Guy's the NCAA wants us to stop saying 2 minute warning

They are calling it the "2 minute timeout" now.

I guess College football has pronouns as well now.

I think it’s stupid, but they never had a 2 minute warning in college football as this is the first year of it. Guess it’s a way to differentiate from the NFL.
They didn't have it in college, though.
I hope we’re up by 49 at the 2 minute warning! 😆🇺🇸

a silhouette of a person is behind a red light .
When it was announced the NCAA said it wasn’t another done for tv ($) but the referee last night called it a media timeout on the field. You be the judge.
Maybe the NFL added a trademark to the phrase "Two Minute Warning" and told NCAA not to use it or else 🤔 but either way, I'm still going to call it a Two Minute Warning lol.