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- Not sure how much needs to be said about it (probably nothing), but Cal's this year might have been one of the all-time worst coaching jobs. I honestly think we had the best roster in the country, maybe save UConn, and it was totally squandered and won nothing of note. The job he did was so unbelievably bad that I actually don't think I can believe it.

- The ways in which he botched it are myriad, but honestly if he just let the players pick the lineups and went to the locker room we probably beat Oakland at least. I'm not being facetious. Roll the balls out, as it were. It's hard to overstate how terrible it was.

- Maybe one of the reasons the freshmen felt so much pressure is every time they came into the game they knew they had to save us immediately, since they were replacing our starters who were outscored (significantly) on the season? Idk I'm just a stats guy.

- You know how hard it is for the starters at UK to be outscored on the season? Not even 20-21 achieved that. The combo of Askew, Mintz, Boston, Jackson, and Sarr were 20 points better per 100 possessions than the starting lineup we ran out this year.

- IMO this team had 3 future NBA guards. Sheppard and Dillingham have games that are built for today's league, and I think Reeves is going to be really good and I wouldn't bet against him getting himself into the first round despite being 23. He's a 3+D guy at the next level who gives you more than 3s.

- I'm a bird fancier. Really looking forward to spring and seeing all the migrators. A couple summers ago we had a whole family of orioles who set up shop in one of our ash trees all season. Grosbeaks, finches, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, corvids, you name it - I'm a fan.
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Barnhart is the least proactive AD I've ever seen. Listen, I don't want an AD or anyone in charge who does BS like Auburn did firing Barbee where he's stranded out of town and can't even ride the team bus and plane home. That's some serious bully shit that I have even less.respect for than what Mitch did. BUT, his M.O. every time is to wait until things have completely fallen apart before doing something. Everyone praises him for his patience with Brooks and Stoops but it's not because of any intuition or every situation is different thing, it's just he wants to ignore problems until they can't be ignored.

When Elzy pulled off the miracle of winning the SEC tournament a couple years back, she had done nothing until then to show she should have her job. The correct response would have been "congratulations on winning the SEC, and your reward is we're keeping you another year but we've got more work to do", he gives her a raise and multi-year extension!!! Jury is still out on Mingione. He's off to a good start this season and did ok last year but we're still kind of wait and see with him.
I don't really care if you like him. UK loves him. He's universally loved and respected by his peers and NCAA. He's had little to no scandals. He's one of the best financial ADs. None of that translates to the fans but it certainly does to the President and Board. They aren't firing him short of some crazy scandal, which ain't happening.
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Cal has always been a subpar Xs/Os coach. I have been to his “clinics.” There’s not a ton of substance there.

But now he’s losing control of his program (players/staff/entourage) and that’s what has changed. He’s lost control of the things he’s always been able to micromanage.

Meanwhile he still has his bosses’ balls in a vice. Somehow.

I keep waiting for rock bottom but I guess we’re going spelunking.
This was a timely headline in the LEXtoday email newsletter this morning.

Lexington's Birds
Highly recommend to anyone downloading Merlin, setting up a couple feeders, and sitting on your porch with a coffee in the morning.

Would start with a hopper and/or gazebo feeder + a hummingbird feeder. Black oil sunflower seed will attract cardinals, finches, and all manner of wild birds. Set them up now so they stop by on their way north.

I will stop posting about birdwatching now.
We're stuck with these dudes. The sooner you acknowledge it, the sooner you'll learn about bird watching.
You're probably right, and that's more of an indictment on the University and how they view the Athletic Department overall.

Seems as long as the gold-plated SEC contract dollars are flowing and BJW continues to overpay for everything from courtside seats to soft serve ice cream, providing them a Scrooge McDuck vault to swim in, results are irrelevant.
- Not sure how much needs to be said about it (probably nothing), but Cal's this year might have been one of the all-time worst coaching jobs. I honestly think we had the best roster in the country, maybe save UConn, and it was totally squandered and won nothing of note. The job he did was so unbelievably bad that I actually don't think I can believe it.

- The ways in which he botched it are myriad, but honestly if he just let the players pick the lineups and went to the locker room we probably beat Oakland at least. I'm not being facetious. Roll the balls out, as it were. It's hard to overstate how terrible it was.

- Maybe one of the reasons the freshmen felt so much pressure is every time they came into the game they knew they had to save us immediately, since they were replacing our starters who were outscored (significantly) on the season? Idk I'm just a stats guy.

- You know how hard it is for the starters at UK to be outscored on the season? Not even 20-21 achieved that. The combo of Askew, Mintz, Boston, Jackson, and Sarr were 20 points better per 100 possessions than the starting lineup we ran out this year.

- IMO this team had 3 future NBA guards. Sheppard and Dillingham have games that are built for today's league, and I think Reeves is going to be really good and I wouldn't bet against him getting himself into the first round despite being 23. He's a 3+D guy at the next level who gives you more than 3s.

- I'm a bird fancier. Really looking forward to spring and seeing all the migrators. A couple summers ago we had a whole family of orioles who set up shop in one of our ash trees all season. Grosbeaks, finches, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, corvids, you name it - I'm a fan.
Couple of problems with you view of things, Not including the recycled for the 98th time recap of the shitty year.

Reed is built for todays NBA ? LOL, how so ? If he can't guard or score on college average to good guards, HTF is he going to do it against the best athletes in the world in the NBA ? SGA, Fox, and 20 others will abuse him on both ends of the floor. I LOVE Reed Sheppard, but he is NOT (at this point in his career), built for the NBA

"Reeves is a 3+D guy at the next level." - You do know the "D" stands for defense right ? Watching Reeves play, what exactly did you see that says he is a defensive NBA player ? Curious to hear. He did develop a little runner and got better at getting to the rim, BUT in the NBA, he will need to get a LOT better. How about his ball handling ? Think that is up to par for the NBA ? Love Reeves, he was my favorite player on the team and can't imagine how much worse this year would have been if he did not return, but there are too many guards to name that have a better overall game that are playing over seas, and had nothing more than a cup of coffee in the league.
Couple of problems with you view of things, Not including the recycled for the 98th time recap of the shitty year.

Reed is built for todays NBA ? LOL, how so ? If he can't guard or score on college average to good guards, HTF is he going to do it against the best athletes in the world in the NBA ? SGA, Fox, and 20 others will abuse him on both ends of the floor. I LOVE Reed Sheppard, but he is NOT (at this point in his career), built for the NBA

"Reeves is a 3+D guy at the next level." - You do know the "D" stands for defense right ? Watching Reeves play, what exactly did you see that says he is a defensive NBA player ? Curious to hear. He did develop a little runner and got better at getting to the rim, BUT in the NBA, he will need to get a LOT better. How about his ball handling ? Think that is up to par for the NBA ? Love Reeves, he was my favorite player on the team and can't imagine how much worse this year would have been if he did not return, but there are too many guards to name that have a better overall game that are playing over seas, and had nothing more than a cup of coffee in the league.
Thanks. Have you ever seen a pileated woodpecker? Magnificent birds. They love suet, so could set that up as well. I'd also recommend getting a cheap pair of binoculars if you're so inclined.
Thanks. Have you ever seen a pileated woodpecker? Magnificent birds. They love suet, so could set that up as well. I'd also recommend getting a cheap pair of binoculars if you're so inclined.
At least you admit you do not have a clue, I take your switching to the birds part of your post as such admittance. IDGAF about birds, so not going to try and disprove your knowledge about them, but your basketball needs serious work. Maybe buy a book "basketball for dummies" if you are so inclined. I suggest this as it would help you be able to discuss the ins and outs of the sport like a real GYERO man.
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Cool we’ve reached the “fist fight in the locker room” stage eight months before the season starts.
  • At least there was no danger of anyone getting hurt. We couldn’t hit anything all night.
  • Jeff Sheppard-Financial Advisor. Who knew his best wealth building strategy was knocking up his wife?
  • Still wearing my UK gear around Knoxville hoping nobody runs into my fist.
  • Mitch’s decision is so bad it is surreal. My mind refuses to let it register.
Been getting progressively more into astronomy lately. You can use your bird binocs to check out the comet in the southwest sky for the next couple of weeks.

Peak viewing should be on/around April 12. You'll notice it just beneath Jupiter in the evening sky.

You certainly won't be needing those evening hours to watch your favorite D1 basketball team participate in the championship tournament.
Man, it's a good thing they play so much defense in the NBA and unathletic white guys that can light it up from 3 aren't at a premium.

I guess all of the gms and draft analysts are stupid to value Sheppard as a lotto pick, eh?

Edit : I fully expect Reeves to have an IQ like trajectory in the NBA. Afterthought on draft night who excels with his shooting and excellent mid range game. Seems like an old school San Antonio type pickup.
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When UKAA brought in Barnhart, I was happy to see them hire an outsider, because it was a necessary break from the old regime and the tight circle they kept.

Now I look back and think, at least those guys had enough natural-born pride in UK, the state and the UK BASKETBALL PROGRAM that it's hard to imagine any of them standing pat and putting up with this BS for all these years.

At least those guys knew how much it meant. I never would have imagined that a UK AD could hang on for decades without valuing that and protecting and advancing it with everything he has.

Also, as I recall, Dr. Todd (not Barnhart) was the catalyst for terminating Gillithpie.
Nothing in this thread has ever been photoshopped. GYERO stands for truth and #facts.

Austin Reeves had 29-14-10 last night
and he isn’t any more athletic that Reed. Of course that was in 2 OT’s but it can be done.
Nice to hear from fellow bird nerds. Second the Merlin app it is phenomenal tracked a red bellied wood pecker to its nest at Raven Run this past weekend. Had a northern flicker few weeks back at home. Nearly Hummingbird szn. 🙌

Enjoy everyone!
Mama Kattus has great taste in boys' names I must say.

* The sobering fact is that we care more about the program than anyone currently making a dollar off it with the possible exception of Tyler Ulis and that's liable to change if he sticks around here much longer.

People throw around words like accountability a lot and it is generally meaningless or at least unhelpful. But the simple fact is the the University of Kentucky Athletics Department doesn't give a shit about what the average Wildcat fan wants at all and hasn't for the entire time I've been alive. Barnhart having the personality of a turnip and nearly unlimited TV money have just made it worse.

* Anyone calling Reed Sheppard unathletic is a fool. He's white, not slow, and no worse a defender than the rest of the knuckleheads on this squad.

* Say whatever you want about Mark Stoops but he's never, ever given any indication that he takes the BBN for granted. He's *MY* coach.
-I like shooting and eating birds:

Turkey, pheasant, Bob-white quail, Hungarian partridge, chukar, mourning dove, mallard, gadwall, greater and lesser scaup, green winged teal, wigeon, Canada geese, snow geese... and greater white fronted geese (specklebelly).

^all delicious... although the specklebelly is in a class by itself.

-friendly reminder that birds are dinosaurs... and they'd eat you if they were big enough.
* Say whatever you want about Mark Stoops but he's never, ever given any indication that he takes the BBN for granted. He's *MY* coach.

He sucks and is making bank by continuously losing in the SEC. Yeah, he takes the BBN for granted knowing all he has to do is squeak out 7 wins and he can continue to get fat and happy as long as he doesn't get thrown out of any more country clubs.
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“My first priority isn’t the Commonwealth of Kentucky, or the University, or the Legacy of the Program, or the greater glory of Big Blue Nation,” he writes. “I coach for Klutch—not just old friends kids. My promises.” -John Calipari
My neighbor already has all the feeders and shit. So don't even have to mess with it. Got a great pair for vortex nocs. Let's go.

Gonna go find one of those tuffed tittmouses.

Might throw plants and trees in there too. I have no idea what trees are what. Feel like that would be useful when AI destroys the grid and we're back to caves.

F*ck you, Cal.
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