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Came home this afternoon to a damn coyote chilling in my back yard, that is surrounded by a 6 ft privacy fence and no open gates.

Apparently South Lexington is the wild wilderness now.

Yeah they can jump that with a quickness. Can get back over it too with a small dog in their mouth.

Idk what Tony do, he just sit there sniffing glue. I tell Cal give me his job, I make it do what it do.

RIP Dirt McGirt

Cal will either get hungry again and start eating, or he’ll get Brad graduated, and ride off into the sunset...probably semi retire and start a Zija empire or something.

I have plenty of adult responsibilities but I still attempt to watch all the UK games I can...both basketball and football win or lose, and I certainly don’t brag about not watching them because...well, that’s what fans do.

I get that as I used to do the exact same thing. Im not bragging about anything. There once was a time where I scheduled everything around when we were playing, it's just that my priorities have changed. Want to label me as "not a fan" then have at it. I find more joy in spending time with the grandkid instead of wasting 2:30 hours watching the crap we have been saddled with the last 2 years, at the very least, and then afterwards come running here to bitch and complain for a week like everyone else. I'm having lunch with her at school tomorrow and that makes me infinitely more pleased than making time to watch a bunch of 18/19 yo kids play a game. I just dont live and die by every game anymore. I'd guess that each of you will get to this point, too.

For the record I’m not on august’s Side. I’m not skipping a game to watch freakin Elf.

It sure as hell was a lot better than that debacle....I mean, yeah sure I could have sat through the game and been pissed off for the most part.... or I could have sat through Elf, with a 6 year old that doesnt give one shit about basketball, or if "we" win/lose. She was happy making cookies in the Easy Bake oven and watching something on the TV that makes her laugh....which honestly I find more appealing, but then again I'm not a "real fan".
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1 shooting guard that can't buy a basket. Only hope is... Herro getting hot.

His shot is too pure to not go absolutely gangbusters at least a few times this season.

I would assume that the scouting report on this team is pretty easy:
  • Clog up the middle with double teams because Travis and Washington are terrible passers and one-dimensional outside of posting up
  • Do everything possible to keep Herro from getting hot
  • Let Keldon Johnson get his points because he doesn't create opportunities for others
  • Ignore all point guards and Nick Richards
There is not one single player on this team who will be a difference maker in the NBA.

So I'm going to write this down...June 2019 will not be one of the best nights in UK History.
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I thought it was people like Tim Raines that the HoF debated over... and I don't remember Harold Baines ever being mentioned in articles where this sort of thing gets discussed.
Never got more than 6.1% of the vote, when 75% was required. [eyeroll]

Not quite Phil Rizzuto bad, but close.
Compared to Lee Smith, Harold Baines is a first ballot HoF guy. How the hell is Smith escaping the wrath of this?
He retired as MLBs all time saves leader, so his name has at least been discussed over the years. Surprisingly, he’s also got a higher MVP finish (8th) than Harold Baines (9th). More All Star appearances, too.

Not a HOFer, imo, but he certainly dominated at his position for many years.
I’m not sure how but from social media it looks like the Snoop Dogg concert is whiter than the Alabama concert last night.

True Statement. I hollered at a couple of my African American buddies to see if they were going and to invite them to pre party with us before the show. None of them were going to the show but one in particular said he wanted to go, but he would have felt uncomfortable being stuck between that large of a group of white people in a confined area. :joy::joy:

-The show was banging. My first real rap concert Ive ever been too, but 100% awesome. The early 50 year old banker's wives dressed to the 9s, white girl dancing through the whole show did kind of take away from the authenticity of it though. Im sure they struggle every first of da month. :rolleyes:

-Vegas Bombs. Ive always been a Jager Bomb guy but VegasBombs...... holy ISH. Those things took me to the moon with a quickness.

-I'm glad our team is slightly better at free throws as compared to other Cal teams but I would trade that for even a marginal 3 point defense.

-With that said, not sure I remember a time I feel lest connected with a UK Basketball team as this years team. Just kind of in a "whatever" mood every time they take the court. Hoping that changes after the Bowl game, but more worried about Football Recruiting than what's happening on the basketball court. Normally after a loss like Saturdays I would have been in a shitty mood and been pissed all night. Now, I just change the channel and go on without a worry in the world.

-Another weekend, another Josh Allen award. So happy for that kid. Such a good face for the University, so humble, so deserving.

-Come on signing day! Let's hurry up and get these boys signed so they quit visiting other schools.

-Fallin' back on that ass with a hellified gangsta' lean. Gettin' funky on the mic like a' old batch o' collard greens.
Like that Huber decided he would call all of his black friends and asked them if they were going to the rap concert


In my defense, I also called all of my cracker buddies from that era too.
Look, in no way should a fan ever take to berating Coach Calipari’s family online to take out their frustrations. If you do that, you’re a loser. BUT HAVING SAID THAT I am a little bit over their whole act on social media. We get it guys. Some of our fans are heckling you. That sucks. But let’s not act like you’ve grown up in Syria and the Russians are gassing your daycares, ok? Someone was mean online. You’ve grown up with a far more lavish lifestyle than 95% of the population simply because your dad could convince high school boys to play shootyball for him. I’m sorry Brendan from Winchester sent you a tweet that said your dad is fat. But maybe we just put our big boy pants on and get over it without making a giant show about it? Thanks
You’ve grown up with a far more lavish lifestyle than 95% of the population

Try 99.999% - plus none of his kids will ever have to worry about being financially secure. This is like a movie star complaining about the paparazzi; it’s a cost of doing business. Set your twitter profile to private if you don’t like it.
Win or GTFO, you knew the deal before you signed on. I don't condone twitter hassling of families, but you're never going to get rid of that in any high profile job. It comes with the territory and you deal with it and move on. No one here is in the mood to listen to them whine about it. Everyone has their own problems, and rest assured, most people's are far more dire than "some stranger was a meanie to me on the internet".

You get sucked off 95% of the time. You're going to get shit on the other 5%. Welcome to 2018.
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