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*Congrats to Doc and Brax.

*I can't count how many times I've told my friends they should've been aborted, how often I wish on the golf course I'd have been aborted, and how often they've told me I should've been aborted. Really not over the line at all as far as insults. Pretty standard.
Thursday randoms

Can't wait to meet little Jimmy Bobby!

I have a great ability to make extremely offensive comments. Both a blessing and a curse. Hopefully GYERO is blessed with less stale literary diarrhea from this.

Chevy Chase Hardware got in a load of salt this morning, prolly all gone now.

Degenerate resident that hasn't paid since August went to Florida a couple of weeks ago. Judge granted them another month this morning to pay up. No way they are paying up.

At this point, I wish Rex's mom had gone the abortion route too. Guy was my hero when I was 9 years old.

TX needs to get their shit together. We went more than two weeks without power in freezing weather more than once growing up. Cowboy up!

Anybody been to Illinois or Michigan to stock up on stuff that is legal in those states? Thoughts?
Honda 5000 or something. It's portable and massive.

I'll put a Kohler in our house though, that's the brand we sell.

And worth every penny to keep Sloot off your ass. Was great finally meeting Baby Luke. Kid is a cutie.

Congrats again Dr. Boat. You did good ol son. Let me know when you're ready to sell your boat. Of course after its been cleaned in spermicide and bleach because your boating days are OVA buddy.
Well I joined the dad club today.

Sweet baby James came into the world at 10:47am. Mom and little dude doing well.

To say that it is a surreal experience is an understatement.

Already talking to him about boats, Porsche’s, and steak.

Why we do this.

Congrats. Soak it all up and enjoy the little moments.
Texas is a shit show. I have 2 jobs going in Lake Charles, LA and the super just ups and leaves because his wife and kids are at home in Texas, and the hot water heater busted and the power is out.

Good reason, I get it, but I need to deliver this lumber before pricing changes. PM says cant do that and won’t pay, get it somewhere else bud, good luck!

Two more bourbon releases, I repeat only 2 more bourbon releases and I’m out. Crosses fingers to have my house built by then!
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Hopefully the wind will pick up and the blades will thaw out so Texas can get power restored across the republic soon. Been a very difficult week.
GYERO 2021- airone having babies in this ice storm!

  • Haha
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80, forget Illinois, overpriced bunk. Haven’t had enough time for good grows. Michigan is better but you should easily find better and cheaper locally. Also time to get your seeds started so they’ll be perfect transplanting size just when morel and turkey season ends. Can easily be hidden in a small cooler without worrying about anyone noticing them when transporting to their new home.
Bristol, no need for all the sadness, people in here having babies and such. Besides, it was simply a post about the charging call last night, nothing to really be sad about or refuted. It was 100% a good, and accurate post. Try to debate with facts otherwise.
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First UK almost cut ties with Rex
Now Ryan Lemond may be next

Maybe UK is serious about cleaning up this shitstorm after all
Seems UK and KSR are on the outs, so to speak.

Losing Cronkite and whatnot.

Can anyone name a single thing that UK Athletics (OTHER THAN FOOTBALL) has done right since this time last year? Beyond the excuse-laden "unprecedented times" platitudes about how big a struggle COVID is, etc, please go ahead and list all of the things that UK Athletics (other than Stoops) has done to continue their bond with fans and act to the benefit or pleasure of BJW.
UK athletics covered last night, and I’d be embarrassed to tell you how much that won me, but I will say I max bet 3 accounts to get back to 0.

From now on if it isn’t NFL my gambol days are ova!
So cawood can burn in hell, too.
-congrats to mr and mrs boat and brax...also to the respective fathers.

-grabbed a copy of elo's "out of the blue" on vinyl at lunch. Such a good band.
7-year old me got "Out of the Blue" for Christmas because I thought "Mr. Blue Sky" might have been the greatest song ever. The vinyl was actually blue too.
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Spring training thoughts?

Regardless of how into baseball you are, pitchers and catchers reporting is always a huge milestone in Anth’s march to spring.

Got a good chuckle out of an Enquirer headline I just saw, “Reds betting big on their offense bouncing back this season.”

Ha. Lol. Great bet.

The same super marginal offense that got shutout in the playoffs is now shorter of breath and one day closer to death. But it’s all good - gonna turn things around finally.

Get me a fish fry and 25 Miller Lites.
  • Congrats to @drxman1. May your spawn never serve a well-done sous vide steak to a friend. Seriously, the best to you and wife.
  • Related daddy milestone moment ( fast forward 16 years with your little boy ) - my son got his learner’s permit and drove me around the hood.... like playing catch, these moments are fleeting and special.
  • We bought him a car yesterday (I dont want him practicing on my rig or my wife’’s ride). A car I have secretly loved which suits a first-time driver. 2010 Volvo C30 with 100k miles. The funky body lines and mechanical specs are still fresh. Good stereo too. Bike rack. Safe. Hot hatch.
  • Super busy at work... $1.2M proposal out today for renovating/adaptively reusing a individual landmarked bank in the Bronx.
  • I have dropped Twitter, Facebook and News. Generally happier since... besides the basketball team being a disaster
  • Demo starts next week for my basement steampunk speakeasy. Gotta put my 90+ bottles somewhere. RabbitAirA2 air filter for cigar and smokables enjoyment.
  • Wan’dale season.
The Reds have to win me back. I really could have used a distraction this summer and the SOBs legit hit .212 as a team before backdooring their way into a bullshit playoff field before not even scoring a run.

That is my spring training thought.

UK football- the shining light in my sports fandom - well F me sideways.
The Reds have to win me back. I really could have used a distraction this summer and the SOBs legit hit .212 as a team before backdooring their way into a bullshit playoff field before not even scoring a run.

That is my spring training thought.

UK football- the shining light in my sports fandom - well F me sideways.

New Stripes Chad and a ring of honor coming to PBS! Bengals finally taking a page out of the Reds playbook to distract from shit on field product
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- Congrats Rax.

- If we're throwing comedies into the best shows convo...VEEP is up there. Can't put it ahead of Curb, but close.

Also the most realistic show about politics by far.

- No Richard Lewis in the new Curb season sucks. Was also really hoping for a Larry David eulogy of Marty Funkhouser last season. I get why they didn't...but LD talking at Funk Man's funeral would be gold.

- Entourage and Eastbound & Down are perfect for a hungover day streaming going in and out of naps.

- Season one of Bloodline was as good of writing and acting as a show gets. They royally screwed up the rest of it though.

- F*** Rex.

- On to the next one. Had a good three month fling with the latest chick.

- Always hated Stackhouse with a passion. He's a clown. That "Carolina Class" always shines through.

- Turning Las Vegas McCarran International into Harry Reid International is a joke. Okay, cancel McCarran...but replacing it with Harry Reid...notoriously one of the most crooked/
racist politicians in the 20th Century? Ha.

- Catsfanbgky still not having an "enter" key is a hatboggan. Loser gets called out about it every week when hating on his posts, and he's still too much of a yokel to understand.
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- JLD is the greatest comedic actress probably ever. Veep is just an all-timer.

- USA Network dramedys are solid quarantine shows. Knocked out White Collar and Burn Notice, flying through Suits now.

- Vegas in April Masters Weekend. At least I can't see UK go 0-2 that weekend. Pumped for Circa.

- 2 weeks until Tampa for a little golf weekend. Heard World Woods has gone downhill via a friend lately. Hopefully it's not the case but with the amount of golf probably being played down there going to keep expectations low.

- mid 40's Monday-Wednesday. Unfortunate it's just going to lead to the massive melting of all this shit, but hopefully the tide has turned.

- Both parents fully vaccinated, immediately booked a week vacation in Virginia Beach next month. Good for them. Not getting any younger, just wish they hadn't wasted a year of their lives holed up.

- Watching old Cal era vids from uk8catfan and others is turning the tide on my feelings towards Cal. Frustrating, unacceptable year, but I'm staying off the bitch bus until after the year. Coaching staff changes need to be made. Hopefully ornery, scorched earth, chip on his shoulder Cal returns next year.

- Pretty much over watching live sports other then UK games until fans are fully back. It was a welcome reprieve last year but it's gotten old quickly. Of course, the Reds would be drawing 10k a game as is.

- OWA is as good as it gets for a standard drinking bourbon. As good as it is, that's how bad the Special Reserve is to me. Have nothing for it.
This looks good, missed the first part last night but two more parts to come tonight and Sunday.
The Widower” is actually 12 years in the making. “Dateline NBC” producer Dan Slepian was embedding with Las Vegas police in 2008 when Thomas Randolph was arrested for murder. He kept following, and filming, the case until there was a recent resolution

This guy's like the Joe Exotic of true crime,” said Slepian, who has been documenting the case for more than a decade.
"I'm just focusing my camera and he'll look in the lens and he'll say, ‘Am I beautiful? And I say to him, you're facing the death penalty. And he says, ‘It's no big deal.’


-Took most of the year off of social media after it was nothing but Covid/Trump/Biden/Pissing Contests/etc, basically it was all negativity and I was over it.

Actually happier now without it. I’ll never go back to FB, it’s awful. Never got into Twitter and following kids is ridiculous in my opinion. Still post on IG here and there but don’t look at other people passed the first few posts and don’t look at who’s watched my story, much better.

Social media is a bane.

-Took a hiatus from the Keys and went home for 5 months to help out my mom. Both Gmas got Covid and she was running herself ragged between still teaching one class at UK and taking care of their houses, them, the dogs, etc. one Gma (the one I’m super close with and texted every day back and forth even though she died 2 weeks from 97) passed.

She went out on her own terms. Was living alone with an upstairs bedroom in her house and still driving herself to church and the salon weekly. Broke her femur and went downhill from there. Knew she’d never get to go back home so quit eating and told me she was ready to see my granddaddy and her daughter. Love you Mama!

-Kept my place here though and paid $7,250 in rent while not living here because leaving and coming back to find a new place is miserably difficult here.

After all that was taken care of, got back here on the 3rd of February. Don’t know how you do it gang, 3 months of winter was miserable, no way I was trudging through Feb/March in that world.

-Worked the pine in Brown County, Indiana for a few months just to do something. Cute little county and the only place in Indiana that isn’t the most boring, flat, shithole in the state but the average age is 64, not a lot of smoke walking around there.

-Whoever posted the “Twice A Year” Dad beach starter kit nailed it. Jesus H. (Little known fact the “H” stands for Hardin County) Christ you might as well walk around with a map and a Buffet t-shirt on. Those shitty 3rd base coach Oakley’s, PFG shirt and the Salt Life sticker on your minivan that’s registered in Meade County just exudes “extract money from me” so I appreciate it honestly.

-On an absolute heater at the gym. 2/Days for the last month and a half, only missed the second round twice in that time span. Pushing that single digit body fat again these days. Why? No idea, just love working out.

-Jumping ahead of the trend before it gets here and rocking my super short shorts to the beach/pool this year. Plus, it’s motivation to really get after Leg Day.

-Looking to buy down here finally but will wait til summer to get serious when it’s hot as Hades and prices drop we’ll see. Still makes me nervous if water levels rise and you never get your money back. Tired of paying other people’s mortgages and want my buddies to pay mine now.

I mean, I’m paying $17,400 in RENT/year and that doesn’t count utilities.

-Got the Rona in January and felt like I was going to die. 1.5 weeks of nausea, vomiting, resting heart rate of 140 (for 2 days), chills, everything tasted like a marshmallow with no sugar, no sleep. Pure misery. Never been sicker in my life. Didn’t see another soul for 10+ days. Has to be the only time that’s ever happened in my life.

-Single and haven’t been happier in a couple years. Had a rough two year stretch with a LOT going on in every aspect of life, finally minimized things and in a much better spot now.

Apologize for any time I took it out on anyone here or was a total asshat.:oops:

-Maybe 2021 will be the year my former business partner and former bestie will pay me the 21K he owes me! Who knows gang!

-Thanks for the entertainment over the last year GYERO!
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Sorry about the G-ma Rogue.

A very underrated series is Treme. I'm thinking about watching but again. Same producer/writer and many of the same actors as the wire. Set in post Katrina NOLA

This last week has gotten to me a bit. Another week of cancelled appointments and watching kids at home. I need some adult conversation.

I'm excited for baseball myself. If nothing else, it's a passage of spring and change from a doodoo basketball season.

Sidewalks cleared. One of the few on my street, only other ones cleared are rental properties. I got thanked by every pedestrian that walked by while clearing. Felt good doing my part to be a responsible citizen.

This weather has sucked, but at least weve had a reasonable blanket of snow. I can appreciate that. Now lets get some warmer weather!

Friday 5
Lawyers, Guns, and Money - Warren Zevon
Time Afterall - Sturgill
Sweet Music Man - Waylon covering Kenny
Fish and Whistle- John Prine
Here You Come Again - Dolly Parton
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Driveway shovel attempt this morning. Not happening. Need a bulldozer to get the ice up.

Playing golf and fishing seem like distant memories.

I really need some beach....Or at least some beach scenery.
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-Took most of the year off of social media after it was nothing but Covid/Trump/Biden/Pissing Contests/etc, basically it was all negativity and I was over it.

Actually happier now without it. I’ll never go back to FB, it’s awful. Never got into Twitter and following kids is ridiculous in my opinion. Still post on IG here and there but don’t look at other people passed the first few posts and don’t look at who’s watched my story, much better.

Social media is a bane.

-Took a hiatus from the Keys and went home for 5 months to help out my mom. Both Gmas got Covid and she was running herself ragged between still teaching one class at UK and taking care of their houses, them, the dogs, etc. one Gma (the one I’m super close with and texted every day back and forth even though she died 2 weeks from 97) passed.

She went out on her own terms. Was living alone with an upstairs in her house and still driving herself to church and the salon weekly. Broke her femur and went downhill from there. Knew she’d never get to go back home so quit eating and told me she was ready to see my granddaddy and her daughter. Love you Mama!

-Kept my place here though and paid $7,250 in rent while not living here because leaving and coming back to find a new place is miserably difficult here.

After all that was taken care of, got back here on the 3rd of February. Don’t know who you do it gang, 3 months of winter was miserable, no way I was trudging through Feb/March in that world.

-Worked the pine in Brown County, Indiana for a few months just to do something. Cute little county and the only place in Indiana that isn’t the most boring, flat, shithole in the state but the average age is 64, not a lot of smoke walking around there.

-Whoever posted the “Twice A Year” Dad beach starter kit nailed it. Jesus H. (Little known fact the “H” stands for Hardin County) Christ you might as well walk around with a map and a Buffet t-shirt on. Those shitty 3rd base coach Oakley’s, PFG shirt and the Salt Life sticker on your minivan that’s registered in Meade County just exudes “extract money from me” so I appreciate it honestly.

-On an absolute heater at the gym. 2/Days for the last month and a half, only missed the second round twice in that time span. Pushing that single digit body fat again these days. Why? No idea, just love working out.

-Jumping ahead of the trend before it gets here and rocking my super short shorts to the beach/pool this year. Plus, it’s motivation to really get after Leg Day.

-Looking to buy down here finally but will wait til summer to get serious when it’s hot as Hades and prices drop we’ll see. Still makes me Bergius if water levels rise a d you never get your money back. Tired of paying other people’s mortgages and want my buddies to pay mine now.

I mean, I’m paying $17,400 in RENT/year and that doesn’t count utilities.

-Got the Rona in January and felt like I was going to die. 1.5 weeks of nausea, vomiting, resting heart rate of 140 (for 2 days), chills, everything tasted like a marshmallow with no sugar, no sleep. Pure misery. Never been sicker in my life. Didn’t see another soul for 10+ days. Has to be the only time that’s ever happened in my life.

-Single and haven’t been happier in a couple years. Had a rough two year stretch with a LOT going on in every aspect of life, finally minimized things and in a much better spot now.

Apologize for any time I took it out on anyone here or was a total asshat.:oops:

-Maybe 2021 will be the year my former business partner and former bestie will pay me the 21K he owes me! Who knows gang!

-Thanks for the entertainment over the last year GYERO!

I swear I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that,,,,,,,,,,,was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AWESOME!!!!
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