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Yes, the East Coast Elites and Hollywood all call it that - and readily include KY and the entire southeastern US, Midwest, Southwest and Great Plains as "fly over country" as well.

If you take your cues from them, then you have the other ~42 states already labeled, so good for you, keep your mind closed, no need to visit.

Middle America will just keep electing leaders while the extreme coasts fume at that diabolical Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers set up 230 years ago.


Lemme have one of those RVs.

Middle America elected a blowhard from NYC last time I checked.
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Not that I'm the arbiter but hell, you don't have to sleep overnight, walk 10 miles and eat 3 meals there.

The only technicality that shouldn't count in my book is flying into a state but never leaving the airport before connecting out on another flight.

My worst dip-my-toe was a 4 hour drive from SD north to Bowman, ND. Planted my feet on the ground, got back in the car and drove back south.

IMO, if you drive across a state border in daylight, that counts.
I ate dinner in Delaware once; wouldn't recommend making a trip there even if you've hit the other 49. Just boring.
Old structures lacking charm, concrete turnpikes and faceless foreign business conglomerates housed in nondescript buildings, trying to take advantage of tax laws that Delaware created because there's no other reason anyone would want to associate there.

And then a strip of shitty beaches up toward NJ. The ferry from Lewes to Cape May is cool though.
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Yes, the East Coast Elites and Hollywood all call it that - and readily include KY and the entire southeastern US, Midwest, Southwest and Great Plains as "fly over country" as well.

If you take your cues from them, then you have the other ~42 states already labeled, so good for you, keep your mind closed, no need to visit.

Middle America will just keep electing leaders while the extreme coasts fume at that diabolical Constitutional Republic that our Founding Fathers set up 230 years ago.

Dude is from ALBANY. No reason to take his opinion on middle America seriously.
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I probably won't do that 9-day roadie like I did in October again, but I don't regret doing it. 15 states, 5 National Parks, 4,856 miles. Wyoming and Utah were particularly amazing. But the final stretch home was grueling.

The Dakotas? I was up in Minneapolis for work seminars in August and had a day to myself in my rental. Drove up to Fargo, then drove south from there down I-29, stopped at an Indian casino on the border of SD and played table games. Won enough to pay for my gas and the upgrade seats on my flights.

And I would absolutely be the RV guy when I retire. Especially in football season.
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- Yes, once I hit NYC, there will be no more talking down to wcc from the traveler elite in here any longer. You will have to respect me.

- Saturday morning - best time of the week.

- Boat - will the ceremony have TVs AND sound?

- Hoping to see some swag and spirit at least today. Some sound defensive rotation and crisp passing would be even better but trying not to get greedy.

- Speaking of which, Greedy Williams- yet another example of a great nickname for a black dude. Meanwhile, whites are sitting here with their Joes and their Caseys and their f’ing Joshuas.
Century is gonna make a great bitter-for-no-reason, starting-drama-for-no-reason grandpa someday.

"You finished packing for Spain yet? I'm so excited for this trip."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Are you okay? Your dad isn't still mad because you haven't been to South Dakota yet, is he?"

"He's not talking to me... He keeps saying we were born here for a reason."
That's only because San Diego doesn't have an NBA team so Randall has no reason to fly there with his credit card points to see a regular season T'wolves roadie.

He's not wrong
Only scheduled Twolves Roadie is Milwaukee in February as of now. Gotta see Giannis live.
Love Century, but he’s definitely “list guy”. Bordering on OCD I’m guessing. I am personally really looking forward to him being a crotchety 70 year old posting on Cat Paw.
Making it your life’s mission to visit Rhode Island, Indiana, Kansas, and Mississippi is too much?
Driving to Montana next September. Probably put me at odds with Clinton County elite society, but life is full of trade offs.
Just so we’re clear nobody actually gives a shit about Century’s opinion on this right? If I have an opportunity to visit London, Rome, Paris, Dubai, etc etc or the St. Louis Arch I know where I’m going.

NYC for Xmas is amazing, might be one of my favorite vacations period. Would recommend the Rockettes Christmas special and a broadway show which are both reasonable. Hope to make it an annual vacation with my family once kids are older.
Was born in London (non-Kentucky) but spent the majority of my childhood in Bordeaux, France. Dad from Paducah, Mom from Lexington. Visited frequently but it was almost always to Owensboro and occassionally Hilton Head to see my maternal grandparents. Wasn't until we moved here that I got to really see this country. It's magnificently diverse in its landscapes. I can't wait to see more of it.

Also, Go Cats.
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We’re gonna have our hands full with Seton Hall.

-NYC during the holidays is as good as it gets, imo.

Next week will mark our 15th trip there together, including every December since 2011. Can’t see that ever changing, God willing.

-VJ King is basically a scrub now. Dude hasn’t improved a lick since he arrived in college - what a bum.
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Objective college basketball take.. UL is coached so damn well. Spacing is excellent. Their dudes know their roles and play their ass off.

We better start improving rapidly or we’ll get beat walking into that hornet’s nest on 12/29. TS.
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Go Cayuts

Matt Jones tweeted a link to a thread on this site about how much he eats sack and I clicked it and saw Cindog posted in it. She must be on that Magic Johnson treatment plan.
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