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Thank God you had a picture handy of your Little Caesar's order. I was getting pretty torn up trying to imagine what it might look like.
Great feature on The Water Fountain

Grantland: The Resurrection of Kyle Wiltjer
My wife has gotten into a habit of opening My mail. It's not intentional or malicious or snooping, but rather a 'habit' she's developed. She gets the mail, and just pours through it, opens it all up, and sets what's mine on the table.

There is nothing in there to hide, but for some reason it still drives me absolutely NUTS -- feel like it's one small piece of privacy I still enjoy having. It all started a few years back when she opened a credit card statement that had her Christmas gift on it. In addition to mostly joint cards, we both still have a few separate ones....for things such as that.

It was the perfect time to explain why I would prefer her not open any mail that isn't specifically addressed to her (or us)..but it hasn't really changed anything -- she's a creature of habit.

Finally had to drop some legal literature on her today in the form of some "suggested reading" links to her email.

It is, in fact, illegal to open your spouse's mail.

Anyone else ever threated their wife with legal action over something silly like this? Did it work?

This post was edited on 2/18 12:13 PM by B.B.d.K.
That is pretty much bullshit if the lass is opening up your mail. Marcus hand over your phone to her every night so she can check your texts, emails, photos, and Internet history. Of course if you get angry about it she will assume you are hiding something.

This post was edited on 2/18 12:24 PM by Kramer318
uh- mail is not even in the same category as text messages. My wife can open all the mail she wants, but there is no way she needs to be reading my group texts. Some of the stuff Booker says is flat-out criminal.
I mean, she does it in front of me, half the time, then stops herself like "oops, this is actually yours". I'm like 'Hey, DID IT SAY LAUREN, NO, IT SAID ADRIAN. K THANKS.

She wouldn't go through my phone or any of that bullshit, she knows better. Like I said, I don't even think it's intentional, but it's hard to make her understand *why* it makes me so angry without completely looking like I have something to hide (which I don't)
Have the exact same problem with my wife opening my mail. I have absolutely nothing at all to hide, but good Lord, it's just the principal of the matter. I try to play the "well what if it's a surprise for you?" card but that never works. (Probably because it's never true.) I also play the "I would never open your mail" card but that doesn't work either.

We had our cell phones set up under my icloud account where we were getting each other's texts, so I had to cut that off in a hurry.

Just let me breathe, woman.
Why do older women in the workplace generally speaking make the biggest deals out of essentially nothing? Molehills into mountains. SMH.


I was in the bathroom, toots. You couldn't get his name & #?
You know when they say pick your battles? This is one of those times, and one you don't want to pick this battle. The Piss-Off Value is extremely low here.
You can't make the argument without looking like you're hiding something. You've already acknowledged this, and it's true. In her eyes, you're trying to hide something, and it's only going to make her want to do it more often and with more stuff (like texts, emails).You aren't being harmed by the opening in any significant way. Mail sucks, and you're just being petty about it. You already said she doesn't check your texts, emails, facebook, etc... Keep harping on this, and that might change.What benefit are you truly getting by opening your own mail? Answer---->Nothing, except some false sense of privacy. What detriment are you bringing to your doorstep if you keep this up? Answer----->suspicious wife, pissy wife, defensive wife. All bad things. All things you clearly want to avoid, ESPECIALLY when the benefit is so low.Start texting her from work and ask her to open your mail and give you a rundown of what is in it. Do it everyday for a week or so. She'll get sick of you asking her to do it and start saying "open your own mail".
- Been telling anyone who would listen FOR YEARS that Lauren is shady.

- Agree with Wodes on Caesars $5 HNR. Only had it once, but it was about DiGiorno quality.

- As tough as Geese is taking this season, I can only imagine how prickly he is when we're NOT 26-0 and 11/10 favorites to win the title. RELAX.

- Well, it was pretty common for Maker to be ranked behind Giles, Tatum and Jackson in '16. Kid has a lot of potential but people seem to think he's a little more sizzle than steak at this point.

- Found Wiltjer and his old man's quotes to be classy about UK and also made some sense. With that said, I don't think Wiltjer would be much better (or worse) of a player as a fourth-year here as he is at Gonzaga. Guys get better as they get older.*

(*) Besides Rod Rhodes.

- "Were You There (Tremble)" is the best Lenten hymn out there, and quite possibly the best overall. Haunting.
Originally posted by _Chase_:
Start texting her from work and ask her to open your mail and give you a rundown of what is in it. Do it everyday for a week or so. She'll get sick of you asking her to do it and start saying "open your own mail".
That's some Mad Evil Genius stuff right there.
Titus is out and it's a doozy. Chronicles going to the NCAA and participating in a mock tourney selection.

-I actually like the $5 Hot n Ready for what it is. Cheap shitty pizza on the fly. It's better than basically every other option and more convenient. Their deep is really good. I don't have a customized phone in order though.

-Jet's is the ultimate you know you're going to regret it and feel awful after you eat pizza. Right there with Imp's for how damn heavy it is. Might as well be a damn sponge because it will literally leave you feeling hungover.

-Unless it's bill related WS leaves my mail sitting for me, same with packages. I'd never go through her stuff(email or phone) and I'd assume she'd never do it either. Not that I really care or it would bother me much, except the mail. I really don't give a shit about that. The other stuff might be a little weird.

-Rich is dead on. This weather has me craving all types of bad food. Punished some chili monday, gyro yesterday, was really tempted today but refrained. Skipped dinner last night and made myself eat a plain ass salad today. Shew wee it's a battle.
First of all she is a woman so it is intentional regardless of how she justifies it.

Second, the only way to stop it is to have something intentionally be on some mail that you could really be in the right to hold over her head. Not sure of your situation but I did this when considering the daycare business but only for my wife to run. May sound stupid but the angle of me trying to do all the hard time consuming leg work she would never do just to find out if it was worth the effort before presenting it to her. After her BS "when were you going to involve me" rant she stopped the nosy BS and realized sometimes surprises are worth not over stepping boundaries.

- WW Cousin's on Preston? I should really get out more!
Pretty well known at this point but figured we'd make it GYERO official since it's the first offspring produced directly from gyero. WS and I are spawning THE ONE. The perfect UK fan. Due perfectly between seasons and not named after any players or coaches because we've not had real good luck with that.

Anth III is in the oven.

Now it's time to get married Ursch and stop bar hopping WCC. You two are old.
This post was edited on 2/18 1:30 PM by anthonys735
So, I'm finally allowed to say how awesome the video of PTI finding out was?

Hopefully, A3 gets his mother's looks, brains, personality and ability to call back a friend when he is in danger of blowing his whole touching house up.

Congrats and cheers!
Originally posted by Wildcat Willy:
So, I'm finally allowed to say how awesome the video of PTI finding out was?

Hopefully, A3 gets his mother's looks, brains, personality and ability to call back a friend when he is in danger of blowing his whole touching house up.

Congrats and cheers!
Shit. My bad. I know nothing about gas logs, we just had some installed and WS won't let me light them because she's scared of them.
Originally posted by anthonys735:

Originally posted by Wildcat Willy:
So, I'm finally allowed to say how awesome the video of PTI finding out was?

Hopefully, A3 gets his mother's looks, brains, personality and ability to call back a friend when he is in danger of blowing his whole touching house up.

Congrats and cheers!
Shit. My bad. I know nothing about gas logs, we just had some installed and WS won't let me light them because she's scared of them.
I know the feeling.

Ours was built in to the house when it was built, but I just turned it on for the first time the other day. I knew it worked, because it was on one of the times we went through the house before buying it.

I had no problem lighting the pilot and the switch on the wall to ignite the flames worked like a charm.

My issue was with the fan/blower. I had no idea if it had to be on. Turns out it doesn't. It is just there to more efficiently distribute the heat.

It is pretty damn noisy so I was hoping my family wouldn't die of Carbon Monoxide poisoning if I turned it off. Yay me!
And now all I want is a Little Caesar's pizza. Thanks guys.

-The gas logs smell until burned for 8 hours and I can't stand the smell to burn them that long. And something about carbon monoxide and gas logs being banned in California and other states. They look nice though.

-I was really good at fake drinking in the early days and the bartender at the Hyatt bar and our waitress at Dudley's have known I was pregnant longer than most friends and family (to assist with fake drinking).

-I miss red wine.

-The plan is to still have tailgates, just maybe not quite as long and wild and loud, especially at first since the kid will be a youngin' for the first few home games. And I may not be able to cook quite the feast, so feel free to chip in. It will help that part of my maternity leave will be during football season.
I also won't be too pregnant for the Final Four.

And I'm really enjoying remembering these basketball games this season.

-You are on the clock, PTI. It would have been nice to propose while her family was there for a week. Can anyone make the gif of PTI's reaction?
Reading Titus's article has me so pissed off I'm about ready to throw my computer out the window. Apparently, because of this bullshit geographical priority UK is going to get either Arizona or Wisconsin as a 2-seed instead of someone weaker.

When did this become a thing? It should be a F'ing S-curve.
On behalf of all the GYERO parents- lol

Sorry, I meant congrats and I look forward to posts about money spent on baby items I mean you guys welcoming a new blessing into the world.

This post was edited on 2/18 2:09 PM by MaxPowerrr
Originally posted by wcc31:
Reading Titus's article has me so pissed off I'm about ready to throw my computer out the window. Apparently, because of this bullshit geographical priority UK is going to get either Arizona or Wisconsin as a 2-seed instead of someone weaker.

When did this become a thing? It should be a F'ing S-curve.
Yeah but I think it goes like this ->


Meaning our 2 will would be Kansas is Nova goes East with UVa or Duke. Zona west with Wisky. Loser of UVA/Duke goes South as a 2 and we get KU unless they lose more then maybe Utah or whoever else is next.

I really think Wisky is shaping into the 2nd or 3rd best team. We just need Zags to keep winning and UVa to drop a couple or Duke to lose. I think UVa will fall off the 1 line with 1 more loss and Anderson gone.
Nice thing about living near large colleges- lot of babysitter talent out there. We've become a XU babysitting family recently, but have also used UC.
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