Yeah, again, not having a PG, much less the heart and soul of your defensive effort, is really starting to affect this team.

Not having a backup PG, who is probably the actual soul of the team, is crushing.

This is a tough ask for any coach, much less in this murderer's row of a league.
Noah and Perry with energy.

Carr is just against it with that back.

Give me Williams and Garrison together please! They are our best two post guys so play them damn it.

Jaxson too cool for school attitude is infuriating.

Should be a fun night.
Its our problem not having anyone to burn them off the dribble. Hopefully Pope has a plan for that for years to come.
Jaxson Robinson can't play in this game (he isn't really playing even though he's in there).

Really disappointing how hot and cold he is.
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Whole team is a mess - confidence shattered. Was worried we’d be deflated after that Arkansas game. Blargh