Called it with 7 minutes left. 14-2 run, 7-point lead, AIR OUT OF BALL.
6 points the rest of the night.
6 points the rest of the night.
Ask him why he does this?Called it with 7 minutes left. 14-2 run, 7-point lead, AIR OUT OF BALL.
6 points the rest of the night.
I'm calling my shot. He'll have some swagger.If Boston goes for 25 and we get beat this might be the first time we've ever seen Swaggy Cal after a loss.
I feel great about this situation. Not like our coach gets owned on BLOB plays every year.
Yeah they stopped eliciting anger from me weeks agoLmaooooooooo
Not even mad
oh they haven’t hit rock bottom yetThe most frustrating part of this is that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
The most frustrating part of this is that there is no light at the end of the tunnel.