
Originally posted by woodfordandwater:
Today's bracketology has our path as...

8: Ohio State
9: Xavier

4: Wichita
5: UNC

2: Wisconsin
3: Notre Dame

Still hoping to see a loss from Villanova or Duke, which would presumably move Wisconsin up to the 1 line.

Also, Indiana is now an 11. They lose to Michigan State Saturday, and are bounced early in the Big Ten Tournament, it could be curtains for them.
Pretty strong 2-5.

The drive thru liquor store is a dying breed.
- Is it Montenegrins, or Montenegros?

- Versailles Topix forum gets my attention about 2-3 times a year, always fun to read about who's selling drugs, who has an STD, or whatever other worthless information is being thrown around the interwebs. Especially when you know everyone in that town.

- Cauley-Stein... dude had a very mediocre game overall but also had the top two plays of the game.

- 12 inches of snow can suck my ass

- I hope IU makes the tourney, only so I can laugh when they lose in the first round and decide to keep Crean-puff another year

- wish I was going to Nashville next week, that's going to be a total shit-show
My wife will come up to me at least once per game to show me something on Facebook from her phone during a game. I guess that's why DVRs have a pause button.

I tell myself she does it to keep me from having a stroke, because normally she'll interrupt after a non-coherent string of obscenities and the dogs run away from me.
Breeder's Cup tickets going on sale at noon. Good grief those are expensive.

Also home game against Tennessee that Saturday.
My dog has actually helped me calm down by 90% during games. She knows when she hears shoes squeaking on the floor that UK is playing, and is always checking to see if I'm going to blow up like I used to. All it takes is "GDit Burr, you cocksucking MF POS!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of my lungs to send her over the edge for hours. Last 2 outbursts were against UCoon last year and LSU FB this year when I threw a remote through a wall.
Putting UK and Wisconsin in the same bracket would be sheer lunacy. No one on the planet wants those two teams to meet before the Final Four, so why in the hell would you do it?
Pretty cool article about Anthony Lamas competing in the "Waffle House Smackdown" down at the Charleston Food Festival -- where they work the line in an actual Waffle House and are judged by Waffle House people. He's actually been working at a Waffle House here in Louisville to prepare.

Seems pretty much all chefs of any level agree that those guys are complete badasses -- some chef/owners even worked there part-time to "improve" their chef skills.

Have always been amazed by those dudes.

This post was edited on 3/4 12:06 PM by B.B.d.K.

Waffle House Smackdown
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Pretty cool article about Anthony Lamas competing in the "Waffle House Smackdown" down at the Charleston Food Festival -- where they work the line in an actual Waffle House and are judged by Waffle House people. He's actually been working at a Waffle House here in Louisville to prepare.

Seems pretty much all chefs of any level agree that those guys are complete badasses -- some chef/owners even worked there part-time to "improve" their chef skills.

Have always been amazed by those dudes.

This post was edited on 3/4 12:06 PM by B.B.d.K.
Originally posted by Geese Feeder:

Originally posted by HymanKaplan:
Thumb not broken, pretty bad sprain though.
Dislocated my pinky finger during the Iowa State game in 2012. Slapped the wall after a dumb turnover before we made our big push in the 2nd and they were still hanging around at that point. Was so livid.

Looked down and it's shooting out at almost a right angle. Almost fainted but managed to nonchalantly pop it back in and play it off to those of my friends that were there. Went and got some ice at the next TV timeout and more liquor.

It never set completely straight, FWIW and never went to the doctor either. Knuckle still has a swollen look to it and I can't straighten it out all the way.
- BBBD started a GYERO thread on my hometown topix back in '08 I think. It took off for a little while, but after about 2 months it died a painful death.

- Very torn with this IU situaish (I used that correctly, right?) IU squeaks into the tourney and they probably keep Crean for one more year, and that's "best for business" as someone who hates that program. However, I want them to lose every damn game. If they do lose, they miss the tourney and Crean is probably canned. That's not "best for business" because IU hiring someone like Marshall or lil' Miller is dangerous. What to do?

*Also, Twitter needs Crean to be a head coach. He's the best thing going on there today.

- Probable IU and Texas head coaching vacancies should make for an entertaining late spring carousel.

- As expected, our Keurig coffee maker has gone the way of the Chia-pet. The wife went ahead and put it away in a cabinet somewhere last weekend. What a waste.

- Now that I can devote attention to this UK team, I will get more raw-assed during their games. I held out hope that we were eventually going to cruise until the under 12 timeout and then I had to go beserk. Since the entire house was silent and asleep, I took to Twitter to show my frustration in the form of B.J. Wildcat-esque tweets.
Dumped our Keurig, and I'm rolling with a percolator now. Coffee 'purists' will say that percolating is terrible for coffee.

They can suck my balls. It makes better coffee than my Keurig, my Bunn drip maker, pretty much anything else I've tried (except for a French press)
Love the French press, just a little extra work. So long as the beans (quality) are ground fresh, I'm pretty much good.
Just checked out Topix and found this gem relatively quickly. "Kevin" is a guy I went to grade school with. Pretty sure he dropped out in early high school.

I know he goes to church and acts all holy and sleeps around on his wife! I can't stand him! Don't get me wrong, his wife is into bdsm and I wouldn't mind milking her breasts and pounding her brown eye while I choke her and slap her around. I want to tell her but want to keep it private. Kevin is a child molester and a skank. Rebecca needs my but nectar while we enjoy rope, cuffs, lube, and toys!
Topix is hilarious. I check the Gtown forum on the regular, and it's

dr. - nothing beats pressed coffee
Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

Anyone ever check out your home town's Topix board?


Man, you wanna talk about losing faith in people. Place is incredible, and makes for a fun few minutes every now and then to 'catch up' on all the whores & losers from back home.

Check it out, it's pretty entertaining stuff.
I post on the Mville one all the time. Make fun of some losers I went to school with.

Yeah, went over board even for me last night. Wife was playing games on her tablet while I was throwing gd and cs, mf bombs. Willie is her favorite player he does no wrong in her eyes. When I threw out the "GDit Willie you are playing like a gaping vagina that has been hit with a dual edged ax, you touching scotter riding, butterfly chasing cs." That set her off, with "you need to calm the touch down." "you are acting like a idiot." I calmly replied "why don't you go to the gd bedroom and play your little fantasy games on your little tablet." Yeap, I slid into bed a little after midnight and hoped like hell she wasn't still awake. False. My 20 year old (Florida fan), cheered for Georgia when they hit the shot to go up 9. I threw a "yeah as a Florida fan I would hope UK loses tonight, instead of us beating you by 15 Saturday, a pissed of team losing their perfect season will skull touch Florida by 30." "Keep cheering for them."
What's wrong with a Keurig? I thought those were supposed to be good. I don't drink coffee, but my wife does. Our coffee maker recently gave up, so she got a new Keurig. Is she not going to like it in 6 months?
Originally posted by catsfanbgky:

Yeah, went over board even for me last night. Wife was playing games on her tablet while I was throwing gd and cs, mf bombs. Willie is her favorite player he does no wrong in her eyes. When I threw out the "GDit Willie you are playing like a gaping vagina that has been hit with a dual edged ax, you touching scotter riding, butterfly chasing cs." That set her off, with "you need to calm the touch down." "you are acting like a idiot." I calmly replied "why don't you go to the gd bedroom and play your little fantasy games on your little tablet."
Never happened.
Originally posted by _Chase_:

Originally posted by catsfanbgky:

Yeah, went over board even for me last night. Wife was playing games on her tablet while I was throwing gd and cs, mf bombs. Willie is her favorite player he does no wrong in her eyes. When I threw out the "GDit Willie you are playing like a gaping vagina that has been hit with a dual edged ax, you touching scotter riding, butterfly chasing cs." That set her off, with "you need to calm the touch down." "you are acting like a idiot." I calmly replied "why don't you go to the gd bedroom and play your little fantasy games on your little tablet."
Never happened.
It sure did. 100% true. What is so hard to believe about that ? Sorry Boss, I do not live in a make believe world, if I say I did it, it happened. Thanks for your concern though. Ride around with me on game day, I will show you what in game red ass is all about. On second thought,,,
Had a big Harrodsburg Topix situation back in 2008 that outed every affair that was happening at our factory. Pretty much put a end to all of them, caused divorces and even some people left. That is some scary stuff.
But nectar is a delicacy in Montenegro .

I don't scream or stomp around much during games. I'll make passive aggressive comments, usually about opposing sec fans. NOTHING gets me more worked up than Bama bangs Kegar whooping up a storm when his shitty little team of guys named LaGarius are making a run on the cats. I'll rip those guys. But typically I'll just laugh sarcastically every time they splash a 3 and ponder my life decisions. My wife is much more vocal. Calling players f*ggots, gender slurs, the whole deal.

All the hens in this office have decided the rain is just too much and they literally all bailed. No one to answer phones, file letters, nothing. Should be a fun afternoon imo
Granted I'd take a Keurig over no coffee at all.

But they are pretty much for Simpletons.
-We've got a Cuisinart coffee-maker-with-the-built-in-grinder-on-top sorta deal. Buy/use strictly whole beans. Had it 5 years and it seems perfect for us. Good coffee.

-Man, kudos to Jeannine. *Shocked* she didn't end up with Clyde.

Keurig for convenience (mine was a gift, probably wouldn't buy it myself)

Chemex for best tasting coffee
Originally posted by drxman1:

Granted I'd take a Keurig over no coffee at all.

But they are pretty much for Simpletons.

It's coffee. Make it, drink it, enjoy it. Not that touching hard.
Built in grinder on top? Sounds like something a guy whose wife has a hyphenated name, would have.
Brad Nessler seems like an alright fella. Probably enjoys a solid steak dinner ( medium rare, of course) and a few brown waters to go with.

Maybe has a place in Florida. Drives a Cadillac.

Not a chain smoker but probably enjoys a few darts from time to time.
I had heard my wife comment about how Hen X has a Keurig and Hen Y has one too, and they all just rave about how convenient they are and such. So I got one for her for Mother's Day or Valentine's Day or something . . . you know, to be thoughtful. And we used it. We used it for about 2 months and now it's in a cabinet and I don't know where. At least I was able to get through a "holiday" without looking like a neglectful ass, so it's got that going for it . . . which is nice.

Favorite GYERO pasttime- seeing the different terms Richie will use for cigarettes.
Originally posted by IsRichieGonnaStart:
Brad Nessler seems like an alright fella. Probably enjoys a solid steak dinner ( medium rare, of course) and a few brown waters to go with.

Maybe has a place in Florida. Drives a Cadillac.

Not a chain smoker but probably enjoys a few darts from time to time.

Sahara makes a damn fine schwarma sandwich. Closest thing I've had to Detroit's finest around here.

The garlic sauce is tasty, but weak. It's about a 3/10 in zest compared to my standards.

Tabbouli was solid.

Wish they would make the grape leaves with meat.