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I see a lot of guys on this team that believe their hype, but are out of touch. We had guys on defense preening and posturing and woofing after making tackles 7 yards down field on a basic off-tackle run play on 1st down Saturday night. What is that? You're getting demolished up front, you're letting the momentum swing the other way, you know what the outcome is going to be unless you get a stop, and you think it's a good time to hop up and pound your chest?

Stoops has had to kiss the asses of some of these 4-star teenagers just to get them on campus. I get it. Whatever. We have to do what we have to do. But it creates a systematic problem of no accountability. That's why you see so many of them pout and prance around and play like they're too good to have to overcome adversity. On the other hand, any other big time program could just bury them on the bench/in street clothes and move on - next man up, if you will. UK football has never afforded this luxury.

That creates an atmosphere of individuals. Whoever said this team has no identity is correct. There is no cohesiveness. There's just a bunch of guys out there that know the team sucks . . . but it's not THEIR fault the team sucks. Bad medicine.

I'm not sure who can fix it or how. Bring in an old-school disciplinarian and these prima-donna skill players would get their comeuppance, but then they'd probably transfer out and you lose top flight talent. It's a catch-22 for Stoops and I don't think he knows how to balance that problem. It shows because his team's have never, ever handled adversity (save the We're just getting started, bro! Special). And his team's have never bought into being a part of a "team."

Personally I think for a program like UK to be successful in football, there has to be a perfect storm of developing overlooked 3-star talent, team identity/gimmick, landing a few troubled 4-star/Last Chaince U type of guys that buy in, and then nab the top 1-2 players in the state. Maybe it all comes together once every 5-7 years and enjoy the ride. At this rate though, UKFB is headed into a cycle of apathy, which is what it has always been, I guess so here we are again.

Great, great post.

Boom Williams and Dorian Baker should be damn good football players and, to an extent, they are. But do they help the team more than a Craig Yeast type?

Kentucky Football: so bougie-rich we built little huts for you to come and ignore reality.
That show is so f*cking terrible.

"I don't thank anybody is givin Southern Mississippi nuff credit herr. Gon be a long season and we still got time to be aight!!"

Not yesterday. Never heard Larry Vaught so beat down in my entire life.

I love that show. Anth is in bed while it's going on every Sunday that I'm around, so not sure when he listens to it.
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I see a lot of guys on this team that believe their hype, but are out of touch. We had guys on defense preening and posturing and woofing after making tackles 7 yards down field on a basic off-tackle run play on 1st down Saturday night. What is that? You're getting demolished up front, you're letting the momentum swing the other way, you know what the outcome is going to be unless you get a stop, and you think it's a good time to hop up and pound your chest?

What you just described is what kills me.

They come out of the tunnel believing they are rock stars when they haven't earned anything yet...

Man up and take care of business and then keep it up.
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Well when you shower these little shits with dope uniforms and new facilities and all this nonsense hype, on top of whatever sorts of illegal benefits we're giving them to get them here, you get bozos like fat Elam and Mark Stoops who just do enough to get by, and fake hustle their asses off, etc. it's frustrating but it's exactly what we deserve for trying to build our program completely backwards from the top down.

It's so stupid. All Mitch has to do is grow some balls and ask a smart gentleman like John Vincent Calipari for some advice. He'd straighten Mitch out in 5 minutes during his morning donut, if ol buttermilk could stomach it. Bet he doesn't even look Cal in the eye, and goes to great lengths to avoid him if possible.

Now Mitch won't have a choice. The next hire can't be his.

Can Bevin fire Mitch?
So, 5 of the Top 16 ranked teams will lose this week. Next week won't be as exciting but all hell could break loose the week after. Unfortunately that means UL possibly making a big move.
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Rented a car and drove to the Ferrari plant/museum today. As expected, it was totally awesome. I mean, can't imagine why some rich assholes would buy one instead of a used Honda Civic.

Venice is pretty amazing. Happy it doesn't smell like raw sewage. Dennis was right about one thing, there are a lot of people.

UK football is the ugly, hairy, fat daughter with boils of the SEC. Good luck lining up Prince Charming to kiss this frog.
The problem with Stoops is he hasn't learned from his mistakes. He's in year 4 and still looks like a lost puppy when the whistles are blowing and pads are popping. He's like Captain Soebel (Dave Schwimmer's character) from Band of Brothers. He's put together a good group, taught them the proper skills, trained them to physical preparedness... and then gets on the field of battle and shits his pants in front of them. No wonder they act like undisciplined morons, they look over to their HC and he's red faced and stuttering.

The fact that we've spent his entire time here with OC's that run and gun and spent every off season training for that style of play hurts too when we come out in the 2nd half and try to play ball control. Let them do what they've practiced to do, quit trying to take the air out of the ball! How many times does he have to squander a lead doing this before he figures out it doesn't work? Play to your strengths, pounding it up the middle in the running game because your D can hold them isn't one of ours right now with this pathetic D line we have.

Speaking of the D line, no wonder they can't recruit any studs. Who wants to stand up and absorb OL teeing off on you. BKH could fire off the LOS better than our guys do. The 3-4 won't work because we can't regularly recruit the beasts it takes to run it (or keep them eligible when we do get them here). We need a pair of Elams (that aren't pussies) 3-4 Miggins's, and a few more Meants with a Tubman or two sprinkled in. Those types will line up to hold ground at Bama, not so much at UK.

I'm so damned frustrated with our team looking like a bunch of scatter brained sissies. I miss CRB.

It is such bullshit he isn't on the squad.

A Fayette County grand jury doesn't indict the kid but some goofball student government committee full of poly sci juniors can decide that he's banned from campus?

Are there even adults in charge of this program? (If the answer is "Nope", that actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe some secret student government committee has been running the program all along.)

Rinky. Dink. Bull. Shit.
If you don't like that Sunday morning call in show, you can kindly go F yourself. It's a weekend staple.

wake up with headache
pick up mcdonalds breakfast
fire up a pot of java
tune into berger and the boys

Yeah. Go F yourselves.
The fact that we've spent his entire time here with OC's that run and gun and spent every off season training for that style of play hurts too when we come out in the 2nd half and try to play ball control. Let them do what they've practiced to do, quit trying to take the air out of the ball! How many times does he have to squander a lead doing this before he figures out it doesn't work? Play to your strengths, pounding it up the middle in the running game because your D can hold them isn't one of ours right now with this pathetic D line we have.
My mood has gone from anger to sadness. I would love for Brooks to return, but since it won't happen, we should follow the Brooks blueprint and hire an old guy the next go around. We have the facilities and we have some talent. We just need someone who knows what they're doing.

I nominate Cutcliffe. If he can produce a 10 win season at Duke then he can provide 7-8 a year here. Regardless who it is, old is the way to go!

I believe this is the last year of Tressel's show cause.
Can't stop thinking about John Vincent Calipari and Lane Kiffin tag teamin the SEC summer meetings, matching long sleeved quarter zips on the beach fielding questions from Paul Finebaums live set outside of the Back Porch. Calipari cheesin' like a kid on Halloween while Lane Kiffin is waxing poetic about Lexingtons booming tailgate trailer scene and his recent spot in Tops in Lex with his new wife Haley Harmon. Yes sir. Running through my mind all damn day.
Someone that would do great here is Charlie Strong. The win last night helped his cause but he still has to win big soon or he might become available.
I know this sounds like some stupid BS people just say like "we don't play with heart" when it's normally way more complicated than that. But one of the worst things about this program is that we have no identity.

At least with Mumme, and later with Brooks, we had an identity...for better or worse. Hell, even Vandy has a "style".

What the touch is Mark Stoops' style? Ginger spaz?
Stoops keeps hiring these up-tempo, explosive offense guys when he clearly has no interest in playing that way. It's stupid and inexplicable. I genuinely think he'd be happier having a 15-play drive lead to a FG than a 2-play drive lead to a TD.

Like running the option with the most prolific passer in KYHS history.

Ironically, Story mentioned in his article that Stoops has equaled Curry in the w/l column.
I would take Kiffin in a heartbeat over Stoops.

If he were to beat UT smokey would have a stroke.
Kiffin would be an unmitigated disaster at this job.

IF Stoops fails, which seems pretty likely at this point, I'm with the majority of GYERO who is on board for someone who has head coaching chops...which Kiffin has never shown.

It's pretty clear that hot shot coordinators cutting their teeth in the SEC is a bad idea, especially at a place where you have a talent deficiency more games than not.
According to the TV right now, we need to hire a high school coach who was depicted as a buffoon in a "based on a true story" movie as our next head football coach.
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Stoops will be the coach next season. No one will be there to see it and it won't be any worse than many of the other campaigns (4 or 5 wins), but he will be the coach.

We should have hired this guy:

I forgot uk football was better than the OC of the defending national champs who just hung 60 on usc and recruits like a brick shithouse. Thanks for the reminder. LETS HIRE MARK MANGINO
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Guess the SEC is awesome again. I can't keep up. Are we the greatest or an overrated "has been" burger of shit? It's either-or.
I forgot uk football was better than the OC of the defending national champs who just hung 60 on usc and recruits like a brick shithouse. Thanks for the reminder. LETS HIRE MARK MANGINO
Dude sucked so bad at USC as a head coach their AD fired him and wouldn't even let him ride in the bus home.

I'm convinced his job at Bama was a favor owed by Saban to his daddy.

"Hey Tommy Boy, here is your fake clip board, just don't talk to me and look cool on the sidelines. The dude up in the booth will be calling all the plays."
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