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NBA playoffs starting in May kind of sucks. It usually helps finish April and jump into May with a game or two on every night and keeps the focus off early pointless baseball games.
The only show I’ve wanted to stream but isn’t available (as far as I’ve found) is the old NBC show “Ed”. It’s got a fantastic soundtrack and from what I’ve read they don’t have the music rights.
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I learned last night that CHET plays on the same team as Master P's sons Mercy and Hercy
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-March 1st 😎

-That forecast though, shewf*ckingwee. 45-61 with basically no rain and clear skies. This is it boys and girls. My goodness.

-UPS guys just parked like 4' up on the lawn. I get it, man. Tough year. But, shit, that's 3 tire marks deep in a sopping muddy yard to begin with.

- 8-14 😂

-Happy for my Bro Bonz down in the land of the free, enjoying beaches, crushing whatever dating aps, working out without a mask. Yuck it up, bubba.

-We're getting like 3M doses of that sweet juice into peoples arm per day. It was a rocky road but the scientific advancements are unreal. UK and US once again saving the day and paying the biggest price.

-Seriously haven't fired up the BGE since August. Wow. Probably need to show that dude some love this weekend.

-Those Tony's potato wedges, tho. Suckers are amazing.

-Hadn't heard of Red Oaks until this weekend. Not a bad sitcom, kills time while I'm on the trainer, plus plenty of gratuitous beefer action.

-WS has been making this crab cake recipe, dope as f*ck.

-Let's get this sucker back to normal. Don't settle for anything less.
Rumor has it Anth had another poorly cooked steak at Tony’s.

We don’t have those problems at Bob’s house of beef. First ones on the house bubba, just want to see you enjoy it.
Anth ordering a steak is like a PGA player over-reading the break. Just aim straight for the hole, bub.
-chorizo and ground beef meatloaf last night. Peas w/ onion/savory and "fried" potatoes. Nice Sunday comfort food.

-anyone who doesn't like meatloaf is suspect. Mine is always incredible.

-basement nice and dry. Best money ive spent in a while.

-started season 3 of the tunnel. Very good show. Female lead (fleur delacroix) is alright, gang.

-our man in Japan w/ james may(top-gear) on prime is a nice watch as well. The Japanese are quirky af. I like it.

-cribbage w/ English Jay Saturday evening. Helluva fun old-school game.
Spent the weekend knocking out some spring cleaning and minor house projects while my wife enjoyed the spa and relaxing sounds of the coastal waters... honestly it was a fine trade-off for both

A buddy in Austin just sold his 3/1 1200 sq ft house for just shy of $600k, without putting it on the market. Guy moving from California paid cash. He said he paid half of that 3 years ago and basically painted and added some landscaping. And now he's moving back to Birmingham and working remotely (and living with his parents for a while). Its not bitcoin but real estate appears to still be a good investment in most places.

CBB journos getting ridiculed for ridiculing Jalen Johnson (or just mentioning Duke is better without him) is bizarre. The guy "opted out"- so yeah when his team goes on a better run without him, maybe he was part of the problem.

Ive gotten to the point where I feel bad for Devin Askew. He would have to improve a great deal to even be a poor man's Saul Smith. I realize he's young and maybe the light will turn on- so hopefully he sticks it out a few more years, but man its been tough to watch when the ball is in his hands.
- If you needed extra motivation to shove an old person out of the way to get your shot, I am one of the lucky few who kicks covid and then gets parosmia and phantosmia. Some food tastes like ash and I am being haunted by the smell of stale cigarettes someone smoked in an uncleaned portajohn. Apparently the brain has to rewire the neurons affected by 'rona, and sometimes gets things a little out of order. Allegedly it's not permanent, but it is disgusting.

- Upside: This. Is. March.

- I got to depose a gentleman prosecuted by the Hon. @MaxPowerrr's office last week in the jail. Dude was a real-life Dewey Crowe on meth, and at the end he said "I coulda said a whole lot of other shit today but I didn't," and I got to ask "Okay, what was that other shit you were going to say?" on the record. He also explained to me that meth makes you "paranoid as ****" and "I couldn't let my bitch take the fall when she got hurt so bad." How the other half lives, man.

- Other half loves him some NBC dramas, and I can never decide if a) the writing is all horrendously overwrought b) the acting is overwrought or c) combination of both. I love Elliot Stabler-era SVU with my all my heart but I don't get the SUPER SERIAL EMOTION thing NBC has been selling since, man.

- I know Tony's is an actual restaurant but TBH it's mostly referred to in the same breath as anth, so I just pretend it's Chez Anth and Sloot.
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LOL, they is a lot of dumbs in here. Homepage of any streaming service, Netflix and Prime for example, just click the little S.E.A.R.C.H tab, then type in said show you are trying to find. If it is available, it will come up. Noble and very easy concept. You can even search the type of genre you want to watch. Drama, comedy, documentary, Netflix Original, Horror, so on and so on You get the picture.

PJ looked strong last night, as did several other former CATS. Monk is becoming a dude, he was this close to being released, had several "DNP (coaches decision)." He is not just hunting the 3 ball, he is putting it on the deck, and (gasp) even looking for the open man. Charlotte is a fun little team to watch, they get a solid star and another piece or two, look out. The same with Sactown, Harrison Barnes was in every trade rumor at the beginning of the year, now, he is a building block with Fox, Bagley and ONE of the steals of the draft, Haliburton. Nice little player in R. Holmes also.

Have pretty much quit betting normal bets thru my bookie and doing a lot of Fan Duel stuff. I have the NBA League Pass and it is really fun flipping from game to game to check stats. I usually select a stud from each position, the key is finding those $4000-$5500 players to fill out the roster. Example, only had $4700 left for a center the other night, got N. Noel for $4400, he got me 42 points.
The thing I don't understand with Askew is there were all those preseason reports about him being like an adopted son to guys like Russell Westbrook and Darren Collison... Them saying he was gonna be great, that they could go on and on about him. Why did everybody like this kid so much? Is he just really nice? Good cook? Somebody's nephew?
GYERO's inevitable evolution beyond the steakhouse is going to be difficult for anth to absorb. It's his $300+ BIG NIGHT flex, for sure.

Can probably say the same for the entire city of Lexington, actually. I mean, do you people eat anywhere other than Tony's and Jeff Ruby's?
Sure. Several places. Lex is doing just fine. I mean, the rona has shut a few down, but we also didn't let a bunch of hooligans over run our city for 6 months destroying 25 years of downtown revitalization and closing scores of great dinning and entertainment.

Speaking of Bristol and Brooks.
Honestly , at this point, we have to be honest with ourselves and ask..: What can Ant not do and not do so well?

HVAC czar with soon to be supporting lines of business, the foremost authority on all things Covid-19, master of the BGE and the weather forecasting skills that would make TG “Thunder” Shuck blink first. A true Renaissance Man if there ever was one.
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