This Glenn Powell guy just gonna play the same character in every movie?
Need some rain here.
  • Kid Rock's has a lot of juice right now. But Tootsie's will always be my favorite. You can't beat the classics.
  • Garth Brooks's bar flat out sucks. It's faker than his Chris Gaines crap.
  • Ordered a double vodka and soda. Goodbye $27. Prices worse than South Beach. #ThanksBiden
  • Kid Rock did have the debate on last night - bit of a home crowd for Trump if I do say so.
  • Can't throw a dead cat without hitting a smoke show down here; apparently you also can't throw a dead cat without hitting a smoke show that wanted nothing to do with me and my crew last night. Would have thought middle aged software guys would crush in this town. #Lesbians
  • I tell you the real winner today is the city of Nashville. Every time I come here it gets harder to leave. I think you guys put something in the water.
  • Kid Rock's has a lot of juice right now. But Tootsie's will always be my favorite. You can't beat the classics.
Robert’s Western World. Better music, plus the recession special. Fried bologna sandwich, chips, moon pie (chocolate or regular) AND a PBR for $7.

Tootsie’s is purple. That’s cool I guess. Lots of pop music played there.
  • Can't throw a dead cat without hitting a smoke show down here; apparently you also can't throw a dead cat without hitting a smoke show that wanted nothing to do with me and my crew last night. Would have thought middle aged software guys would crush in this town. #Lesbians
  • I tell you the real winner today is the city of Nashville. Every time I come here it gets harder to leave. I think you guys put something in the water.

Maybe they're the p/u basketball types?

~shooter reference - gold
What’s the fried bologna sandwich come on? Thick sliced? Throw some mayo and onion on there or how they dressing it?
I tell you the real winner today is the city of Nashville. Every time I come here it gets harder to leave. I think you guys put something in the water.

It’s the best value in Nashville. Thin sliced, but definitely piled higher than you’d expect at that price point. I just like mine plain with mayo and ketchup, but I do think you can get it dressed. I think the only chip choice is plain lays. Could be wrong. They have a very cood cooler. That PBR hits like the post-landscaping beer. Maybe it’s the environment and the only place on Broadway I can actually tolerate for more than 5 minutes. You aren’t fighting for elbow space with every Tania, Diane and Haley on their bachelorette weekend and it’s a respite if you actually like music and find yourself in Music City.

Highly recommend.
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It’s the best value in Nashville. Thin sliced, but definitely piled higher than you’d expect at that price point. I just like mine plain with mayo and ketchup, but I do think you can get it dressed. I think the only chip choice is plain lays. Could be wrong. They have a very cood cooler. That PBR hits like the post-landscaping beer. Maybe it’s the environment and the only place on Broadway I can actually tolerate for more than 5 minutes. You aren’t fighting for elbow space with every Tania, Diane and Haley on their bachelorette weekend and it’s a respite if you actually like music and find yourself in Music City.

Highly recommend.
My Cousin plays there. Dave Cox. Young man with an old soul.
You mean actually buying your wife a car??
Next you’ll tell me you give them credit cards!!
Walking does them wonders and keeps them from gaining weight.
My neighborhood for the last 4 nights...

I don't know who that car belonged to, but that thing is f***ed. Who puts the entire stash of fireworks right by the gas tank of a vehicle? LOL

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I mean just a magical stick by Randle and then a great form tackle by the third baseman on Randle. This is better than most football games.

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Lenny was certifiably crazy. Beating up your manager is high on list of no-no's.

Randle claimed that Lucchesi called him a "punk", which Lucchesi denies. Randle punched Lucchesi in the face three times before the altercation was stopped by bystanders
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The best part of that video (after the truck stick) is the umpires just deciding to let the guys work things out in a good ol fashioned scuffle