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It still kinda blows my mind that there are seemingly normal people walking around among us that feel this way.

the real problem is politics buddy. The left sponsors everything that is anti American. Islam, BLM it doesn't matter I don't mind them the enabler of everything is liberalism. And they must be physically extinguished from this planet. There is no co exist with people who want to kill you. Remember the black Missouri state rep who said she hoped trump is assassinated. I fear for his life I really do and would be shocked if there is not an attempt made on his life soon.

All these anarchist liberals want is violence when you talk enough of it, some nut will reach a boiling point and do this. Someone needs to step up on the right and make a call to arms to start kicking some ass and shedding some liberal blood.I hope and pray that soon there is a national militarized organization for conservatives. I don't have the planning skills to put that togather but I would definitely join.
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Watched some of the press conference for the PC on Saturday. Kisner seems like a real GYEROMAN for giving Spieth so much shit about his 0fer in singles matches.

Our American team is alright. Not really blow your doors off talented but pretty, pretty, pretty good.
... but speaks to my stance that the State of Kentucky with their focus on "elite research university status" should also focus on "any academic/trade prep" to give more people a chance.There are more opportunities for welders right now than there are for the 10k communications majors we are churning out.

"People, the time has come to smite down our enemies and those who oppose our views. Because they are destroying our country and everything it represents! Buuuuuttttt I'm not really what you would call an 'organizational guy' or a 'planner.' More of a mindless foot soldier, really. Perfectly fine leaving the thinking and putting things together to someone else. So when you guys get the whole armed resurrection deal sorted out, let me know and I will be completely on board. Totally down for whatever, you guys."
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That mud wrestling match with EMU was the stone cold lock of the century. I don't understand fans that thought we were going to light them up and win by 35 bigg'uns. Learn Kentucky football, learn mark stoops, learn BROGAN ROBACK, Learn krogering. Just happy for the W. 4-1 baby.

Louisville is just soooo Louisville. Like, I can't even begin to wrap my head around another university keeping an AD who has overseen this much corruption, but it's exactly what they're going to do. And a lot of their fans are beaming with the excitement that they might keep TOM JONG TITTAY. I really hope they do. I hope they keep Rick Pitino as well. Hire Andre McGee back from Best Buy. Keep the whole gang. I'm begging you, UofL. Do it.

Speaking of rivalries, my boys played in their first rivalry football game this weekend. What a freaking blast. Made the kids a giant banner to run through, signs, noise makers, whole thing. Kids all tripped and fell into a heap after they busted through the sign. So cute. Oldest scored a TD to tie it up. Crowd went bananas. Ended up winning going away. Little handwringing at first but they battled. Glad I wasn't a pussy and let my kids experience CTE. So far so good.

Opening scene of curb was just great. The way Larry david can so humorously articulate the mundane nuances of every day life is just genius. So glad that show is back. Nice little comedy.

Glad to see everyone is joining Adrian and I in the protest of the NFL. Think we've been on this train for several years now. Bandwagons almost full.
Uh my Bengals righted the ship yesterday so I'm back to #allin.

brb gonna go burn a Carson Palmer jersey wrapped in a flag
What a terrible thing humanity can be. I have stayed at MB on that side facing the airport dozens of times. Scary thing that almost every event outside of your home can be affected by some psycho with a gun.

I know GYERO is busy but I will remind everyone that you can call in and speak to one of the tman's right hands this afternoon from 3-5. Multiple calls praising TOM for random things would be great. Like thank you TOM for the bourbon boom without you drinking bourbon at MM it would of never caught on like this. #saveTOM
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Hey- give Louisville a break. It’s really hard to make these difficult decisions like hiring an interim head coach when you have an interim president and no AD.:joy:

Only on Floyd Street...
I stayed at Four Seasons which is the top 5 floors of Mandalay Bay. Did have a nice strip view. Met Green Day.

Shew, they almost got Bilzerian.
Looking for Pitino to be named interim AD. His coaching days are behind him, but what an invaluable resource he would be at the AD level! GO Cards, Go Thornton's
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...and god forbid any of those coaches or upper management say, "meh, seems like maybe they me we let TOMMY walk, ya think?"

Suppose UL does the most UL thing ever and keeps the guy? Seems like TJ isn't the most understanding fella when it comes to criticism of his administration.

In other words, they marcus be asking "hey, anyone want to take a stab at signing their termination papers on the 25% chance King Jurich lives to fight another day?"
Ol' Rape Eyes Larry has moved away from cyber-harassing young girls to going after Subway corporate for being overcharged at the Danville location. He had a damn coupon and everything, smh
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The differences are negligible.
Ol' Rape Eyes Larry has moved away from cyber-harassing young girls to going after Subway corporate for being overcharged at the Danville location. He had a damn coupon and everything, smh

$1.06. $1 Goddamn .06

I mean, Subway is asking some pretty reasonable questions, like “what store?” Jesus.
Ol' Rape Eyes Larry has moved away from cyber-harassing young girls to going after Subway corporate for being overcharged at the Danville location. He had a damn coupon and everything, smh

He has been known to combine those two passions. Last season one of the local girl's HS basketball teams (Madison Central?) had a flight cancelled, and the airline wasn't working with them to get them to some tourney on time...ol' Larry must have @ that airlines about 50 times.
Okay, questions for the legal scholars of Gyero Law, LLC:

Using the UofL situation, but then moving them outside our loathing of the program and the bias against it. If there were a situation in which a company did not enforce stipulations under a contract (like the morals clauses and NCAA violations under Pitino), wouild that be considered something that could be used by the terminated employee...saying that such behavior was accepted, and not cause for termination going forward? Or would a court consider the acts (or lack thereof) of one Administration (Ramsey) to have no bearing on the acts of a future one?
I'm not answering your question, but I don't think the morals clause has jack shit to do with anything. I can almost guarantee there is some sort of clause in there about complying with NCAA rules.

Even without seeing his contract, I think it's safe to assume Pitino has no claim for wrongful termination.

The motherf*cker was coded-named in a federal indictment for being personally involved in paying a recruit 100K to play basketball for his school. The guy is fired, for cause, and he can go f*ck himself to death.

I can put that on letterhead if you want.
Chase, what I'm saying is that the let him slide on morals clause before...AND they let him slide on NCAA rules stuff do those inactions then, give him any sort of out on the precedent they set (thus invalidating future violations of same clauses)? I was just interested from a contractual point of view how that could play out if litigated. I agree, Pitino, Jurich, etc call all go eff themselves.
Jurich isn't being retained. Get serious. If you're going to step on someone's professional throat you do so knowing there is no going back.

He gone.

I mean, it really is pretty simple.

The guy oversaw multiple scandals, numerous violations of NCAA rules and federal law, and -- oh yeah -- the president hates him. Also, the athletic department is currently and probably forever will be a national punchline. All because of him.

It doesn't matter if the mouth-breathing neanderthals that make up that fanbase love TOM and want TOM reinstated. It doesn't matter if the myopic boot-lickers on that campus want TOM back. TOM ain't coming back, no matter how loud the pro-TOM contingent is.

He's done.
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