Watching Shannon Dawson succeed is just a reminder Stoops couldnt get out of his own way. Tons of talent this year evident by the transfer destinations and Im sure Hamdan will crush somewhere in 26. It seems there were 3 obvious failures that held him back.

1. Trusting an OC
2. Respect of his players
3. Time management and moreso actual in game decision making. A Robic type.

Maybe point two is a sign of the times who knows. Just I mean what might have been....18 and 21 were the best seasons in my lifetime. Next year Im dreading the embarrassing send off for the guy. A&M exit just like Cal and UCLA would have been best for all.

Im a realist when it comes to UK football a TON of headwinds but gdamn give me some hope we can make a playoff before I go out and fix the gdamn sound system.
The way this thing is setting up I think Stoops will muster a 5-6 win season somehow and parlay that into a different job.

I have no clue when looking at that schedule where they come from but I think it happens.

He is all in on this season and basically why he went with so many portal upperclassmen in hopes to take the experience and hope that favors his goal.

Hartley hurts UK, but for Stoops I don’t think it matters.
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* I’ve marked a lot of things off my “Bucket List,” but being able to wear that yellow The Price is Right price tag on your chest is still staring me right in the face.

* You can have Colgate or Crest, but push Aqua Fresh on my toothbrush night and day.

* If Santa is real in some movie universes (like Elf) why are there people or parents doubting his existence in the story? Who is bringing the kids presents? Or does Santa just know to skip the houses because parents buying whatever the kid wants?

* underrated taste: licking the concoction off the mixing beater.

* the biggest rivalry in my elementary school years was pizza and corn vs pig-in-a-blanket day. I’m still a parent trying to pick their favorite child. Gun-to-head, I’m going pizza and corn.

* Speaking of school, best times to have some money in pocket:

1. Scholastic Book Fair: buying some random posters and one of those “you choose your own adventure” books.

2. Candy Day: Caramellow bars all day long

3. School fair: I need those 80s hair band mirrors and hopefully win a ham on the wheel by the Lions Club. We actually used one of those for Christmas one year.

4. $.25 NFL pencils from the vending machine.

* are we still talking about school? How about the fist-pumping once the teacher rolled a TV into the classroom?

* “Every kiss begins with Kay” is the best corporate slogan that uses its name. “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline” is up there.

* if you’d ask me for a random, awesome night, give me a “Lock-In” at the Vanceburg First Baptist Church in the 80s.

A building full of friends with rooms of video games, food, nerf basketball, movies, etc.

“Yeah, got beat at Super Mario Brothers, but had some Uncle Al’s pizza and won a game of basketball and ended with some movies and going back for leftover pizza and finally beating Super Mario Brothers. “

* Pope has a leash as long as it goes from Paducah to Pikeville with me. We are entering another special era.

Missed you all, dorks.
I have a recurring elbow injury that I sometimes think is from lifting too heavy weights and other times I think it’s from bending it in my sleep.
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Okay. Anyone want to take this one?
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I pulled a muscle in my neck turning to quickly check where the flushing mechanism was on a unfamiliar toilet --

Told my family I did it while quickly checking my
Blindspot during a commute

Not sure how that was any better

I also broke the first bidet i met and flooded a small japanese restaurant by failing to properly maneuver an "eastern toilet "

(I held onto the exposed pipes for dear life)

Be careful around unfamiliar toilets yall
That shit is no joke
* “Every kiss begins with Kay” is the best corporate slogan that uses its name. “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline” is up there.

1. Please Don't Squeeze the Charmin. Undisputed #1 of all time.

2. Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.
3. Nothing runs like a Deere.
tangent to the When Does Christmas End thread:

For my next door neighbor, a man in his mid/late 60's, it ended yesterday.

Last night, 3 cop cars showed up. Turns out that his "girlfriend" (whom he met at the RED MILE 🤣 🤣) took a dislike to something or other. And then she "took" a ball peen hammer to: his 70 inch flat screen, half the kitchen cabinets, a couple of windows, tiled shower etc.

She was escorted from the premises, and now there is a huge pile of crap, which I'm assuming are her belongings, on his front porch.

No word on how the Christmas tree fared.
In the office 1 day and need to pass the time randoms:

* Was off all week last week and I'm off tomorrow and Wednesday but had to come in the office today and cover, caught up on all of my e-mails and voice mails from last week by 9 so I'm just here the rest of the day.

* This felt like the first truly magical Christmas for my kids and it's unfortunate you only get so many of them. Christmas with toddlers is fine but they don't really get it. This was the first year both of my kids wrote letters to Santa, wanted to go see him to talk to him, actually participated in Christmas traditions and came up with ones on their own. We were at our Christmas Eve service and at one point I looked down to see both of my kids holding candles calmly on their own, singing, and holding hands, took all I had to not break out crying. #whywedothis

* My son finally started an insulin pump after 8 months of injections and diabetes has become an after thought a majority of the time. For a while we were getting woken up almost nightly by low blood sugar alarms and having to give him juice, so much so that he's able to drink in his sleep. Now he goes to bed and coasts around 80-100 all night with no interruptions. What was once 4-6 shots a day and dosing calculations is now putting his carbs in his iPhone and pushing a button and letting it do everything else. The technology is amazing.

* Wife hasn't been working since June with my son starting Kindergarten she wanted to be available for the first few months and then got offered the first job she interviewed for once the semester ended. Considering she goes in telling them that she doesn't work Fridays and wants 2 weeks paid vacation only working 16-20 hours a week I try to caution her that those jobs are few and far between but she's now on her 3rd one in 8 years.

* Having 1 game in 16 days that was a 20 point trouncing followed by 2 PM NYE tip is an absolute drag but our opening month in the SEC is:

#6 Florida
12-1 Georgia
#19 MSU
#13 A&M
#5 Alabama
11-1 Vanderbilt
#1 Tennessee


* Probably the most checked out on UK football I've been in a while and I was here getting hyped for the 1-2 punch of Morgan Newton and Ryan Mossakowski. Having a 25 year old FCS QB lead the team doesn't inspire a lot of hope when the main pieces of a team that only went 4-6 are gone.

* I've always wanted to go to a Royal Rumble in person and even though I don't watch much anymore it being a Lucas Oil seemed like the perfect time to go. Top of the stadium is $200+, don't think I want to go that bad.

* Between The Yak and Mostly Sports I've consumed probably 1000+ hours of Barstool content over the last year. The hiring of Titus and the move to Chicago has made both shows a daily watch for me.
- Not sure what technology you use, but the Dexcom7 and OmniPod5 damn near operate like a pancreas. We are to the point our 14Year old “forgets” he has diabetes and doesn’t dose before some meals.

Glad to hear you and your family have adjusted from the original panic feeling.

- Yesterday I crushed to gambol book. On quite the run despite having some bad losses the past 2 weeks mixed in as well.

- Speaking of crush, yesterday started with a NFL draft order of:

NYG, N.E. Patriots, Las Vegas, Jacksonville and TN.

With 3 of the 5 wining it has bumped TN up to #2 pick. Being able to have several options is such a relief and now I just hope they can make my Sundays fun again.

- Just renewed my distilling and bourbon licenses. A cool $3500 the week after Xmas is just annoying AF to spend and not see a beach.

- Speaking of distillery our building is done. Going to put windows in after we get a C.O. The 3 motorized vents in the ridge to help push the distillery fungus up and away from our buildings is a nice touch. Considering how black our place holder building is after 1 year of storing barrels it was necessary.

- Lumber world is peaking at a time my motivation is at its worst. Add to it all the vacations my peers are on and I’m pissing clients off left and right with inconsistent service through the holidays.

Holidays midweek are literally the worst. Give me a Thursday for Eve and Friday for actual holiday as the #1 preference for me.

- I’ve never been so ready to put a year in the past and move on. My goodness I don’t think I could handle another one like this one was.

Happy New Year GYERO!
We're on the Tandem Mobi which is the size of an Omnipod but is still tubed. We have a case of Ominpods too that we were able to order for free since we met our Out of Pocket so we're going to try those out when swim team and pool season starts since they're waterproof. I'm sure once he gets older and more active we'll go full tubeless.
NY Giants don’t even know how to tank a season. Misery. Counterpoint: Shadeur Sanders is Kyler Murray 2.0. Meh. How bad are the Colts? Jesus.

Once the CFB playoffs are done, the real impact of the portal will be felt… along with some coaching decisions.

Egg Nog is great, except high in calories and instant diarrhea. So, not so great.

Stating my 3rd week off in a row. Glorious.

Happy New Year to all. Except Wayne.
We're on the Tandem Mobi which is the size of an Omnipod but is still tubed. We have a case of Ominpods too that we were able to order for free since we met our Out of Pocket so we're going to try those out when swim team and pool season starts since they're waterproof. I'm sure once he gets older and more active we'll go full tubeless.

Heads up you’ll need to buy extra waterproof adhesive patches because they do not last in chlorine or salt water.

Amazon prime has them like 50 for $10
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Norton Commons YMCA has more coeds in skimpy attire today than the Cosmopolitan pool on Labor Day weekend.
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Gonzaga win not looking so great now, they are 9-4. Need to go on a run or we will sink down the seeding. Gauntlet of a schedule coming up, so need to get hot. Need to go 5-2 in the first 7 SEC games.

Kyler Murray 2.0 is a hell of a lot better than Will Levis 1.0 or Daniel Jones 1.0. At least with Sanders they might sell tickets and merchandise. Hunter would be the smart choice, get 2 positions filled with one player (he will go both ways SOME in the NFL).

ZERO desire to party NYE. ZERO. Have a few drinks / beers, watch the ball drop with a glass of bubbly, go to bed, prepare for NYD football extravaganza.

Bengals and Cowboys won JUST enough to screw up a upper tier pick, figures.

Cam Ward is a bitch. There I said it. Either all the way in or all the way out. Playing the first half just to break a record for self then sitting and not helping your team win is bush league. IF he plays just in the final drive with the game on the line, they win. Bitch move.

Was glad Colorado got boat raced and the ACC went 1-9 with both teams in the playoffs getting blasted was Karma. ACC and Colorado was the 2 biggest frauds in CFB, along with Indiana.