* Where has
@Joey Rupption been? I don't think he's posted since Elon announced the first neuralink patient.
I only occasionally lurk now.
We have three little kids and they’re in all kinds of stuff - so I actually work pretty intensely at my office all day and don’t have time to engage with my Wildcat Friends on here as much as I’d like.
I walk the kids (and the dog) to school, commute 8 minutes downtown, and grab a 30 minute lunch at my deli. This lets me leave around 4pm a few days per week (in season) so I can start the shift at my real job : Youth Sports Butler & Chauffeur.
Right now, between my 1st and 3rd graders, we are on (3) indoor soccer teams, (1) futsal team, (2) dance teams (seems like 1, but with more competitions(?)), and (1) night of Fustal training /wk - and sometimes do pickup futsal on the weekends.
Basketball wrapped up last week (I co-coached), bi-weekly golf lessons start in two weeks, and outdoor soccer (x3 - including the preschooler), baseball (x2), and
more golf starts after that for the Spring. I love playing and helping to coach all of those sports with them and they love playing them, so it’s great.
- We also have an goofball infirmed geriatric dog that gets insulin shots every night, gets an insulin monitor put on for a week every month(?), and had eye lens surgery a few months ago. So his “Calendar” of vet appointments throws a few wildcards into the mix as well.
- LSS: I put up a 40” TV in our kitchen to just display a 2-week look ahead of our family schedule
(all day long) and it has been truly helpful.
- The next house project is a Robot-Monkey-Space-Pirate-Mandolorian themed bedroom, bunkbed and desk for the boys’ room. Fiber optic space wall, command modules with iPad mounts, the works. Should be fun!