So, what's the worst thing that ever happened to you? Please be detailed in your explanation to the point you feel you're reliving the experience and contemplating whether or not to drink bleach.
Can’t wait for MY Cubs to open play today. Could’ve gone up to Miami to watch but then I’d be in Miami so there’s that.
Hey Willy did you cheap assholes go ahead and move the promotional Tundra over to Newport this season just to be safe?
Again, it’s in MIAMI. One of the worst places in America to willingly go visit, IMO. Was in South Beach a week ago and it took 4.5 hours to drive 160 miles back o KW and this is Easter weekend so the traffic coming into the Keys will be brutal. So yes, I’ll skip it and go see them in Chicago in June.The Cubs...who are one of the best teams in baseball...and YOUR team...are playing the closest to your home as they will be all season...on Opening Day no 80 degrees and AC...and you're sitting this one out?
Btw in Chicago its 44 and rainy. And grey.
Has anyone seen the sun?
Again, it’s in MIAMI. One of the worst places in America to willingly go visit, IMO. Was in South Beach a week ago and it took 4.5 hours to drive 160 miles back o KW and this is Easter weekend so the traffic coming into the Keys will be brutal. So yes, I’ll skip it and go see them in Chicago in June.
And yes Dore, I’ll be at Rex Weech Field Friday night to watch the boys play against those bastards from Gulliver Prep and I can guarantee the tension will be palpable.
.. I don't think I've ever had fried lobster, though.
I’ll second the rec for Purple Poulet and am glad to read Willy’s review- mostly to confirm it was still open since the location isn’t the best.So, chicken and waffles made with lobster instead of chicken? I'd give it a shot if Chase wasn't kicking so much ass in the weight loss challenge. I don't think I've ever had fried lobster, though.
But, speaking of chicken and waffles... to those of you in the northern reaches of the Commonwealth, I highly recommend Purple Poulet in Dayton, KY. It is a "Southern Bourbon Bistro" located in what was an old family grocery/butcher shop when I was growing up.
When my nephew, the almost famous DJ from Utah named ATL, was in town a few weeks ago I took him there. He got the fried chicken and waffles. Holy shit. Half a chicken on a sweet potato/bacon/cornbread waffle with pecan butter and bourbon maple syrup.
The place is fantastic and I highly recommend.
I’ll second the rec for Purple Poulet and am glad to read Willy’s review- mostly to confirm it was still open since the location isn’t the best.
(If you’ll notice what I did there was agree with a recommendation for a trendy hole in the wall foodie joint while at the same time subtly point out I had been there before Willy. #SmugLife)
Don’t play mind games with me Willy. You’ve lost 15 pounds and everyone else has been radio silent. I expect SGNI or Padre to pop in here anytime and say they’ve lost 20-30 pounds so far.
Lake Cumberland >>> Miami Beach, IMHO. F*ck you if you don't agree.If some smokeshows from UK wanna use my boat to shoot a video, I'd consider it. Good for the program, IMO.
Dale Hollow Lake > all other sources of recreational waterLake Cumberland >>> Miami Beach, IMHO. F*ck you if you don't agree.