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Hypothetically, if I lost a TV show because of politics but I still have a successful radio show and restaurant no one should be upset about the TV show?
You have never heard me say I was a victim of cancel culture. My own party got me fired bc they didn’t like me challenging the establishment. I was upset about losing that gig but like all the people above, I am doing more than fine

Probably a blessing in disguise in hindsight
DBs I've heard - Perkins-McAlister (no relation to the two terrible restaurants I hope), and Banks from Bama
Edge is probably Bogle from Florida
WR = Watkins (UL) and/or Robinson (VTech)
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I can't imagine anything dumber than a college coach openly professing their love for a politician that is viewed as a racist by the majority of the demographic in which they MUST recruit in order to be succesfull.
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I can't imagine anything dumber than a college coach openly professing their love for a politician that is viewed as a racist by the majority of the demographic in which they MUST recruit in order to be succesfull.
Voting for someone = professing love for them? That's a strange take.
-first off all...butter is the fat of haute cuisine, olive oil is for poors, Luigi.

-youre from new jersey, no? Accent smack is a problem for you.
Paula Deens shit is the furthest from Haute Cuisine. I thought you knew.😂

I speak the King’s English, BTW. And if you think PDs lazy-ass Georgia drawl is endearing - GFY. Alabama has the most gentile of Southern accents.
You have never heard me say I was a victim of cancel culture. My own party got me fired bc they didn’t like me challenging the establishment. I was upset about losing that gig but like all the people above, I am doing more than fine

Probably a blessing in disguise in hindsight
Doing fine because you are on a broadcast blowtorch everyday and defend your position. Imagine if you didn’t have a radio show.

Did Finebaum cancel you?
-ive never heard Paula Deen speak nor seen her cook, I just really love butter... and defending southern folks against northern aggression.
So you come from a position of knowledge. Ha.
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Sure, but not sure how a public figure is outed for who they voted for unless they actually want to promote who they voted for.
It's just an example but you seem to understand the point - A guy with celebrity can't openly discuss his vote for fear of being canceled.

It likely will never come up but he is in the middle of Loonville now so you never know.
In other news - Vegas Dave got cucked by The Golden Boy:


And she rubbed it in.

Apparently there are three Morgan Wallen shows at Rupp this weekend and a quick look at the cheapest ticket is $150 meanwhile April single night Elton John tickets start at $114. That's insane.

I couldn't name a single Morgan Wallen tune but I'm sure the scenery will be outstanding.
Two things can both be true

1. Society as a whole gets too offended too easily and then when they do make big judgments about people based on small mistakes. This happens more now with the far left but the far right will do the same at times too. Everyone likes to be offended and outraged. It happens all the time to all types of people and when it does we are always way too resistant to forgive and note that we all screw up

2. People do say things that are offensive and when that happens, people are going to be upset. And when people who aren’t in the group that was the target of the comments say they aren’t offended….well no shit, it didn’t apply to you. But I have seen virtually everyone on here get angry or offended about something that doesn’t bother me and lord knows I have been offended by stuff that wouldn’t bother most of you. It’s the way of the world

“Cancel culture” is another term for the fact that liberals tend to run Entertainment and Conservatives are mad that when they do things liberals don’t like, people get mad. Well no shit. Try being a player kneeling in Kentucky and tell me that doing something unpopular in the place you do it won’t have ramifications.

Everyone should lighten up, but Wayne, who sits online waiting for a white person to be aggrieved so he can come on and type about how awful it is, could be the worst voice for that position on the internet….which is saying something considering the fact that UKO and The Sheriff are both still allowed on it

(And I did that whole post without responding to what the one dude said about me….so eat it BBDK)
HaHaHa … and here comes Mr Thin Skin.
You have never heard me say I was a victim of cancel culture. My own party got me fired bc they didn’t like me challenging the establishment. I was upset about losing that gig but like all the people above, I am doing more than fine

Probably a blessing in disguise in hindsight
When are you going to get with the program and announce “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat party left me”, join the GOP and lead us to prosperity as the heir apparent to Mitch McConnell?
It's just an example but you seem to understand the point - A guy with celebrity can't openly discuss his vote for fear of being canceled.

It likely will never come up but he is in the middle of Loonville now so you never know.
Lincoln Riley left one version of "Loonville" for another.
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