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Not that I care, but I saw a comment from a name that sounded familiar on a post from JDrum’s FB.

Lazy Tuesday star Daniel Solzman is now Danielle.
Matt Jones shaming fans is out of line unless they personally attacked him

Coming from anyone else would be whatever ... but he doesn’t seem to like other media/fans doing the same thing when they bring up his quotes about Cal at Memphis.

Everyone makes rash/uninformed comments... and most of us forget our own when we’re taking joy in pointing out others.

(I once said I wouldn’t draft Steph Curry high because he was the second coming of Eddie House).
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Unbelievable- back-to-back choke jobs from Cincinnati’s finest.

I mean, I was rooting hard against both but what do you do if you’re a Reds/Bengals/Bearcats fan?How’s that for a life?
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I asked Roger Sterling what he thought about KrazyKats’ comparison.

His response
I don’t know which is even more catfaggish than your original take: whining about not being able to post pics, being so incompetent that you CAN’T post a pic, or actually posting a multi-hundred character non-working link that you desperately hope people will click.
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Well, that was less than fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m guessing each fan base will be bolstered by what happened to the other. This isn’t a compound blow. Just a universal* one.

*unless you are a one of the many Kentucky, Ohio State or NKU (??) fans.
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