Added him, as well.
(EDIT: catsfan, if that wasn’t clear)
(EDIT: catsfan, if that wasn’t clear)
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In for Atlanta-Yes the Pope hiring had a lot of us scratching our heads 5 minutes after it was announced. But about 5 minutes after that we were quickly excited for the regime change and to have a coach that actually wanted to win titles instead of putting players in the NBA.
- This abortion of traffic control on Richmond road and I-75 by the new soccer stadium is going to get someone killed. Would love to know who thought that one up.
- Trick or treaters put some effort into costumes last night, even with the bad weather. Seemed there were more teenagers doing it than usual. And 75% of all of them don't say thank you. Even with parents right next to them...SMH
- What GYERO'ers are going to Atlanta in 2 Tuesdays?
*Going to the Turf Club tomorrow for some GAMBOL time. Any hot tips?
He's truly just a POS human being, there is nothing redeeming about him. He'll act like a female genital then wonder why nobody likes him. Typically that is followed up by an email or dm offering to buy you a beer and talk about it. Dude obviously has some sort of mental disorder.I typically try to avoid blocking people but with UKO EVERYONE should.
He is not posting in good faith. He is only here to cause people annoyance and irritation and has for multiple decades. I hope no one ever reads another thing he posts on the internet. It is, as you so accurately point out, pure drivel.
Being an organ donor myself that hit me really deep.
Pretty sure Stoops just phoned in all four of those failed plays.Penn State’s offense gives Stoops a boner.
Pretty sure Stoops just phoned in all four of those failed plays.
30+ imo.We are going to lose. By a lot.
Link?I typically *rolleyes* at commitment videos, but the sight of Mark Pope inside that kid's barber shop told me everything about what kind of recruiter Pope is and will be.
Have to disagree on that. Spelling is fundamental.