- Been a long time randoms edition:
- Man, I picked a shit year to do Dryuary. Successfully completed it - and I did need it, given the way I sort of abused myself I guess to deal with 2020. But Jesus - what a shit month that was to be sober. I mean, I don’t need to recount it here - just a straight turd sandwich without the decency of any Mayo or other basic condiments. Booze is really underrated. Mental and emotional clarity be damned.
- Went to a local chili parlor (that’s for you, SAE) today to grab a couple coneys for lunch. There was some totally unhinged, giant of a man, derelict asshole standing in the cashier’s area screaming about masks being the work of satan. To the credit of the minimum wage folks working there, they had the wherewithal to just ignore him, and he eventually went away. He did steal a big handful of Andes mints on his way out, tho.
- Basketball. Ha.
- Overheard two young female employees talking about their waxing regimens at the office coffee pot a while ago - maybe mid January. Felt somewhat voyeuristic, but did mentally make a note of it. It’s the little things, folks.
- As a noted HR compliance attorney, I’ve been hired by several large companies to advise on when their “essential” employees can get sticked. Which is great work - I basically read the newspaper and bill for it. Sometimes make a couple phone calls to bureaucrats at the local level. Health department assholes, etc.
- But the upshot is this - us normal folks in Phase 1C are going to be late March, April, at the earliest. Yeah there are ways to possibly get one earlier, as several esteemed posters have done, but it’s random and statistically improbable. Things like the Baptist f**k up where doses suddenly materialize for large swaths of the youngish population won’t be happening again. Govern me daddy has made sure of that.
- Speaking of which, at a cousin’s baby’s birthday party last weekend (superspreader event), I overheard a couple common day laborers sticking their chests out and boasting about how they are “essential.” The other guy who worked at a vapeshop was not essential, and he was shunned accordingly.
- Football. Ha!
- Booze is great! Happy to be back on the life downward spiral train. Please drink up, and
f**k yourself on the way out.