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Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by anthonys735:


If I were black, I'd be pissed they gave us this for Black History Month. Shortest month of the year, miserable weather, no chance for a bar-b-que... talk about adding insult to injury.
Re: GYER24-0

Last night was the first of 6 straight days of non stop Mardi Gras parades for us. Wodie.

Staying at my.....errr...."our" house this entire week is myself, the lass, her mom, her stepdad, her 16 year old brother, her 1 year old nephew, her 2 year old nephew, and our 2 dogs. Uhhhh. Yeah.
Re: GYER24-0

Thursday Randoms:

- SportsCenter had a pretty cool mini-doc segment on Douglas/Tyson last night with Jeremy Schaap. Just got me thinking about the similarities between Iron Mike and Tiger Woods. Those dudes were riding as high as any athletes ever. No one was bigger, transcending sports. Then, seemingly one big event (Douglas fight, Tiger's fight with his wife) and it's over. Nothing was ever the same. Careers collapsed.

- I miss the old days when you were first legal and drinking out anywhere was a great time, even just saddling up in the bar area at Applebees or B-dubbs and drinking Bewtuses for 5-6 hours. Couldn't tell you the last time I did that.

- I love Kanye. I love an eccentric genius- and I think he is. I think his rap skills and catalog are tremendous. But if he were really such a proponent of artistry, Beck is the last dude he should go after. Dude plays like 10 instruments. This isn't Taylor Swift. And for Beyonce? I love her booty and, for what it is, her songs (ones she doesn't even write) aren't bad, but she's the most overrated person on the planet. Beck handled it like a pro. What more does he have to prove?

- Towns has been doing a little hotdogging on the rim of late. I've noticed it. I don't blame Cal for going nuts. It's Karl being himself. Love the kid but he needs to be lit up on occasion. If anyone deserves it and at the same time can take getting chewed out, it's Towns. Lesson learned for the whole team.

- Brickey? What kind of bullshit choice is that? He wasn't even as good or fun as Phil Henderson.

- Finished "Bluegrass"- what a terrible story. I think the courts got it right, though.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by anthonys735:

Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
Umm, Cal was absolutely FURIOUS when that happened, that was just his psycho/sarcastic/heat-of-the-moment reaction to basically mock his team/Karl. He wasn't "cheering for the other team", no matter what he says.

Am I the only one who realizes this?
Nope. I think everyone above mouth breathing status gets it and thoroughly enjoys it because it's hilarious and like JBH said there are countless instances in real life we all want to mockingly celebrate when life kicks us in the nuts.

Yep. It's a natural defense mechanism that kicks in when you're so worked up that the only other option is to kick/punch/completely lose you just do something stupid & sarcastic & basically pretend like you're happy about it and don't give a shit.
Re: GYER24-0

January sucks. You have the Christmas hangover, plus it's bookended by the two worst holidays- New Years and Super Bowl- but I have always liked February. I love the conference basketball grind in February and I enjoy the start of the Lenten season- what it stands for. Plus, you have March right around the corner.
Re: GYER24-0

Kanye West is married to a Kardashian... pretty certain that removes any credibility for him to question talent.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by VernHatton52:

Originally posted by anthonys735:


If I were black, I'd be pissed they gave us this for Black History Month. Shortest month of the year, miserable weather, no chance for a bar-b-que... talk about adding insult to injury.

I'm guessing that if you were black you'd live about 4 blocks south of your current residence.
Re: GYER24-0

To whom it may concern:

If you ever come to my town for pizza, you better be respectful, get in/get out, then thank your lucky stars if you get to leave. The police presence here is very strong and they know about you. Don't try it. Eat your pizza and leave. Idk what brings you here (i assume it's The Price is Right taping on 2/18), but it's not a great decision on your part. There is mustard gas all over this town. It sucks. The pizza sucks. The meth is cheap. You won't enjoy it. I can promise you that.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by VernHatton52:

Originally posted by anthonys735:


If I were black, I'd be pissed they gave us this for Black History Month. Shortest month of the year, miserable weather, no chance for a bar-b-que... talk about adding insult to injury.
You people just can't be satisfied with anything.

American Heart Month - Do hearts stop beating because its a short month?

LGBT History Month - Do the weirdos stop celebrating their 50 shades of gay because it isn't Leap Year?

National Bird-Feeding Month - Do the birds stop eating and shitting on my patio because the month is only 28 days?

International Dadaism Month - Do the little babies stop saying "DADA, DADA?" Don't answer that, most of you people don't have any idea who your real Daddy is.

Just be happy you have a month and STFU. TIA.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by wcc31:
- Brickey? What kind of bullshit choice is that? He wasn't even as good or fun as Phil Henderson.
False, he was the most fun Duke player ever. His thunderous throwdowns were some of my earliest non UK memories of college hoops. He's awesome!

And Kanye is no genius. He's an overrated, typical, jive ass punk bitch. In 5 years he'll be out of material and judging some wack ass singing competition that you and BBdk will be breaking down on here on a weekly basis.
Re: GYER24-0

It's about the only choice.

If he was smart, he would have just got a Lil C's and got back on the interstate right quick.
Re: GYER24-0


Shots fired towards Portland.
Re: GYER24-0

Kanye is definitely a genius.

...and he's a bitch and a pretty terrible person, who's new material gets worse and worse every year.

You can be both, and he is.

Not completely giving up on him in the studio, old Kanye was

This post was edited on 2/12 10:02 AM by B.B.d.K.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by SAECATFAN:
Originally posted by Wildcat Willy:
SAE, I'll help you dispose of Vern's body in that hole in your backyard, if you want.
Thanks. Have anything against incineration?
Nah. If it was good enough for my fake ancestors, it works for me.

He got rid of that ridiculous ponytail though, right? The smell of burning hair makes me nauseous.
Re: GYER24-0

The only thing getting buried in that hole, Willy, is SAE's St. X memorabilia, newspaper clippings, letter jacket, etc. SAE will have another destiny. I'm going to handcuff him to the jungle gym in Shawnee Park in his briefs ala Men at Work. On his back will be tattoo of the confederate flag.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by VernHatton52:
The only thing getting buried in that hole, Willy, is SAE's St. X memorabilia, newspaper clippings, letter jacket, etc. SAE will have another destiny. I'm going to handcuff him to the jungle gym in Shawnee Park in his briefs ala Men at Work. On his back will be tattoo of the confederate flag.
I know the name of Richie's black friend from the Pendennis Club FWIW.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by VernHatton52:

You all use genius quite loosely around here. If Kanye is a genius then we've lost as a society.
Maybe that's the wrong word, but not sure how anyone can deny Kanye's talent? You said on FB he's "untalented". That's just silly...

I'd say in his arena, he's pretty close to genius. His work/impact and what he's made of himself speaks for itself, I'd think.

That said, I pretty much hate him in 2015.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by B.B.d.K.:
That dude would crack Vern over the head w/ a bottle of Henry Bain, be a light snack for him I'd imagine.
That dude is in my back pocket just like the Mexican at the end of Diggstown. Just call me James Woods, bitches.
Re: GYER24-0

Maybe untalented was the wrong word as well but he's performing in a weak era for hip hop and music in general. I guess that's why he stands out to most.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by Wildcat Willy:
I'm with Vern on Kanye.
Naw, buddy. You've chosen sides. No one is with Vern. I'm Sting during the NWO era. I stand alone.
Re: GYER24-0

Just curious- do any of you pretentious dickwads use your middle initial officially, like work titles and such? I work with a lot of collegiate professors and every damn one of them insists on using it, which I find annoying.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by PTI (pti):
Last night was the first of 6 straight days of non stop Mardi Gras parades for us. Wodie.

Staying at my.....errr...."our" house this entire week is myself, the lass, her mom, her stepdad, her 16 year old brother, her 1 year old nephew, her 2 year old nephew, and our 2 dogs. Uhhhh. Yeah.
It's about time you made Tiff an honest woman.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by wcc31:
Just curious- do any of you pretentious dickwads use your middle initial officially, like work titles and such? I work with a lot of collegiate professors and every damn one of them insists on using it, which I find annoying.
Sort of like hyphenated last names for married women... yes, it's annoying.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by wcc31:
Just curious- do any of you pretentious dickwads use your middle initial officially, like work titles and such? I work with a lot of collegiate professors and every damn one of them insists on using it, which I find annoying.
There are plenty of attorneys who use the "first initial + middle name" combo, and I find it somewhat
. Throwing an "Esq" in there will also produce the ol' wanking motion from UCL. Yeah, you're an attorney. I get it.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by PTI (pti):
Last night was the first of 6 straight days of non stop Mardi Gras parades for us. Wodie.

Staying at my.....errr...."our" house this entire week is myself, the lass, her mom, her stepdad, her 16 year old brother, her 1 year old nephew, her 2 year old nephew, and our 2 dogs. Uhhhh. Yeah.
Sorry I missed that. So is her family asking when you guys are gonna get engaged too?

GFY Anth. Boat Radio would have a much better following than HVAC princess diaries.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by wcc31:
Just curious- do any of you pretentious dickwads use your middle initial officially, like work titles and such? I work with a lot of collegiate professors and every damn one of them insists on using it, which I find annoying.
I don't, but I did put Adrian W. Baldwin on my first business card out of college when I was with Wells Fargo.

Meemommie was none too pleased, as my middle name is her maiden name ---> so I reordered new ones.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by Wildcat Willy:

False. If he really wasn't rooting for the other team to win he would've called a time out and switched to a box-and-1.
It makes me happy to know tonight you will clean up kids puke, step in cat shit and sleep on a couch with a Barbie rammed up your poop shoot.
Re: GYER24-0

Originally posted by UnfrozenCatfanLawyer:

Originally posted by wcc31:
Just curious- do any of you pretentious dickwads use your middle initial officially, like work titles and such? I work with a lot of collegiate professors and every damn one of them insists on using it, which I find annoying.
There are plenty of attorneys who use the "first initial + middle name" combo, and I find it somewhat
. Throwing an "Esq" in there will also produce the ol' wanking motion from UCL. Yeah, you're an attorney. I get it.
Agreed, but I'll straight up use that "Hon." prefix we can do in KY. Eat it, non-Hon. out of state lawyers.
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