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Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by VernHatton52:

Originally posted by wcc31:
Just curious- do any of you pretentious dickwads use your middle initial officially, like work titles and such? I work with a lot of collegiate professors and every damn one of them insists on using it, which I find annoying.
Sort of like hyphenated last names for married women... yes, it's annoying.
Re: GYER24-0

The hyphenated last name doesn't bother me nearly as much as throwing in your middle initial just for the hell of it. I mean- if you have always gone with it, like it's a part of your name (Joe B. Hall, for instance), cool, but just tossing it in there for no reason when it's never associated with you, screw that.
Re: GYER24-0

Yeah, that Bird take is an all-timer. In fact it might be the worst take in the history of this thread. Yes, it's the worst. Worse than Lithuania All Stars vs. Memphis. Davis vs. Henson. Magic was a PF. The worst. The absolute worst.

6'9" dude who shot the ball from behind his head, had an arsenal of fakes, jab steps, etc. Yeah, defense back in the day was terrible. Geez, what an awful take.

Re: GYER24-0

I don't think the Larry Bird take was serious. Nobody could honestly think that.
Re: GYER24-0

Serious as a heart attack.

One reason I think Gonzaga is a contender this year is their suffocating defense and #33 is a Mutumbo type rim protector. Dont believe me? I have a still photo to prove it, that is a future lottery pick they are denying at the rim.

Re: GYER24-0

I know one thing - Larry Bird is the effing MAN on the NBA Jam game I downloaded on my PS3. Which is what matters most, IMO.
Re: GYER24-0

Jay Burson was a fun little honky to watch. Remember watching him just launch himself into the lane to draw fouls and try to finish, like a Kamikaze.

Also liked watching Parrish Casebier of Evansville. Pretty bizarre watching a 6-4 power forward on a team that wore sleeved uniforms, but dude got it done. And now he's in prison for organizing a prostitution ring. So there's that.
Re: GYER24-0

Casebier was unreal. Haffner/Shreffler were dope, too.

Aces were my 2nd team, and all their games were on TV back in the day. They had a nice squad when I was in college there, too. Marcus Wilson (all time leading scorer til last year), Chris Hollander, Craig Snow, Adam Seitz.

-Started off hot this year...DJ Balentine is a boss.

...Arch Rivals was my #1 'arcade' game. Right there with Street Fighter II. I worshipped/begged for some quarters anytime I saw that sucker.


This post was edited on 2/12 11:42 AM by B.B.d.K.
Re: GYER24-0

-I'm with George Carlin when it comes to hyphenated last names. Pick a name, ho.

-Holland wants to give Portland a face lift when it needs a heart transplant. He means well but Portland can only truly improve from within. We're working on it.

-I take it personal when people talk smack about Larry Joe. He would dominate even more in today's game bc he would outsmart all of these dumbasses. He will forever be my all time favorite athlete. Rodman said Bird was the only player who he couldn't get to mentally.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by wildcat1973:
6'9" dude who shot the ball from behind his head, had an arsenal of fakes, jab steps, etc.
Don't forget greatest passing forward and smartest player ever.
Re: GYER24-0

-Was living in Evansville when they dropped the sleeves. Unreal how strong the opinions were about that change. Roberts Stadium was a cool old barn, but I'd really like to check out that new arena they've built downtown. I also wonder if they'll ever do a "30 for 30" on the plane crash that killed the team back in the late 70's. One player didn't make the trip, and two weeks later he was killed in a car crash. Just unreal.

-The student center at Georgetown had a game called "Run and Gun" that was pretty solid back in the day. Generic teams/players, but the action was pretty fluid and you could throw some really creative alley-oops.

-Hooked on those two Esquire Network kid sports shows, "Friday Night Tykes" and "The Short Game".
Re: GYER24-0

-I think Bird would do better not because of his intelligence but because of freedom of movement and the game being setup better for shooters rather than dealing with Laimbeer, Rodman or Oakley.
Re: GYER24-0

Larry wouldn't even like playing with these pussies today. They hang out after the games, tweet /retweet each other, smiles and fist bumps during the games. He would hate the friendsy bullshit. He was shit talking the human highlight reel. I can't imagine what he would have to say to Mello talking about shutting it down. Hell, that ornery SOB could probably score 4/6 a game today.

This post was edited on 2/12 12:22 PM by bradyjames
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by PTI (pti):
Last night was the first of 6 straight days of non stop Mardi Gras parades for us. Wodie.

Staying at my.....errr...."our" house this entire week is myself, the lass, her mom, her stepdad, her 16 year old brother, her 1 year old nephew, her 2 year old nephew, and our 2 dogs. Uhhhh. Yeah.
How many different surnames are involved here?
Re: GYER24-0

Bird would be unreal.

I'll tell you who WOULDN'T BE -------> all those super old school UK guys some of you old-timers worship. Look, I appreciate their place in history as the best "of their time", and that they paved the way for this program.

-- still depressed I watched that old Title game, whatever year it was. I had much different thoughts in my head about how one of those games would look. Those clowns wouldn't beat out Brandon Stockton

Now, maybe with their "talent", if born today, they'd have a different game that would have translated....but I chuckle when I see people rank, Say Ralph Beard for example, above a John Wall

That's why you can't really compare eras...but some people still insist on doing it, so there's my take.
Re: GYER24-0

You could throw five traffic cones on the court to guard the Cards and I swear they'd still throw the ball into the stands as often as they put it through the basket.


I've only seen one Gonzaga game this year and it was against BYU after our UofL game and no defense was played in that game. Suffocating might be the wrong word to use when describing Gonzaga.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:

He ain't got Nathan on Chris Mullin from Live '95 tho.

Or Hewlett, for that matter. Puppies set as soon as I cross half-court, TS.
Reggie Miller on Live '95 was so good we instituted a "No Pacers" rule.

Hewlett was the man. Only problem is at under 6 feet, sometimes he could get his shot blocked. But then there was Lark. Lark was straight up cheating.
Re: GYER24-0

-I think the same thing when I see people mention their all time baseball squads and they have Honus Wagner in the lineup. Is Red Grange your tailback on your all time fball squad?

-James Worthy once said he'd rather guard Jordan than Bird bc you're used to playing fast and that's how Jordan played. You had to slow everything down with Bird and he would just control you.
Re: GYER24-0

Just read this quote from UC's best player Troy Caupain regarding their loss to Temple and it's a pretty honest take a good reminder about this part of the year:

"It's that time of the season where it's been a long season," Caupain said, "and everybody's starting to - I wouldn't say check out - but everybody's tired, injured. Everybody's not locked in. We came into a good place at Temple, nice home crowd, and they were ready to play."[/I]
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Bird would be unreal.

I'll tell you who WOULDN'T BE -------> all those super old school UK guys some of you old-timers worship. Look, I appreciate their place in history as the best "of their time", and that they paved the way for this program.

-- still depressed I watched that old Title game, whatever year it was. I had much different thoughts in my head about how one of those games would look. Those clowns wouldn't beat out Brandon Stockton

Now, maybe with their "talent", if born today, they'd have a different game that would have translated....but I chuckle when I see people rank, Say Ralph Beard for example, above a John Wall

That's why you can't really compare eras...but some people still insist on doing it, so there's my take.
One of the last EA Sports March Madness games had every NCAA champ on there, along with some other historical teams.

Sometimes for poops and laughs I'd play as one of the old UK championship squads. It was kinda sad, really. Watching some shorter, slower (whiter) video game guys get blown out by some underachieving Kansas squad that lost in the 2nd round.
Re: GYER24-0

Most of the Fabulous Five would be ordinary at best on any UK team after the mid 60s. Just like Babe Ruth would probably be a .225 hitter today. You compare the teams and players vs. teams and players of their own eras. Of course John Wall would wipe the floor with Ralph Beard. But Beard was way more dominant vs. his era than Wall is dominant in his era.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by wcc31:
Just read this quote from UC's best player Troy Caupain regarding their loss to Temple and it's a pretty honest take a good reminder about this part of the year:

"It's that time of the season where it's been a long season," Caupain said, "and everybody's starting to - I wouldn't say check out - but everybody's tired, injured. Everybody's not locked in. We came into a good place at Temple, nice home crowd, and they were ready to play."[/I]
That's rather telling, imo, which is why I'm not too concerned about us at the moment. I think we'll lose our standard SEC tourney game just like in '96 and '12 and then go on to snag #9. I'm feeling good.
Re: GYER24-0

I don't disagree, and I'm glad most of you seem to "get it"

There are MANY out there, however, who don't...and will argue til the Cows come home that (insert favorite Rupp ere legend) is better, and WOULD BE BETTER, than (insert favorite modern basketball legend).

I'm not sure when that changed, maybe sometime in the 70s? But basketball was wack as touch back in the 40s/50s, for sure.
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