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The SEC prepares for this. It started when we began drawing coaches and now those coaches are getting players!

Beard now in the SEC too, and we could start dominating basketball like we have football.
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It feels like Houston has 10+ blocks this half. It's either a block or foul when Auburn gets it inside. No buckets allowed.
Pretty damn impressive from Houston in a road game. Sasser is a rare one that deserves the annoying & overused “dog” title. Or really, their team.

Not sure any current program embodies their coach more than they do.
They fight on every single possession, defensively. That has to be exhausting to deal with.
Sampson is amazing, and his bringing Houston back to national prominence is really cool Imo.

Obviously an easy root over blue bloods and rivals.

I cackle every time I think about IU running him off for what, TODAY, Marcus Welby a parking ticket.

Him in year 18 at Indiana would be *very* bad news…🙏

**nervous about them this year. C’mon Miami!
Late Night Bourbon-Infused Shorts:

- Snoop Dogg has a children’s album that includes an affirmation song that we play for our daughter on her way to school every day. It’s outstanding.

- Spanarkle is as terrible as Ian Eagle is awesome.

- Pitino would have 5-6 chips had he stayed at Kentucky.

- It is INSANE the benefit of the doubt Duke gets from the media. They had beaten nobody on that bullshit streak but of course all of ESPN fell all over themselves to pick them. Wolken - want more women in college basketball TV media? Fine by me - knock out some of these Dookie MFer.

- In the Crazy Rankings, naming all your children the same name is behind only women who date/marry inmates.
Bud Light blows but the new classic “hold music” jam until you’re drunk commercial is just amazing & brilliant,


Yet all I can think about is who made that jam, what chump change they were paid initially, and what they make now off nationwide usage across 1000s of companies, royalties, memes, and now Budweiser.
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-I’ve never really understood affirmations (does this make me a terrible parent?) but maybe I’ll start start this Snoop one on Monday with the baby. Do you think that will limit Blippi?

-What was going on with the dreds on UCLA #10? Looked like dreds in the front but the sides looked like a terrible Middle Aged lady coif.

-I think that was a sprain. @anthonys735 thought it was broken.

-Bama HAS to stumble at some point. Right?

-Wish our game was 12:10p or after 7p to coincide with the youngest’s sleeping hours. Not sure I can stretch his nap til the game is over.
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