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John Higgins, considered one of the top referees in college basketball, was one of four officials pulled off this past week's games, and he won't work the Final Four after he was part of a crew that mishandled a call in a first-round game between Auburn and the College of Charleston.

Higgins has officiated seven Final Fours, including the past three. However, NCAA officiating coordinator J.D. Collins told ESPN that this is a part of providing accountability.
No clue what happened but i bet the call was not in favor of Auburn.
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John Higgins, considered one of the top referees in college basketball, was one of four officials pulled off this past week's games, and he won't work the Final Four after he was part of a crew that mishandled a call in a first-round game between Auburn and the College of Charleston.

Higgins has officiated seven Final Fours, including the past three. However, NCAA officiating coordinator J.D. Collins told ESPN that this is a part of providing accountability.
"Accountability" ----> [roll]
Higgins didn't officiate the game, he was just an alternate. Shows was in the game though.
I’ve never understand why Jones refers to himself as a liberal...he talks like a moderate. And quite frankly, we need more moderates and less lunatic fringe types in office.

But the term liberal carries an extreme left connotation to it, don’t adopt that in a conservative state.
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I’ve never understand why Jones refers to himself as a liberal...if you listen to him he talks like a moderate. And quite frankly, we need more moderates and less lunatic fringe types in office.

But the term liberal carries an extreme left connotation to it, don’t adopt that in a conservative state.

I don't like Mitch as he is part of the problem. But Jones will need the weight of the Democratic party behind him if he has any chance. Seems the old establishment Kentucky Democratic party is not behind him. The amount of money that Mitch has makes it a tough climb.
Mags feeling himself after his politico article. How many different ways can you retweet an article about yourself?

In the last year, nearly every article about me has either involved Gregg Marshall's wife or the whistleblower who will not be named and I have been lambasted in all of them. Worse yet, I am forbidden from I probably did get go a bit overboard on the Retweets...but it was finally something positive, while also noting my bad hair and wardrobe choices.

It really is amazing how one article can get out there. People writing me from around the country of all types...just shows how disliked he is nationwide. The Democratic party establishment doesn't like me here but its mostly because I call them on what they have been...basically worthless. I like Ben Self, the new Chairman, but they still want to play it safe and in a battle between a safe Democrat and any Republican, the GOP will always win in this state. Not sure if I can alter that calculus, but I know I have a better chance than they do.

I dont refer to myself as a Liberal...the author did. But a word is just a word...if it causes people to vote against me, so be it. There will be bigger obstacles for me to overcome. But my belief is a new voice, who says what he means, is honest, has a backbone and stands up for the average person against the Establishment can be elected...even if he has different views on some issues. Maybe I will be proven wrong but its a fight worth fighting.

When I considered the Andy Barr race, a lot of people who didnt know about politics thought I would be the Favorite...I wouldn't have been. Andy is likable, Hillary baggage was huge and in a House race, incumbency is tough to overcome absent a wave (like may be here in 18). Plus I saw the polling...I could have won in theory but it would be an uphill battle...and with the Trump wave, virtually impossible. I would have been an Underdog that people thought was a favorite...thats a losing proposition.

But against Mitch the calculus is different. People all assume I am the Underdog and he is King and unbeatable. He is hated, has all kinds of baggage and is not loved anywhere....his biggest asset is money but the great thing about him is he raises you money too...because people hate him so much. I have seen polling on the matchup for a year...and it is much better for me than people realize...and he knows this. Thats why they are trying to be so intimidating. In the Barr race, I was a perceived winner that had little chance to this race I am a perceived huge underdog that actually has a fighting shot. Thats a better proposition

Its a long way off and a year from now, everything may change. But for now, its worth pursuing and considering. This time next year I will have to swim or cut bait

And with that, everyone can go back to being mad at me for fan shaming. (Watch "Wild, Wild Country"....its awesome)
In the last year, nearly every article about me has either involved Gregg Marshall's wife or the whistleblower who will not be named and I have been lambasted in all of them. Worse yet, I am forbidden from I probably did get go a bit overboard on the Retweets...but it was finally something positive, while also noting my bad hair and wardrobe choices.

It really is amazing how one article can get out there. People writing me from around the country of all types...just shows how disliked he is nationwide. The Democratic party establishment doesn't like me here but its mostly because I call them on what they have been...basically worthless. I like Ben Self, the new Chairman, but they still want to play it safe and in a battle between a safe Democrat and any Republican, the GOP will always win in this state. Not sure if I can alter that calculus, but I know I have a better chance than they do.

I dont refer to myself as a Liberal...the author did. But a word is just a word...if it causes people to vote against me, so be it. There will be bigger obstacles for me to overcome. But my belief is a new voice, who says what he means, is honest, has a backbone and stands up for the average person against the Establishment can be elected...even if he has different views on some issues. Maybe I will be proven wrong but its a fight worth fighting.

When I considered the Andy Barr race, a lot of people who didnt know about politics thought I would be the Favorite...I wouldn't have been. Andy is likable, Hillary baggage was huge and in a House race, incumbency is tough to overcome absent a wave (like may be here in 18). Plus I saw the polling...I could have won in theory but it would be an uphill battle...and with the Trump wave, virtually impossible. I would have been an Underdog that people thought was a favorite...thats a losing proposition.

But against Mitch the calculus is different. People all assume I am the Underdog and he is King and unbeatable. He is hated, has all kinds of baggage and is not loved anywhere....his biggest asset is money but the great thing about him is he raises you money too...because people hate him so much. I have seen polling on the matchup for a year...and it is much better for me than people realize...and he knows this. Thats why they are trying to be so intimidating. In the Barr race, I was a perceived winner that had little chance to this race I am a perceived huge underdog that actually has a fighting shot. Thats a better proposition

Its a long way off and a year from now, everything may change. But for now, its worth pursuing and considering. This time next year I will have to swim or cut bait

And with that, everyone can go back to being mad at me for fan shaming. (Watch "Wild, Wild Country"....its awesome)
Long time first time what are you hearing about KyKy thanks I’ll log off and listen to your response.
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The poor, rural support in Kentucky for Bevin and Trump should be a case study in stupidity. In theory, a liberal should sweep up in the Commonwealth, simply running on a platform of “Y’all know all that free shit you get from the government?? You’re welcome.”

Without even knowing Jones and his actual beliefs/issues, I’m totally on board with his candidacy. Establishment politicians are the worst, and it sure would be fun to see someone with nothing to lose jump in a big race.
People wanted to elect a politically inexperienced entertainer and we see what that got us. Seems like Mitch's play would be the same it always has been - nobody is more experienced politically and better able to work the Senate to his advantage than he is. His downfall this time may be his age.
A rank-and-file, junior Senator who is told by the caucus when and how to vote


Estalishment Senator who tells the caucus when and how to vote

---What's not to love about politics? :fire::fire::fire:

This sumabitch knew a thing or two about seedy politicians. I think we can agree, he had a good run and went out with zero regrets.
A rank-and-file, junior Senator who is told by the caucus when and how to vote


Estalishment Senator who tells the caucus when and how to vote

---What's not to love about politics? :fire::fire::fire:

If I win, it won't be because of anything "the caucus" does and more likely despite many things they do. Thus I won't be beholden to them and in the Senate (unlike the House), independence can work...6 year terms, filibusters, etc can make independence successful. Our own Rand Paul has shown that....there just hasn't been anyone on the Left who has the desire to do that.

I do...and even people who despise me would acknowledge that my history has shown one thing. I tend to not do well with those in authority telling me what to do. Independence may be my most consistent trait...for good and bad.

In other news, absent any last minute change of heart Mack to UL probably completed tonight....announced by Wednesday
Met a new lassie a couple weeks ago that I'm really into. Been slow playing it, if you will. Behaving, being courteous and respectful. That's been a struggle.

Last night we met up with a college bud and his gal. Got wasted, ended up in a dive bar with a bunch of cokeheads. Stumbled home at 3am and had dirty intercourse. Woke up around 10:30am with a pounding headache and continued to wear it out.

The Nicholas Sparks novel should be out soon.
-manchin of wva comes to mind. Some NE Republican types cross the aisle. I recall Evan Bayh being decent. Rand, of course.

- the problem is now when it comes to *national* politics...compromise is seen as weakness.

-old enough to remember Reagan/tip working together. Clinton was *nothing* without Newt...together they did some stuff.
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Had some mouthbreather tOSU fans chasing me down because I was laughing at K failing again with OAD. Had to bust this out and man, what an incredibly fun game to rip the hearts out of Sullinger and that rosey faced gaffot on national TV.

-i love my dem gay mayor. Voted for him not once...but twiced.

-that said, I've seen too many "center-left/moderate" dems take a hard left when they get to DC. It's a tough sell, imo.

I mean, why would you bring up you voted for a gay guy?
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