-Took most of the year off of social media after it was nothing but Covid/Trump/Biden/Pissing Contests/etc, basically it was all negativity and I was over it.
Actually happier now without it. I’ll never go back to FB, it’s awful. Never got into Twitter and following kids is ridiculous in my opinion. Still post on IG here and there but don’t look at other people passed the first few posts and don’t look at who’s watched my story, much better.
Social media is a bane.
-Took a hiatus from the Keys and went home for 5 months to help out my mom. Both Gmas got Covid and she was running herself ragged between still teaching one class at UK and taking care of their houses, them, the dogs, etc. one Gma (the one I’m super close with and texted every day back and forth even though she died 2 weeks from 97) passed.
She went out on her own terms. Was living alone with an upstairs in her house and still driving herself to church and the salon weekly. Broke her femur and went downhill from there. Knew she’d never get to go back home so quit eating and told me she was ready to see my granddaddy and her daughter. Love you Mama!
-Kept my place here though and paid $7,250 in rent while not living here because leaving and coming back to find a new place is miserably difficult here.
After all that was taken care of, got back here on the 3rd of February. Don’t know who you do it gang, 3 months of winter was miserable, no way I was trudging through Feb/March in that world.
-Worked the pine in Brown County, Indiana for a few months just to do something. Cute little county and the only place in Indiana that isn’t the most boring, flat, shithole in the state but the average age is 64, not a lot of smoke walking around there.
-Whoever posted the “Twice A Year” Dad beach starter kit nailed it. Jesus H. (Little known fact the “H” stands for Hardin County) Christ you might as well walk around with a map and a Buffet t-shirt on. Those shitty 3rd base coach Oakley’s, PFG shirt and the Salt Life sticker on your minivan that’s registered in Meade County just exudes “extract money from me” so I appreciate it honestly.
-On an absolute heater at the gym. 2/Days for the last month and a half, only missed the second round twice in that time span. Pushing that single digit body fat again these days. Why? No idea, just love working out.
-Jumping ahead of the trend before it gets here and rocking my super short shorts to the beach/pool this year. Plus, it’s motivation to really get after Leg Day.
-Looking to buy down here finally but will wait til summer to get serious when it’s hot as Hades and prices drop we’ll see. Still makes me Bergius if water levels rise a d you never get your money back. Tired of paying other people’s mortgages and want my buddies to pay mine now.
I mean, I’m paying $17,400 in RENT/year and that doesn’t count utilities.
-Got the Rona in January and felt like I was going to die. 1.5 weeks of nausea, vomiting, resting heart rate of 140 (for 2 days), chills, everything tasted like a marshmallow with no sugar, no sleep. Pure misery. Never been sicker in my life. Didn’t see another soul for 10+ days. Has to be the only time that’s ever happened in my life.
-Single and haven’t been happier in a couple years. Had a rough two year stretch with a LOT going on in every aspect of life, finally minimized things and in a much better spot now.
Apologize for any time I took it out on anyone here or was a total asshat.
-Maybe 2021 will be the year my former business partner and former bestie will pay me the 21K he owes me! Who knows gang!
-Thanks for the entertainment over the last year GYERO!