In reality that's going to be our issue in the second half Our offense is so inept that our defense has played 3/4 of the game already, our strength is going to wear down due to our 46 second 3 outs on offense.
If this were the NFL Combine, TO Terry May grade our higher than Mcsorley at every single category. But in a game, it’s not even close. This white kid is so much more shifty and elusive it’s not even funny.
How the hell did we beat Florida?
Can't run, can't pass, best option? I mean, I get that Gunnar has not looked stellar in his time he was given but we gained 80 yards in a half. There's no GD way we don't have a better option on our roster.
We recruited too good.Kentucky Football with a juggernaut defensive line. How in the f*** did that happen?
Stoops fired Gran during HT and Bob Stoops is calling plays.What is UK doing on this drive? Effing mystifying